Capstone Projects from 2024
Entry Level Capstone: Occupational Therapy's Role for Individuals with Long-Term Neurological Conditions, Courtney Ahle
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Diversidad de Enfoques del Liderazgo Transformacional en Instituciones Educativas: una Revisión Sistemática, Néstor Amado Cárdenas
Entry Level Capstone: Occupational Therapy's Role in Maternal, Infant, and Family Wellness: Policy, Procedure, and Program Development, Emilee Armstrong
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Transdisciplinary Perceptions of Collaborative Service Delivery for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kimberly Auletta
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Factores que Inciden en la Deserción de los Estudiantes del Programa de Derecho en una Institución de Educación a Distancia de la República Dominicana, José Alejandro Aybar
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Experiencia del Docente en el Desarrollo de Destrezas Sociales y Comunicativas a Través del Teatro en Estudiantes con Discapacidad: Estudio de Caso Único, María Judith Banchs Cabrera
Thesis: Euhaplorchis sp. A Effect on Social Behavior and Familiarity of Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis), Hannah Bauman
Entry Level Capstone: Increasing Reading Comprehension and Accuracy by Enhancing Reading Mechanics in Preadolescence: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Academia, Shireena Behel
Entry Level Capstone: Sensory Processing Assessment in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Research Capstone Experience, Clarissa Benzarti
Entry Level Capstone: Remote Work Ergonomics: A Doctoral Capstone Experience, Kaynath Bhamani
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Decreasing Bullying in a Large Urban School District, Johnny William Bostick
Entry Level Capstone: Healthcare Barriers and Supports to Healthcare Participation within the LGBTQIA+ Community: A Systematic Review, Jordan Bradley
Entry Level Capstone: Development of an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Adolescents of American Military Members Deployed Overseas to Support Mental Health, Aaron N. Brion and Tyler J. Russo
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Case Study: Implementing Strategies to Meet the Needs of English Language Learners, Sierra Brooks
Dissertation: Administrators’ Perceptions of the Impact of Restorative Practices on Discipline Referrals and Suspension Rates in a Rural Elementary School, Gregory W. Brown
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Urban Middle School General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Students With Mild Disabilities, LaTonya Bryant
Entry Level Capstone: Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Recovery High Schools for Adolescents with Substance use Disorder and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders, Taylor P. Buono
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using a Summer Bridge Program to Address College Readiness for First Year Community College Students, Roberta S. Carew
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Lived Experiences of School Principals in Adapting Their Leadership Roles During the Transition to Virtual Learning Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sheryl L. Carter
Entry Level Capstone: Sleep Rehabilitation Program for Military Members with TBIs & SCIs, Hailey M. Cassidy
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Western Pacific K-12 Educators’ Adoption of Digital Game-Based Learning, Lorraine Raqueño Catienza
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción de Docentes Sobre el Uso de Gamificación Para Mejorar Comprensión Lectora, la Motivación y el Aprovechamiento Académico en Estudiantes de Nivel Superior, Celinés Chamorro Caraballo
Entry Level Capstone: Measuring Program Effectiveness of the Assistive Social Skills and Employment Training, Alyssa A. Chappel
Dissertation: Engagement Strategies in a Virtual Classroom, Kelly Clarke
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Estilos de Liderazgo en Directores de Escuelas Públicas y su Efectividad en Emergencia Nacional en Puerto Rico, Glendalys E. Colón González
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Motivación del Maestro y su Incidencia en el Abandono del Ejercicio Docente con Cinco años o Menos de Experiencia en Escuelas Secundarias de la Región Sureste de los Estados Unidos, Miguel Ángel Colón
Entry Level Capstone: National Institutes of Health: Clinical Research & Clinical Practice Skills in Occupational Therapy, Arianna Z. Cook
Dissertation: Elevating Inclusion: Understanding the Employee Experience of Latinx Immigrants in the Technology Industry, Angelica Coronel
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Factores de Retención, Persistencia y Deserción de Estudiantes Universitarios de la Modalidad a Distancia en un Programa de Administración de Empresas, Sharon Correa Ramos
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Integración del Liderazgo Transformacional Para Medir la Resistencia al Cambio en una Empresa de Puerto Rico, Herbert H. Crouch Torres
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Integración de la Tecnología y el Nivel de Alfabetización Digital del Maestro en el Desarrollo del Proceso de Lecto-Escritura del Estudiante en Una Escuela de Nivel Elemental en Puerto Rico, Michelle E. Cruz Inoa
Dissertation: School Leaders’ Understanding and Implementation of Their School District’s Mission and Vision Statements: A Qualitative Study, Venice P. Daley
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Journey to the Summit: A Phenomenological Study Examining the Black Female’s Pursuit of the College Presidency, Stephanie J. Dauway
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evaluación de la Eficiencia del Autoaprendizaje Virtual de Términos Técnicos en el Curso Introducción a la Informática Previo a la Enseñanza Presencial, José Luis Delgado Bello
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Uso de las TIC en el Proceso de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Como Docente Innovador, Madeline Delgado Malavé
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Competencias Digitales Docentes y su Desempeño Pedagógico en el Aula Virtual, Yanit Delgado Ramos
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Efectividad de las Estrategias Analíticas del Aprendizaje en el Rendimiento Académico en Cursos de Matemática Básica en una Universidad de la República Dominicana, Silverio Del Orbe Abad
Dissertation: Development of Cybersecurity Footprint Index for Manufacturing Companies to Assess Organizational Cyber Posture, John A. Del Vecchio
Entry Level Capstone: Trauma Informed Care in Hippotherapy, Erin M. Deren
Entry Level Capstone: Increasing Parent Participation in NICU Care and Preparation for Discharge, Biancah A. Derival
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Homeschooled Students’ Perceptions of Their Social Competence, Emotional Intelligence, and Academic Skills Development, Kerrie-Ann J. Dixon
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción sobre los Factores que Inciden en la Utilización de la Plataforma de Microsoft TEAMS en Tiempos de Pandemia, Jessica Rosa Domenech
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Challenges Teachers Face When Implementing Mult-Tiered Systems of Supports: Recommendations and Interventions, Amber Durrett Drake
Dissertation: African American Parents and School-Based Parental Involvement at the Secondary Level, Mark A. Dykes
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Satisfacción en Estudiantes de Enfermería Hacia Cambio de Educación Presencial a Virtual en una Universidad de Puerto Rico, Wanda J. Echevarría Ortiz
Entry Level Capstone: Enhancing Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone Planning: Integrating 2023 Standards into Curriculum, Samantha Edwards
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Pre-Referral Perceptions and Procedures of General Education Teachers of English as a Second Language Elementary Students, Jessica Elwell
Dissertation: Experiencias de los Líderes Universitarios Sobre la Planificación Estratégica en las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Puerto Rico, Iván J. Escalante Claudio
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Rendimiento Académico en Una Institución de Educación Superior de República Dominicana, Mercedes Esquea Acosta
Thesis: Caribbean Gorgonian Coral-Zooxanthellae Network: Establishing Critical Symbiotic Relationships in an Uncertain Climate, Brady Estrada
Dissertation: A Study on Reducing Motor Stereotypy With Response Interruption and Redirection Using Functionally Matched and Unmatched Stimuli, Alana Fallucca
Dissertation: Harm-Focused Policing: A Comparison of Citizen and Patrol Deputy Perceptions on the Severity of Social Harms, Christina Finn
Thesis: Understanding Bigeye Scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) in Southeast Florida: Age-growth, Reproduction, and Diet, Mariah France
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Clima Organizacional en una Empresa Emergente o (Startup) de Puerto Rico y su Incidencia en la Satisfacción y Compromiso Laboral de sus Empleados, en Época del COVID -19, Gladys N. Fuentes Cruz
Thesis: Estimating the Carbon Flux Contributions of Three Common Myctophids in the Gulf of Mexico, Mary S. Gad
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Perceptions of Elementary School Teachers Toward the Use of a Digital Curriculum to Address Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Program, Keisha Gadson
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Características del Liderazgo Positivo y su Incidencia en la Sobrevivencia de los Pequeños Negocios en Época de Crisis- Una Revisión Sistemática Desde la Literatura, Idalmis García
Entry Level Capstone: An Anxiety and Coping Mechanism Educational Program for Children and Adolescents, Amanda Garrett
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Experiencias de Docentes del Nivel Inicial Sobre la Autoeficacia de la Herramienta en Línea EDUPLAN en un Municipio en la Región Norte de la República Dominicana, Amarilys Germán López
Dissertation: Assessing Organizational Investments in Cybersecurity and Financial Performance Before and After Data Breach Incidents of Cloud SaaS Platforms, Munther B. Ghazawneh
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Qualitative Exploratory Case Study of a Rural Mechatronics Pathway in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education, Theaser Gilbert, III
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Implementación del Liderazgo Transformacional como Herramienta Para Promover la Satisfacción Laboral en un Programa del Gobierno de Puerto Rico, Julie O. Gómez Gómez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effects of the HOPE Model on Development of Fine Motor Skills in Children With Sensory Processing Disorder, Ilianette González
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Diseño de un Prototipo de Sistema Web para Gestión Integral de Tesis de Postgrado en una Universidad Pública: Enfoque en las Necesidades de Estudiantes, Tutores y Administrativos en la República Dominicana, Radhamés Silverio González
Thesis: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Parrotfish (Scaridae) Population Structure Across Florida’s Coral Reef, Zachary T. Graff
Dissertation: Student Attitudes and Intentions to Use Continuous Authentication Methods Applied to Mitigate Impersonation Attacks During E-Assessments, Andrea E. Green
Dissertation: Heed the Warning Signs: The Effectiveness of Message Popup Warnings for Deterring the Spread of Misinformation, Hollis Greenberg
Dissertation: Instructional Leadership and Self-Efficacy: A Case Study About Elementary School Principals, Barbara J. Hall
Entry Level Capstone: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Long Covid Rehabilitation, Lisa H. Hamilton
Dissertation: Balancing Acts: Navigating the Impact of Working from Home on Women, Families and Beyond, Gayle Marie Hardison
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Power of Peer Support: Use of Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention to Enhance the Social Development of Middle School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Julie Harris
Entry Level Capstone - NSU Access Only: Occupational Therapy’s Role in Increasing Patient Adherence during the Maintenance Phase of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Treatment, Hannah Heiss
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Efectividad de un Curso de Introducción a la Informática en Modalidad Virtual Usando la Metodología de Aula Invertida en una Institución de Educación Superior Pública de República Dominicana, Yasmin Hernández Reyes
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Perceptions of Teachers on Challenges and Barriers to Meeting the Needs of Students With Hearing Impairments in Inclusion Classes, Chikima Herring
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Generic Qualitative Study of Inclusion Services for Regional High School Students With Disabilities, Teresa Ingram
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Phenomenological Study on University Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes of the Effectiveness of Mobile Apps on Communicative Competence, Leveth Jackson
Dissertation: Faculty Experiences Incorporating Universal Design for Learning in Online Course Design at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Chinyere Yvette James
Capstone: Exploration of Enterococcus faecalis Bacteriophages Diversity: Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis and Discovery Isolation of Enterococcus faecalis Phage from a Soil Sample in South Florida, Hailey N. Jauernick
Dissertation: Victim Advocates' Experiences in the Provision of Domestic Violence Services for Jewish Women, Michael Sue Jenefsky
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Efecto del Síndrome Burnout en el Personal Docente de Nivel Escolar Intermedio, Anthony I. Jiménez Toro
Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of Extant Oceanic Shark Species Using Trait-Based Ecology, Elizabeth A. Johnson
Thesis: Understanding the Relationship Between [ATP], Growth Rate, and Inoculum Effect in β-Lactamase Producing Bacteria, Ariane R. Kalifa
Dissertation: Punitive Experiences: Perspectives of School Discipline Among Black American Males, Joseph Martin King
Thesis: Trophic Ecology of Black Swallowers (Scombriformes: Chiasmodontidae: Chiasmodon) In the Deep-Pelagic Gulf of Mexico, Travis J. Kirk
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Metazoan Endoparasites of King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) as Possible Biological Tags, Charles Klingler
Thesis: Assessment of Thermal Preferences and Critical Temperature Tolerance Polygons on Mangrove Fish and Invertebrates From South Florida, Jailynn Konkler
Dissertation: Stakeholder Participation and Perceptions in Professional Learning Communities: A Case Study in a Small, Rural School District, Rachel M. Kowalski
Thesis: Frequent Disease Intervention on the Largest Corals Prolongs Colony Life During Coral Disease Outbreaks, Allie Kozachuk
Entry Level Capstone: Understanding Occupational Therapy’s Role in Injury Prevention for Pickleball Players and Communities, Kelly Lambert
Dissertation: Determining the More Effective Behavior Analytic Intervention for Children with Autism Who Exhibit Pica Behaviors, Jennifer J. Lanham
Entry Level Capstone: Occupation-Based Interventions to Address Mental Health of Graduate Students, Ashley Latigue
Thesis: The Trophic Ecology and Vertical Distribution of the Deep-Pelagic Fish Scombrolabrax heterolepis (Scombriformes: Scombrolabracidae), an ‘Advanced’ Fish in a World of ‘Primitive’ Fishes, Kathryn Lim
Entry Level Capstone: Occupational Therapy with Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Hana Listes
Thesis: The Effects of Simulated Predation and Nursery Structure on Post-Outplant Survival and Growth of Sexual Juveniles of Six Caribbean Coral Species, Jarrod Little
Entry Level Capstone: Developing a Summer Enrichment Program for School-Aged Children: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Summer Experiences, Morgann Lonczak
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: El Síndrome de Burnout y la Satisfacción Laboral del Personal de Enfermería en un Hospital Privado de Puerto Rico durante la Pandemia del Covid-19, Cristian López Rivera
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Efecto de la Alineación Curricular de Herramientas Tecnológicas Sobre el Rendimiento Académico en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas en Escuelas Públicas de la Región de Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, Yamilet Lugo Ortiz
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Enhancing Sign Language Recognition and Hand Gesture Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Data Augmentation Techniques, Oladayo A. Luke
Dissertation: Empirical Assessment of Remote Workers’ Cyberslacking and Computer Security Posture to Assess Organizational Cybersecurity Risks, Ariel Luna
Dissertation: Campus Police Legitimacy and Campus Crime Reporting: Moderating Effects of Academic Major, James Earl Lyons II