Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Stewart N. McCord


This report describes use of a teacher-student advisement program for the improvement of school discipline in an eastern middle school. Evidence supporting school discipline being a problem included in a high number of student suspensions. The annual school needs assessment listed the improvement of school discipline as a priority. Teachers and parents believed that school discipline needed improvement. The following existing conditions were evident from analysis of the problem. There was no consistent program of counseling and follow-up for suspended students. Administrators inconsistently followed school discipline procedures. Effective classroom management practices were not consistently used by teachers. Students felt alienated. There existed a small group of students who continually caused behavior problems. The objectives for the MARP were to reduce the number of students suspended, increase students’ perceptions that the school and adults provided a personalized and caring environment, and improve teachers’ skills to work as advisors. As a result of the MARP implementation, the number of suspensions and disciplinary referrals decreased. A survey of students’ perceptions indicated an increase in academic areas from adults providing a personalized and caring environment. Students’ evaluations of their advisors and teachers’ self evaluations indicated improved teacher advisory skills.

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