Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Dr. Stewart McCord


This report describes a program for reducing the number of days of suspension assigned and the number of students suspended from the Quaker Valley Sensor High School tor violation of the schools discipline policy. It was noted that during the 1988-89 school year 101 students were involved in 291 suspendable violations of the discipline policy. Based on these violations, a cumulative total or 395 days of suspension were assigned to the students. Several studies suggested that students who are low achievers, have a low self-esteem. or come from dysfunctional families are likely candidates to be suspended. Analysis of the problem showed that suspensions did not provide a sufficient deterrent to modify student behavior. Alternatives and modification to suspensions for violation of the discipline policy and reducing the number of students suspended were the focus of this program. Strategies included relaying the discipline policy to the student body in written and oral form as well as rewarding good behavior. An in-school suspension program, which included counseling, was developed and implemented. Additionally, an in-school smoking cessation program was continued. Students also were involved in developing methods to reduce the number of students suspended. An analysis or the 1990-91 discipline files revealed the success or this program. During the 199-91 school year only 56 students were suspended 110 times for a total of 132 days. Also, the number of repeat offenders was reduced from 52 percent to 37 percent.

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