Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Document Type
Dissertation - NSU Access Only
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice
Gloria Kieley
Committee Member
Gina Peyton
Committee Member
Kimberly Durham
students with disabilities, teacher attitudes, inclusion, self efficacy
General education teachers need to have knowledge and skills along with strategies to effectively provide instruction for students with disabilities being educated in the general education classroom. The influence of teacher attitudes toward students with disabilities can play a powerful role in students’ learning and achievement. General education teachers’ negative attitudes and low expectations can result in the failure of students with disabilities to achieve their potential in the general education classroom. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perceptions of middle school teachers about teaching students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms in an urban school district in South Florida.
The researcher followed a qualitative case study approach by collecting and analyzing the data from participants. The interview transcripts were read, and notes were taken to develop key phrases, patterns, and themes while reviewing the research questions in this study. The data transcribed were organized into different categories and themes based on the interview questions. Data coding was completed to determine the key thoughts and perceptions of the general education teachers as the information related to students receiving instruction in general education classrooms at the research site. The findings from the study showed that several of the urban middle school teachers noted that they have positive attitudes about teaching students with disabilities because they need to help them learn the classroom materials like other students in their classroom. Some of the urban middle school teachers also noted that they have negative attitudes concerning teaching students due to the lack of knowledge and instructional strategies associated with instructing this group of students.
School districts must prioritize research-based strategies to equip general education teachers with the knowledge to bridge the academic, behavioral, and social gaps for students with disabilities. They must also foster the educational relationships between special education and general education teachers through ongoing district-led training sessions. Administrators must solicit support from the district leadership to ensure the implementation of strategies.
NSUWorks Citation
LaTonya Bryant. 2024. Urban Middle School General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Students With Mild Disabilities. Doctoral dissertation. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice. (653)