
Theses/Dissertations from 1992


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reducing The Number Of At-Risk Secondary School Students In Region V Schools, Dade County, Florida., Joseph P. Burke


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Program To Improve Math Achievement At Pepperell Middle School., Benjamin W. Desper Jr.


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving The Academic Performance Of Low-Achieving Hispanic And Other Seventh Grade Students By Increasing Cultural Awareness And The Use Of Positive Interactions By Teachers., Daniel M. Hanigan


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development Of A Best Practices Manual For Implementing A Feeder Pattern Organization., Steven M. Ladd


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Reading Achievement Of Rising Ninth Grade Remedial Reading Students At Granard Junior High School., Linda C. Sellars

Theses/Dissertations from 1991


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development And Implementation Of A Training Program To Facilitate Parent Involvement In The Educational Program Of Visually Handicapped Students., Julia R. Ashley


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Program To Raise Verbal Scholastic Aptitude Scores Of High School Seniors In A Non-Public School., Janne B.H Banks


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Strategies For Reducing The Number Of Dropouts In The Ninth And Tenth Grades At Haralson County High School., Janice W. Boatwright


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Elementary Teachers’ Comfort and Skill With Instructional Technology Through School-Based Training., Elizabeth C. Brennan


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Program Designed To Improve The Self-Esteem Of Second Through Fifth Grade Students At Tangelo Park Elementary School., Roy G. Brooks


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development, Evaluation, And Plans For Implementation Of An Orientation Model Directed Toward Improving The Overall Adjustment Of Students To A Job Corps Program., J Edward Brown


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Family Strengths Among Black Families In Alaska: A Case Study, Washington W. Brown Jr.


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Comprehensive Training Program Which Supports The School Based Management/Shared Decision Making Program Of The St. Lucie County School District., Barbara E. Bush


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Multifaceted Approach To Increasing Eighth Grade Student Achievement In The TELLS Test., Joseph R. Buzanowski


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing A Procedure For Assisting Families With Early Childhood Referral Using Strategic, Community-Based Planning., Sharon M. Cadiz


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Designing and Implementing a Preschool Program for Chandler Unified School District., Camille Casteel


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Active Intervention for Academically at Risk Preschoolers Using Developmentally Appropriate Materials and Activities., Aurora Q. Cepeda


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Case Study of the Weaknesses in Postsecondary Mathematics Problem Solving and a Program to Eliminate such Deficiencies, Robert E. Cinnamond


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development And Implementation Of Tech Prep Courses Designed To Reduce The Gap Between The Dual Standards Of The High School Curriculum Of The Mansfield City Schools., Michael L. Cline


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Systematic Program To Improve Attendance At Alice Drive Middle School., Jack P. Cook


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Communications Between Parents and Teachers of Middle School Age Students by the Use of the Telephone and Other Techniques., William E. Cottle


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Plan to Improve The Science Achievement Of Students In Kindergarten Through The Fifth Grade At Western Union Elementary School., Jerry T. Cross


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development And Implementation Of A Community-Drawn Community Life-Based Curriculum For Individuals With Mental Retardation And Developmental Disabilities Living In Summit County., Norman W. Czubaj


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development And Validation Of An Instructional Inservice Program For Higher Education Science Consultants Involved In Florida's Summer Inservice Institute Program, Susan Elizabeth Chattan Dabb


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Feasibility Study For The Development Of A Continuing Professional Education Program And Contract Training Services At Bauder College, Joanne Di Benedetto


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing A Winning Climate In A Small Rural School Division., Taliaferro C. Dickerson III


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Providing an Infant and Toddler Program for Calvert County., Frederick J. Distler


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Use Of Cooperative Learning Strategies To Improve Achievement and Self Esteem Levels Among A Group Of Middle School Perceptually Impaired Students., John R. Dorney


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Skills Program To Increase The Percent Of Students Passing The Georgia Basic Skills Competency Test., Sandra Driscoll


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Nurturing Second Graders’ Literacy and Language Development Through Child-Centered Versus Curriculum-Centered Experiences., Gwendolyn C. Esch


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Decreasing Overreliance on Basal Readers Through Staff Development., Deborah J. Evans


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Decreasing Alternative Placement for At-Risk Students at the Secondary, Paul J. Everette


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development And Implementation Of A Mandatory Continuing Education Plan For The Louisiana State Board Of Nursing, Oswald A. Ferry


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Critical Analysis Of Mandated Assessment And Program Review As Applied To The Retail Business Management Curriculum At Westchester Community College., Letitia C. Fisher


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Expanding Third Graders’ Vocabulary Using a Data Base, Individual Thesauri and Brainstorming Strategies., Ann M. Gaffuri


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Differentiated Supervision as a Means of School Improvement., Donald D. Gainey


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Utilizing Integrative Approaches To Increase Academic Efficiency In Eighth Grade At-Risk Learners., Mattie B.H Gay


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Academic Articulation Among Nursing Programs In Virginia: Practices, Perceptions, And Goals, Ruth H. Glick


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Case Study To Determine The Essential Components Of A Capstone Office Administration Course And The Creation Of A Model Course., Sandra J. Goodwin


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Designing And Implementing A Development Program At Roanoke Valley Christian School., Philip H. Graybeal


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reducing the Rate of Repetition of Suspensions for Students Who Misbehave., Theodore W. Grocki


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Increasing Teachers' Competence In Observing, Assessing And Reporting Children's Play In Education Settings., Jennifer F. Hardacre


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Plan To Improve The Reading Achievement Of Students In Grades Two Through Five At Union Elementary School., Cecil G. Hargett


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Peer Group Dependency Approach to Improve Tenth Grade Research Writing Experiences., Elaine L. Harrington


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development Of A Model For A Classroom Instructional Complex In The College Of Education At Alabama State University., Essie L. Harris


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Advancing Student Interpersonal Skill Development., Priscilla C. Hartwig


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Critical Thinking Skills To Improve Achievement: An Inservice And Instruction Program., Dolores L. Higgins


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Active Parent Involvement for Preschool Teachers and Parents Through In-Service Training., Robin M. Irving


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving The Quality Of Substitute Teachers Services Through Training And Evaluation., Patsy S. Jenkins


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Increasing Positive Experiences For At Risk Preschoolers Through Coaching Of Parent Interactions., Mary H. Jennings


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Empowering Staff, Students, Parents and Community Leaders to Improve the Academic Learning Climate at East End Middle School., William H. Joyner


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Physical Fitness For Fifth Grade Students At China Grove Elementary School., Alan D. King


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Pupils' Achievement Levels Through Teaching Thinking Skills Across The Curriculum., Joseph A. King


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Multiplication Mastery Using a Multi-Sensory Approach With Severely Emotionally Handicapped Students Grades Four Through Six., Susan S. Klingler


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Critical Thinking To Improve Achievement: An Inservice And Instructional Program For New Castle Middle School., Janet Lacy


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Raising Student Scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills Through the Development and Implementation of a Parent-School Cooperative Program., Diane S. Lenartowicz


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Group Counseling Of Selected Middle School Female Children Of Divorce To Address Divorce Issues And To Improve Self-Esteem., Donna J. Long


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving an Extended Day Care Environment Through Staff Training and Activity Development., Mary K. Lopez


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development And Analysis Of A Comprehensive Program For The Implementation Of Site Based Management Into The Milwaukee Public Schools, Clement L. Magner


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Teacher Articulation to Increase Program Continuity Preschool Through First Grade., Barbara A. Malaspina


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Basic Literacy Skills of Juvenile Delinquents Through Relevant Experiences., Louis A. Manzella


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Project Kind (Keeping Interfering Noncompliance Down) a Social Skills Training Program for Noncompliant Primary Students., Janice A. Masters


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Moving Toward Effective Teacher Empowerment Through Improved Decision Making At A Secondary School In Wyoming., Fran Mayeski


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving the Morale Level of Direct-Care Staff in a Residential Group Setting Through Support, Communication, and Recognition., Jimmy McAdams


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Revision Of The Computer Technology Curriculum At Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Based On Small Business Training Needs, James E. McDonnell


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Redistricting the Elementary School Population in the Westfield, Massachusetts Public Schools., Thomas Y. McDowell II


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Homework and Study Skills: Strategies for Improvement., Kevin J. McGrath


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing Positive Attitudes Toward Reading Through Cross-Age Tutoring, Mentoring, and Reading Aloud Strategies for Third Graders., Flora I. McKenzie


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Plan To Improve Mathematics Achievement For Students At Central Elementary School., Angela C. Mills


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study To Develop A Multicultural Orientation Program For Staff And Faculty, Carlos S. Moran


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development Of A Continuing Education Action Plan To Address The Life-Career Needs Of Blind And Visually Impaired Adults In The Province Of Alberta, Canada., Dorothy Rae Nadeau


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development, Implementation, And Evaluation Of A Remedial Program For High Risk Students Attending The Basic Skills Education Program At Fort Bragg., Alexandrine P. Nash


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using MIDI: A Staff Development Program Designed To Increase Teacher Awareness Of The Technological Applications Of Musical Instrument Digital Interface In The Classroom., Charles G. Neese


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reducing the High School Drop-Out Rate in the New Britain Public Schools Through Establishing an Alternative School., Gerald E. Neipp


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Enriching And Increasing Kindergarteners Knowledge, Ability To Understand, Recite, Write, And Appreciate Poetry Integrated Across A Standardized Curriculum., Erlene B. Nelson


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Utilizing The Whole Language Approach To Literacy As A Foundation For Developmentally Appropriate Practice In The Primary Grades., Evangeline Nicholas


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Action Plan to Build Jupiter Elementary., Joseph F. O'Brien


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Student Writing Performance at a Junior High School Through a School-Wide Writing Project., Paul G. Ondeck


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation And A Plan To Alleviate Grade Inflation In Multi-Sectioned Science And Mathematics Courses Of Community College, Charles W. O'Neill


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Designing And Implementing A Social Studies Program For The Learning Disabled Student In The Elementary Grades Of Caroline County Schools., Fannie Page


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reducing The Number Of Suspended Days At The Quaker Valley High School., Michael A. Panza


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Action Plan for Opening a New School., Larry C. Payne


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Implementation of Successful Staff Development, Training and Follow-Up, Using Quality Circle Employee Involvement in School-Based Management Schools., Margaret B. Petersen


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Language Skills At The Harker-Wylie Elementary School Through The Science Content Area., Joseph M. Poedubicky


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Multifaceted Program To Improve Self-Esteem And Social Skills While Reducing Anxiety In Emotionally Handicapped Middle School Students., Lynn Poirier


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development Of Operational Specifications For A College-Business Center At Gateway Community College., Phil D. Randolph


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development Of A Core Curriculum Outcomes Assessment Plan For Brenau Women's College., Patricia W. Robinson


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Expanding Programs in an Early Childhood Center to Meet the Community’s Needs and to Improve Center Fiscal Stability., Theresa C. Rothschild


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Video Technology To Encourage Reluctant Primary School Children To Participate Actively In The Evaluation And Counseling Processes., Daniel J. Russo


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Implementing A Gang - Awareness Program/And A Middle School Gang Prevention Curriculum., Donald J. Samuels


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving In-School Staffing and Multidisciplinary Team Effectiveness in the High School Setting., Thomas G. Sarnecki


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Development Of Procedures For Adopted Policies In The Governance Manual Of The Camden County Educational Services Commission., Anthony R. Sorce


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving School Discipline at Seaford Middle School Through an Advisement Program., Cynthia T. Spicer


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Twenty-First Century Military Education: A Case Study With Analyses And Projections Of Current And Anticipated Programs, Lillian H. Stewart


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reading and Learning Styles: Keys to Improved Student Performance., Hydrick K Pete Stone


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving the Written Composition Skills of the Students at Blanco Elementary School., Joseph G. Summy


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Model To Assist Elementary Principals When A District Changes From A Centralized Decision-Making Process To A School-Centered Decision-Making Process., Tim D. Tarleton


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing And Implementing A Differentiated Pay Plan For Certified Personnel Employed By The Union County School System., Jerry W. Thomas


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Collaboration Among Primary Teachers to Facilitate Mainstreaming of Limited English Proficient Children., Joy W. Trute


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Mathematical Skills and Attitudes of Second and Third Graders Through Cooperative Learning., Carolyn P. Upson