NSU Theses and Dissertations | Nova Southeastern University
All theses, dissertations, capstones, and applied clinical projects from graduate students at Nova Southeastern University.


Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Dissertation: Enhancing Cultural Intelligence in Global Leaders Through Global Leadership Development Programs: An Exploratory Case Study, Dalmarie Lawrence


Capstone: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Internal Transcribed Sequences (ITS) as DNA Barcodes to Estimate Fungal Diversity, Jailisa Linares


Dissertation: Perceptions of School Resource Officers on Their Role in Southern Maryland Public Elementary Schools, Lori B. Lodge


Dissertation: Movement, Behavior, and Trophic Ecology of a Pelagic Predator Guild in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, Ryan Keith Logan


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción de los Docentes al Cambio Hacia la Modalidad E-Learning y el Uso de Estrategias Interactivas Debido al COVID 19, Cynthia López Delgado


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Satisfacción Laboral y Motivación Intrínseca de los Trabajadores en una Corporación de Producción en Worcester, María López Ramos


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Case Study of Elementary School Students’ Interest and Content Knowledge of Science in a Place-Based, Community-Integrated Science Learning Academy, Suzelene Louis-Charles


Dissertation: Application of Genomic Compression Techniques for Efficient Storage of Captured Network Traffic Packets, James Alfred Loving


Entry Level Capstone - NSU Access Only: Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Markers in Infants Using the Infant Motor and Engagement Scale, Amy R. MacDonald


Entry Level Capstone: Incorporating an Occupational Therapy Perspective in a Pediatric Early Developmental Clinic, Olivia Mahoney


Dissertation: Percepción de los Maestros de Educación Especial el Director Escolar y los Consejeros Escolares sobre el Rol Administrativo de la Escuela Secundaria para Cumplir con el Proceso de Transición en Jóvenes Discapacitados, Yelitza Maldonado Santiago


Dissertation: COVID-19: Social Support Among the Bereaved, Fernande Nanda Mamane


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Effects of an Intervention on Perceived Activity Levels in a Fifth-Grade Physical Education Class, Kristin k. Marchese


Thesis: Growth Productivity Serves as a Determinant of the Inoculum Effect in Staphylococcus aureus, Estefania Marin Meneses


Dissertation: The Lived Experiences of 911 Telecommunicators: Life Outside of the Call Center, Mary's Dariela Martinez


Entry Level Capstone: Animal Assisted Therapy and the Improvement of Mental Health of Elderly in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Shania Mathew and Shania Mathew


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción del Maestro de Preescolar acerca del Coaching, como Estrategia de Desarrollo Profesional en el Programa de Head Start de Puerto Rico y su Receptividad al Proceso, Adaly Matos Pastor Una


Entry Level Capstone: A Social and Emotional Learning Program for School-Aged Children, Jenna T. Maurer and Jenna T. Maurer


Thesis: The Plastic Pandemic: Examining Surgical Face Mask Degradation in the Marine Environment in Times of COVID-19, Christopher J. Mayer


Dissertation: Teacher Perceptions of Preparedness to Teach a Diverse Group of English Language Learners With Different Literacy Levels and Languages in the Mainstream Elementary Classroom, Jennifer Mehu


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción de la Facultad de Enfermería sobre la Efectividad de la Inclusión del Lenguaje de Señas en su Currículo Académico Universitario, Wilma Mercado-Rey


Dissertation: El Modelo de Respuesta de Intervención y la Percepción de los Maestros de Escuela Elemental Sobre las Prácticas para el Pre-Registro de Estudiantes de Escuela Elemental, Omar Octavio Mercado Rivera


Thesis: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Internal Wave Interactions on Conch Reef, Florida Keys, Megan Miller

Entry Level Capstone: A Guide for the Treatment of Tendonitis, Dominic Montalto


Dissertation: Medical Imaging Professionals Experiencing Workplace Interprofessional Conflict: A Phenomenological Study, Robert Carroll Moody


Dissertation: Beyond Human Error: Seafarers’ Perceptions About Their Interpersonal Conflicts in a Multicultural Workplace A Typology of Seafarers’ Conflicts Contributing to Maritime Accidents, Eugenio Moreno


Dissertation: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Instructors Establishing Teaching Presence in Online Higher Education Programs in Jamaica, Venesse Morrison-Leon


Dissertation: Human Trafficking: The Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Trafficking in the US, Anthony A. Mottola


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teachers’ Perceptions of Technology Preparedness in an Urban Elementary School Setting, Vanessa Muhammad


Thesis: Cytokine Profiles in Peruvian Pinnipeds and Their Relationships with Environmental Stressors, Mykenzee L. Munaco


Dissertation: Cause for Complaint: A Case Study Exploring Office for Civil Rights Complaints and Resolutions Related to Digital Accessibility at Public Colleges and Universities, Helen Gema Muñiz Bermudez


Dissertation: Living a Nightmare: A Study on the Reluctance of Native American Women to Report Violent Crimes to Police, Misty Marie Neal


Entry Level Capstone: Therapeutic Gardening Program for Adults in a Behavioral Health Facility, Tam-Dan Nguyen


Entry Level Capstone: Improving Sleep Quality in Human Trafficking Survivors, Shanon Ninan


Dissertation: An Investigation of Methods for Improving Spatial Invariance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification, David Noel


Thesis: An Ecological Assessment of the Deep-Pelagic Fish Genus Cyclothone (Gonostomatidae; Stomiiformes), Possibly the World’s Most Abundant Fishes, in the Gulf of Mexico, Olivia C. North-Menthonnex


Thesis: The Materiality of Waka and Ikebana: Locating Ecological Relationships Between Delivery and Arrangement, Bianca Oliveira


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: International Response to the Anglophone Crisis of Cameroon and Challenges to R2P: Russia and China Perspectives in Affirming or Dismissing R2P-Related Issues, Radar Jones Onguetou Essiene


Dissertation: Evaluating the Effects of Video Modeling and Visual Supports on Preschoolers’ Compliance With Dental Procedures, Karly L. Orsi-Cordova


Dissertation: Examining Teachers’ Experiences With Mindfulness Practices to Promote Positive Relationships and Student Engagement in the Classroom, Hiram Ortega


Dissertation: Adaptive Functioning and Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptom Severity in Childhood: Parent Perception vs Clinician Rating, Corin Lillian Osborn


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción del Dominio de Competencias Profesionales y Necesidad de Formación de Profesores de Humanidades en una Institución Universitaria Puertorriqueña, Sonia M. Pacheco Collado


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Transición en la Formación Académica Presencial a Virtual en los Cursos de Ley de Una Escuela Naval en Colombia, Diego Fernando Patrón Cáceres


Dissertation: The Digital Footprint Effect: A Grounded Theory on the Influence of Social Media on Human Resource Managers’ Hiring Decisions, Tanya Pawlowski


Thesis: Twenty Years of Change in a Southeast Florida Acropora Cervicornis Thicket, Daniel Perez


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Correlación entre la Metodología Andragógica Aplicada por los Docentes y el Aprovechamiento Académico de los Estudiantes Adultos en el Programa de Educación para Adultos del Departamento de Educación en Puerto Rico, Damaris Esther Pérez Gullón


Dissertation: Percepción de Docentes en Integración de Herramientas Tecnológicas Utilizando el Modelo PICRAT en una Institución de Nivel Superior, Marangely Perez Montalvo


Thesis: Exploring Host-Parasite Interactions in the Euhaplorchis Californiensis-Fundulus Parvipinnis System, Bennett J. Perry


Dissertation: Comparison of Achievement Differences Based on Years of Participation in a One-to-One Laptop Program, Anne Petersen-Carnell


Dissertation: How COVID-19 Impacted the Suicide Rates: A Qualitative Research Analysis, Midline Pierre


Dissertation: Improving the Quality of Academic Advisors' Practices to Aid Distance Learners’ Retention, Kenyeta R. Pino


Dissertation: Diseño Instruccional en la Planeación Didáctica del Programa Académico de Contaduría Pública en una Universidad Privada de Colombia, Rafael Humberto Pinzon Alfonso


Thesis: Coral Castles: Protecting Polyps from Parrotfish Predation, Kyle Anthony-Kicking Bear Pisano


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Attention Spans in Reading of Pre-K Students in a Head-Start Program, Ternesha Pittman


Thesis: Optimization of Light Spectrum During Coral Grow-out, Daisy N. Ponce


Dissertation: The Impact of Job Demands and Job Resources on Clery Officers’ Feelings of Self-Efficacy, Jacqueline Pontius-Hogan


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Retrospective Study Examining Special Education Speech and Language Referrals in an Urban School District, Nichelle Porter


Dissertation: Exploring the Influence of School Location on School Resource Officers’ Perceptions of Their Roles and Priorities, Larry A. Potts


Dissertation: The Lived Experience and Perceived Challenges of Child Protective Investigators Who Place Children in Foster Care, Elizabeth Presume


Thesis: Investigating the Effects of a Southward Flow in the Southeastern Florida Shelf Using Robotic Instruments, Alfredo Quezada


Thesis: The Endoparasite Fauna of Mesopredatory Mesopelagic Teleosts, Alexander U. Rayburn


Thesis: Applying Integrative Systematics to the Poorly Explored Symbiotic Relationships Between Echinoderms and Zoanthidea, Savannah Renken


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Eficacia del Docente como Líder Transformacional en Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje y su Impacto en el Aprovechamiento Académico del Estudiante Virtual en una Universidad de Puerto Rico, Alberto J. Rentas García


Thesis: Evaluating Post-Release Survival and Distribution of Juvenile Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Caught on Buoy Gear Within the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straits, Cody Rewis


Thesis: Cnidae in Integrative Systematics of Zoanthidea: A Sticking Point, Melissa Rex


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teacher Perceptions Concerning the Instruction of Social Justice at the Elementary School Level, Clara I. Reyes


Dissertation: Teacher Perceptions of the Implementation of a Digital Token Economy in Inclusive Classrooms, Richard Thomas Richardson


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Personalización de un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje: Un Ejemplo de Aplicación de Inteligencia Artificial, Noé Rafael Rivera Leiva


Dissertation: La Percepción de los Consejeros Escolares como Líderes Educativos en las Escuelas Privadas del Área Este de Puerto Rico, Sol Yary Rivera Rosario


Entry Level Capstone: Expanding the Occupational Therapy Oncology Rehabilitation Program at James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital, Annalisa M. Rodriguez


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Liderazgo Femenino y su Relación con el Desempeño Laboral del Empleado en una Industria Farmacéutica de Puerto Rico, Lila Rodríguez Hernández


Dissertation: La Enseñanza Acorde con Estilos de Aprendizajes y Capacidades Sensoriales, Optimiza la Efectividad del Aprendizaje en los Estudiante de una Universidad de Florida-USA: Mito o Realidad, Juan Ramon Rodriguez


Dissertation: Cultural Diversity in Education: Examining the Challenges and Issues of LGBTQ Students Enrolled in a Tertiary Education Institution in The Bahamas, Terry Laverne Rolle


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Identidad del Rol de Exalumnos Universitarios en Puerto Rico y su Perfil como Mentores: Implicaciones para una Vinculación Efectiva de Exalumnos en la Educación Superior, René S. Ronda Ramírez


Dissertation: An Empirical Assessment of the Use of Password Workarounds and the Cybersecurity Risk of Data Breaches, Michael Joseph Rooney


Thesis: Parameterizing the Spillage Left Behind: Datafication, Machine Learning Algorithms, and the Question of Ecological Agency, Courtney Rosenthal


Dissertation: An Examination of a Traditional Business Curriculum and Its Effect on Students’ Level of Moral Decision Making, Brian M. Rothschild


Entry Level Capstone: Occupational Therapy’s Role in Pain Management Within the Chiropractic Setting, Samantha J. Royer


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Case Study of an At-Risk African American Female Student Using Chickering’s Seven Vectors of Identity Development, Eddie Runner


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Case Study of an Elder Village and its Sustainability, Annemarie Russell


Dissertation: Teacher Attrition Rates in a Large Urban Elementary School in the Southeastern United States, Yvonne Joy Russ


Entry Level Capstone: Fall Prevention & Vision Therapy Program for Inpatient Rehab, James P. Ryan


Thesis: Addressing Water Hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) Impacts on Aquatic Biota in Lake Okeechobee, Joseph Salerno


Entry Level Capstone: The Impact of Occupational Therapy Involvement in Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), Alexis C. Sambuco


Dissertation: Understanding the Circumstances That Contribute to Teacher Retention and Attrition in an Urban School District and the Impacts of Financial Incentives on Teacher Retention, Meshelley Sams


Thesis: Effects of Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms on the Microbial Community Within Lake Okeechobee, FL, USA, Paisley S. Samuel


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Liderazgo Efectivo a Distancia y sus Beneficios con el E-Learning, Blanca I. Sánchez Rivera


Dissertation: Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations, Jackie Christopher Scott


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Educación Tutorial Centrada en el Estilo de Aprendizaje en Estudiantes de Enfermería, Astrid G. Seguí Rodríguez


Dissertation: La Incidencia en el Desarrollo de Competencias Digitales de los Estudiantes de una Universidad Virtual en Texas, Elga D. Sepulveda Suarez


Thesis: Using Carbon Source Preference to Modulate the Antibiotic Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in Co-Culture., Elinor Sevy


Entry Level Capstone: A Transitional Program from Elementary to Middle School, Savannah S. Shontere


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Qualitative Study of Novice Primary Grade Teachers’ Challenges of Teaching Reading, Jo Yolanda Smith


Dissertation: Multilevel Modeling of Academic Self-Concept and Moderation of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect in Math and Science for TIMSS 2019 Participating Countries, Heather Marie Spangler


Dissertation: A Phenomenology of Mental Health Practitioners’ Experiences With Low-Income Black Youth Seeking Mental Health Support in Massachusetts, Audrey A. Spataro


Dissertation: Examining Campus Crime at Massachusetts’ Colleges and Universities, Kimberly Beskalo Stewart


Thesis: Heavy Metals within the Hawaiian Islands Archipelago as Evidenced in the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Their Prey, Yvanna M. Strait


Entry Level Capstone: Creating a Veteran Suicide Prevention Module in an Entry-level Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program, Christina A. Swoyer


Dissertation: Adversarial Training of Deep Neural Networks, Anabetsy Termini


Thesis: Fishing and Fear Effects Interact to Shape Herbivory on Coral Reefs, Bethany M. Tilton