Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this project was to identify the practical components of a successful multicultural orientation program for faculty and staff at West Coast Christian College. The case study method was utilized as a problem-solving process to determine the multicultural needs of the college community, to identify current practices in multicultural programs and other institutions and to develop the program with a plan for implementation and evaluation. These methods of investigation utilize in this project included a review of significant and relevant literature about multicultural orientation issues in general, race, relations, campus, climate, multicultural, orientation, program, guidelines, staffing, and program development. Additional procedures include the use of questionnaire, administered to current undergraduate students, faculty and staff of the college and all Christian Colleges in California. Complementary data were obtained from using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with academic deans of university that have a successful multicultural orientation program. in the overall development of the multicultural orientation program for faculty and staff at West Coast Christian College, it was concluded that ethnic pluralism on campus, changing, campus, climate, involvement of campus leadership, training programs for faculty and staff to sensitize them to cultural issues, racial diversity, and effective development program delivery systems must be addressed. Other considerations were the effective use of human resources for program development, the parameters for institutional involvement, and the interdepartmental corporation between administrators. Another concern was that college administrators would consider rewarding participants of the program that make a significant difference in facilitating the success of the multicultural orientation program. Recommendations were offered to develop a variable rationale for the program that is consistent with the goal and objectives of the overall mission statement of the college. The college was also advised to enhance the program by creating a representative committee for faculty and staff participation in the furtherance of the program, to create a variety of program components such as need assessment and clarification of feelings, to utilize faculty and staff in the evaluation process, and to recommend an equitable reward system for faculty and staff. It was also recommended that the college develop an ongoing systematic evaluation of the program to determine the extent to which these recommendations are accomplished.

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