"Case Study: Implementing Strategies to Meet the Needs of English Langu" by Sierra Brooks

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Judith B. Galician

Committee Member

Barbara Christina


English language learners, English as a second language, professional development, secondary school teachers


This applied dissertation was designed to provide an understanding of effective ways to meet the needs of English language learners. To focus its inquiry and gain a thorough understanding of the experiences and methods of teachers in various classroom environments, the study used a case study approach. Extensive interviews with the participants yielded interesting insights into the methods they use to tailor their instruction to the requirements of their students as well as the useful resources they include into their instruction. A thorough grasp of instructional dynamics was also made possible by the participants' permission for the researcher to observe in their classes. These observations enhanced the information from the interviews by offering insightful background information and complex viewpoints on techniques for parent involvement and differentiated lesson planning.

After conducting the interviews, the researcher examined the transcripts to identify emerging themes that helped interpret the data. Three general themes emerged from data analysis: (a) ELLs learning is impacted by behavioral challenges, (b) educating students differently is essential to fulfilling their needs, (c) parental involvement is essential to helping students succeed academically.

The findings of this study will serve as an instructional guide for school districts across the United States, highlighting areas of need and giving practical insights to enhance educational outcomes for English language learners. By identifying successful teaching strategies and resource resources used by educators, this study will enable districts to modify their educational approaches to better meet the various requirements of ELLs. Furthermore, the information acquired will help not only ELL-specific teaching techniques, but the entire classroom, by using inclusive and differentiated learning approaches.

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