"Multidisciplinary Sensory Recommendations for Functional Neurological " by Rachael Rice

Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Nicole Goldstein MOTR/L, CBIS, LSVT certified clinician


The purpose of this capstone experience was to serve the patients and therapists of the Tampa General Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation at Westshore. Due to the increasing number of referrals to the clinic for Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder (FNSD), there was a need for education and recommendations for the multidisciplinary team, specifically related to sensory related interventions. There was a need for informational resources for patient education, collaboration between the interdisciplinary team to encourage carryover, and sensory recommendations. FNSD patients may experience a variety of symptoms best treated through a multidisciplinary approach that addresses physical and psychological aspects. Aside from clinical practice skills gained through patient care and working within a multidisciplinary team, I presented educational material for treatment recommendations and assisted with carryover between the multidisciplinary team. Additionally, therapists can access resources for incorporating sensory and mental health recommendations into treatment. Therapists have an improved understanding of their role within the multidisciplinary team and implementation of sensory recommendations, and therapists are better educated about FNSD and patient care for this unique population.
