"Increasing Teachers' Competence In Observing, Assessing And Reporting " by Jennifer F. Hardacre

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Victoria J. Dimidjian


Teacher, Competency, Teacher Competency, Primary Education, Elementary Education, Preschool Education, Observation, Assessment, Reporting, Play, Inservice Education.


This practicum was designed to develop learning experiences for teachers which would improve their ability to be credibly accountable for children’s progress in play-oriented educational programs. The primary objective was to increase teachers’ competence with regard to knowledge about play and skill in assessing and reporting it. Additional goals were to increase teachers' confidence about running a play-oriented, developmentally appropriate program, in justifying and explaining such a program to critics, and in enhancing the play of children in the program, and to design learning experiences which would effectively meet the needs of practitioners. The writer administered a needs assessment to teachers by means of a questionnaire; developed a series of learning experiences based upon research on effective inservice education and research on children's play; carried out inservice for several groups of teachers amounting to about 250 individuals in all, and developed and administered an evaluation component. The results of the practicum were positive. Analysis of the data revealed that teachers expressed increased confidence in their knowledge about play and their ability to assess and report it. They indicated that they felt more encouraged to run developmentally appropriate (play-oriented) programs, and to justify and explain such programs to concerned others.

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