"Occupational Therapy's Role in Maternal, Infant, and Family Wellness: " by Emilee Armstrong

Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Kymberlee Eisenhut, RN

Second Mentor

Mariana D'Amico, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA


This capstone project aimed to advocate for maternal, infant, and family wellness through occupational therapy services. The focus areas of my capstone project included administration, advocacy, policy and program development. I developed two post-cesarean delivery policies for maternal rehabilitation and father-infant bonding, a Kangaroo Father Care program, and an occupational therapy position proposal. The Kangaroo Father Care program included healthcare professional educational modules, an administration checklist, and facility and patient flyers. My project aimed to develop the foundation for implementing acute maternal rehabilitative services for a regional hospital in Northeast Indiana. The knowledge and skills I gained throughout my capstone experience will continue to be utilized to advocate for occupational therapy to improve healthcare professionals' knowledge of occupational therapy, redefine the standard of care, and increase patient outcomes.
