"Perceptions of Elementary School Teachers Toward the Use of a Digital " by Keisha Gadson

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Noel Gray

Committee Member

David Weintraub


STEM education, digital integrated STEM curriculum, trans-disciplinary education, integrated digital platform education


This dissertation was designed to better understand the perceptions of elementary teachers that use a digital platform to implement STEM. There was limited information about how and why elementary teachers lack the pedagogical practice and instructional tools needed to implement STEM in elementary school. In addition, the idea of STEM education is ambiguous and lacks a common definition. Digital tools, STEM professional development and STEM curriculums and lesson plans were readily available. However, the elementary teachers continued to be the giver of information rather than the facilitator in the learning environment. The traditional model and instructional practices that encouraged rote memorization and teaching subject and skills in isolation may stifle the learning environment that is needed for elementary STEM education.

The researcher conducted a qualitative narrative inquiry (NI) study with the use of one-on-one interviews of participants. The participants consisted of 10-12 educators who were directly involved with the STEM curriculum at their school site. The educators were selected using a purposeful sampling technique. A transcript was created for each educator allowing them to validate his or her responses to the interview questions. The data gathered from the one-on-one interview was used to carry out the analysis to address the research questions, and thus, fulfilling the purpose of the study.

Using the data gathered from the NI one-on-one interviews, an analysis of the data was carried out using the 6-point thematic approach developed by Braun and Clarke (2006). As a result, five themes emerged and they were used to address the research questions and ultimately satisfied the purpose of the study.

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