All theses, dissertations, capstones, and applied clinical projects from graduate students at Nova Southeastern University.


Capstone Projects from 2024


Entry Level Capstone: Understanding Athletes’ Experience when Transitioning to Life Beyond Sport: A Pilot Study, Alyssa L. Moore


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Polymicrobial Growth Dynamics: Inter-Species Interactions and Antibiotic Sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, Trent D. Moulder


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Efectividad en el Aprendizaje de Competencias Digitales en Estudiantes de Nivel Superior en un Curso de Computadoras de una Escuela del Área Sur de Puerto Rico, Héctor Luis Muñiz Miranda


Entry Level Capstone: Advocating for the Role of Occupational Therapy in a Community-based Setting Through the Use of Journaling for Individuals with Chronic Mental Illness, Taylor Muzik-Eversdijk


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Prometheus Unbound in Public Schools: A Phenomenological Study of MacMillan Institute™ Certified Teachers, Onyemaechi Nweze


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Gamificación como Estrategia en el Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés en una Escuela Privada de Puerto Rico, Michelle Oquendo Santiago


Entry Level Capstone: Occupational Therapy & Dyslexia Curriculum, Tiara Ortiz


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción de Alumnos y Profesores sobre la Calidad en Modalidad de Aprendizaje Mixto o B-Learning de una Universidad en República Dominicana, Salvador Francisco Pancorbo Christopher


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evaluación del Nivel de Satisfacción Estudiantil con el Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA) de una Universidad de la República Dominicana, Nelson de Jesús Pantaleón Santana


Dissertation: Examination of the Differences and Similarities in the Classification of Multiple Homicide Perpetrators, Lucy M. Papp


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evaluación de las Competencias Digitales a los Docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de una Universidad Pública de la República Dominicana, Elvis Antonio Paulus Montero


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Conocimiento de los Docentes de Nivel Secundario Sobre el Uso de las TIC Como Estrategia Educativa Para Estudiantes con TDAH en Una Escuela Pública de Puerto Rico, Pamela Pérez Méndez


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Intervención del Terapista Educativo en los Estudiantes con Diagnóstico de Disgrafia Para el Rezago Luego de la Pandemia De COVID 19, Cynthia I. Pérez Reyes


Dissertation: The Narratives of Successful Conflict Resolution Entrepreneurs: Evolving Career Pathways and Determinants of Business Success, Eileen Paige Petzold-Bradley


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evaluating the Impacts of Mentorship Programs in Urban Areas, LaToya Porter


Thesis: Microplastic Quantification on the Effect of Endoparasite Communities in Florida Seabirds, Sarah N. Prieto


Thesis: Emotional Response in Working Memory of Individuals with Latent Toxoplasmosis, Antonella Quimbayo


Dissertation: Using Ontological Methods to Compare Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification 2.0 and COBIT 19, Aaron Marshall Ramey


Dissertation: Design Science Nutrition Label Approach: Satiating U.S. Consumer Concerns for Information Privacy (CFIP) with Privacy Home Automation Assessment Scorecards (PHAATS), Andrew S. Ramos


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Satisfacción del Docente de Nivel Secundario Sobre la Revisión Curricular (2022) del Programa de Salud Escolar del Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico, Nathalia Ramos Marcano


Dissertation: Evaluation of Effects of Behavioral Skills Training in Promoting Three Social Skills in Young Child With Autism: A Multiple Probe Research Design Study, Jennifer Rey


Entry Level Capstone: Multidisciplinary Sensory Recommendations for Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder, Rachael Rice


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje en la Educación Universitaria: Estudio sobre las Barreras en el Aprendizaje y su Relación con el Rendimiento Académico, Michelle Zoé Rivera Arce


Dissertation: El Impacto de la Herramienta Teams en los Maestros como Medio de Enseñanza ante un Evento Pandémico, Jessica M. Rivera Figueroa


Entry Level Capstone: The Role of Occupational Therapy & Postpartum Care, Paula A. Rodriguez


Thesis: "We are Bad Feminists!": Understanding Genre and Rhetoric in (Post)Feminist Dramedy Television, Cailin Rolph


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Conocimiento del Docente de Nivel Elemental Sobre el Desarrollo de las Destrezas Psicosociales en el Proceso de Modificación de Conducta de los Estudiantes con Disturbios Emocionales y de la Conducta, Marleen E. Román Hernández


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Integración del Diseño Gráfico y sus Efectos en los Cambios Educativos del Diseño Instruccional de Canvas Aplicado en una Universidad de Puerto Rico, Fernando Román Rodríguez


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Percepción de los Maestros de Educación Especial sobre el Currículo para Estudiantes con Discapacidad Intelectual en las Escuelas Públicas, Angélica M. Rosado Crespo


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Percepción de los Maestros de Educación Especial sobre la Ética en el Magisterio en las Escuelas Públicas, María A. Rosado Crespo


Dissertation: Privacy vs. Social Capital: Examining Information Disclosure Patterns within Social Media Influencer Networks, Eidan James Rosado


Entry Level Capstone: Development of an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Adolescents of American Military Members Deployed Overseas to Support Mental Health, Tyler Russo and Aaron N. Brion


Dissertation: Forgiveness as a Critical and Transformative Factor in Sustainable Peace: Peacebuilding Women in Rumuruti, Kenya, Genevieve Mwella Sabala


Thesis: Applying Integrative Systematics to Zoanthidea Specimens of the Okeanos Explorer RV Expeditions, Emily M. Salonia


Dissertation: Examining Digital Hostility Against Black Women: A Thematic Analysis of the Black Manosphere on Twitter, Nekea Sanders


Dissertation: Should We Disaggregate Latino Youths Based on Ancestral Group When Examining Risk Factors of Violent and Delinquent Behavior, Elvis G. Sevilla


Entry Level Capstone - NSU Access Only: Increasing Self-Efficacy in Health Management of Chronic Headaches in Military Personnel, Melissa S. Sliger


Dissertation: Community College Faculty Perceptions of Their Role in the Academic Achievement of Minoritized Students, Erin R. Smith


Dissertation: Perceptions of Grade-11 Students on the School-Based Assessment in English A and B and Its Impact on Sense of Self-Efficacy, Karlene Smith-Hines


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Desarrollo Profesional en Línea y su Efectividad en el Rendimiento Laboral del Personal Docente de una Región Educativa de Puerto Rico, Damaris Soto Torres


Dissertation: A Post-Pandemic Measurement of the Required Soft Employability Skills for Business School Graduates, Sean O. Stallings


Dissertation: Black Teachers, Black Students, and Cultural Brokering: Leveraging Positionality to Strengthen Academic Identity, Shakasha L. Stevenson


Dissertation: Spouse Violence in Case of Police Officers in Puerto Rico: Violence in Police Families, Jorge Ismael Suarez


Entry Level Capstone: Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Markers in Infants Using the Infant and Motor Engagement Scale, Cesley L. Taft


Dissertation: Interpersonal Conflict, Culture and Change: Insights from Transformational Leaders, Kim Thompson


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: La Optimización de los Procesos Gerenciales para a una Educación a Distancia de Calidad en una Institución Universitaria del Norte de Puerto Rico, Viviana Torres Aguilar


Entry Level Capstone: Transitioning from Inpatient Rehabilitation to Home in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injuries, Alexis Tucci


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Liderazgo y Educación para la Disminución de Perros Realengos y sus Efectos en Salud Pública, Georliz Paola Vega Quesada


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Engagement and Resources on Satisfaction Levels for Undergraduate Commuter Students, Tarrye L. Venable


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Phenomenological Study of Online Physical Education on Former Students’ Activity Levels and Fitness Concepts Knowledge, Jerry Veshio


Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Ombuds as Agents of Change: From Observation to Action, Michael A. Wahlgren


Entry Level Capstone: A Glance into the Roles of Higher-Level Academia, Camye White


Dissertation: Understanding the Role of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Hiding in Organizations, Darren Wiggins


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teachers’ Perspectives on Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Four Neurodiverse Western Jamaican Schools, Thalia Wright-Dunkley


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Temporal Effects of Recurrent Disturbances on Coral Traits on High-Latitude Marginal Coral Reefs, Samara Zinman


Thesis: One-Time Broadscale SCTLD Intervention Effectiveness on Montastraea cavernosa in an Endemic Zone, Amanda Zummo

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Thesis: Growth Environment Affects Virulence Factor Expression in Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an unstable environment., Fatima Abu-Rumman


Dissertation: Venezuelan Professional Educators’ Pursuit of International Graduate Studies in Instructional Technology, Maria de Lourdes Acedo de Bueno


Thesis: A Rapid Site Selection Assessment as an Indicator of Stony Coral Microfragment Outplant Success, John J. Alfirevich


Dissertation: A Phenomenological Study to Explore Educators’ Perceptions of Recruitment and Retention of African American Teachers in Advanced Placement Courses, Tangela LaShon Allen


Dissertation: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Lived Experiences of Graduate-Level Peace Educators: Voices for Sustained Peace, Kwasi David Ansong


Thesis: Do Mesopelagic Fish Biomass Patterns Change in Response to Major Oceanographic Features in the Northern Gulf of Mexico?, Ian M. Areford


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Factores de Retención o Deserción Asociados con la Elaboración de la Tesis en los Programas Doctorales de una Institución de Educación Superior en Puerto Rico, Melissa Arzola Rolón


Dissertation: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of African American Female Educators Becoming Urban School Principals, Tondra Bailey-Collins


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Los Padres Sobreprotectores y su Influencia en la Formación de los Hijos, José F. Baldrich


Thesis: Assessing the Dynamics of the Southeast Florida Shark Community from 2013-2019 Via Catch per Unit Effort and Stable Isotope Analysis, Alexandra Barth


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teacher Perceptions of Reading Interventions to Increase Literacy Levels for Primary Grade Students, Cheryl Bedenbaugh


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Aspect-Advice Interference: Data Interactions in AspectJ, Conrad Bell IV


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Understanding Experiences Reported by English Language Learners During High School, Wanda Bennett


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Relationship Between Engagement in 12-Step Fellowships During Recovery Housing and Completion Rates, Joel Bergman


Capstone: Sublethal Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure on Tissue Regeneration in Four Atlantic Coral Species, Dawn Bickham


Thesis: A Forensic Assessment of Current Water Quality Using IDEXX Techniques in the Himmarshee Canal and New River in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Catherine Margaret Bilodeau


Thesis: Embracing a Pedagogy of Intentionality: Reassessing Online Writing Instruction Principles Through a Post-2020 Lens, Autumn Bishard


Entry Level Capstone: The Dynamics of a Full-Time Academician: Teaching, Scholarship & Service, Jalissa Nicole Black


Entry Level Capstone: Lymphedema Management for those Living with Spinal Cord Disorders to Address Caregiver Burden, Nia L. Bolen-Daniels


Dissertation: Competencies of Ombuds in Higher Education, Alicia Booker


Dissertation: Retaining Instructional Staff in Public Schools During and After the Pandemic: A Phenomenological Perspective, Debbie Irene Brockett


Thesis: Prevalence, Faunal Composition, and Vertical Distribution of Bioluminescence in the Pelagic Gulf of Mexico: Fishes, Crustaceans, Cephalopods and Gelatinous Megaplankton, Devynne M. Brown


Dissertation: Are You Ready to Engage? The Impact of Decisional Conflict on Advance Directives Education, Marcia Brown


Dissertation: Evaluación de las Competencias Digital y Emprendedora en Estudiantes de una Universidad Colombiana, Luis Eduardo Buitrago Rojas


Dissertation: Increasing Code Completion Accuracy in Pythia Models for Non-Standard Python Libraries, David Buksbaum


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Accumulation of Trace Elements in Northern Sea Otter Vibrissae (Enhydra lutris kenyoni), Kayli L. Burke


Thesis: Quantifying Phenotypic Variation Among the Head Photophores and Nasal Rosettes of the Myctophid Species, Diaphus Dumerilii in Relation to Body Size, Ryan E. Byrne


Entry Level Capstone: Accommodated Gymnastics Program for Atypically Developing Children, Ashtin Callahan


Dissertation: An Analysis on the Effects of Melodic Based Communication Therapy on Verbal Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Meghan Kathleen Casperson


Dissertation: Relations between On-the-job Stress, Mental and Physical Health, and Job Satisfaction of Correction Officers, Sarah Chandebal


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Unhealthy and Home: The Lived Experiences of African Americans Impacted by Environmental Racism in the United States, Crystal Chavis


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Actitud del Maestro de Español de Escuela Superior Hacia el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como Apoyo al Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje, Nahila M. Cintrón Deliz


Dissertation: Examining the Impact of Postsecondary Correctional Education Programs on Participant Self-Stigmatization: The Student Perspective, Christal M. Clark


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Exploring Opportunities for Minority Faculty Seeking Leadership Positions in Higher Education Through Mentorship, Annette L. Clarke


Entry Level Capstone: The Implementation of a Career-Readiness Program for Youth in a Group/Foster Care Setting, Brianie Clarke and Brianie Clarke


Dissertation: Targeting Parental Behavior: Contingency Contracting to Increase Parental Competence and Adherence, Sara Clasky Richardson


Dissertation: State Attorneys’ Perceptions on the Role of Racial Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System, Allison Cohen


Dissertation: Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: The Cost of Neglect and Mismanagement, Tina Ann Collins


Dissertation: Factores que Inciden en la Retención de los Estudiantes en Cursos a Distancia en las Instituciones de Educación Superior de la Región Sur de Puerto Rico, Edwin Manuel Colon Marrero


Dissertation: Propuesta de un Modelo de Enseñanza en las Matemáticas Enfocado en la Solución de Problemas en el Nivel Secundario en Puerto Rico, Carlos J. Colon Rivera


Dissertation: Virtual School Principals: Responsibilities and Challenges, Lacresha L. Cooper


Dissertation: Optimizing Constraint Selection in a Design Verification Environment for Efficient Coverage Closure, Vanessa Cooper


Entry Level Capstone: Exploring the Role of Mentorship in Occupational Therapy Home Health, Lauren E. Coutinho


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Modified Program Evaluation of a Florida State End-of-Course Biology Preparatory Boot Camp, Renee Andrea Crooks