Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


G. Kuchinskas


This report describes the process used by Bast End Middle School to develop and implement a positive academic learning environment. Areas of need addressed included low teacher morale and low student achievement. Probable causes of the low teacher morale and low student achievement were identified as: inconsistent attendance monitoring and lack of parent notification, Ineffective classroom instruction, lack of adequate alternative programs, low student participation in extracurricular activities, poor parent and community Involvement, Inadequate provisions for diverse learning styles, inadequate reward, inadequate recognition program and frequent changes in school administrators. A review of the literature and interviews were conducted as a basis for discussing the current status of the problems and to present possible intervention strategies. Nine solution strategies were utilized to improve the problem. They included: (1) a school climate improvement committee, (2) school climate mini-audit, (3) task forces, (4) increasing community attendance, (5) increasing parent involvement, (6) improving student attendance, (7) training staff on climate elements/instructional strategies, (8) classroom observations, and (9) alternative programs for at-risk students. As a result of the MARP intervention, the following accomplishments were made. The use of the school climate survey indicated an average increase of 165 percent on school climate factors from the previous year. The staff members with high morale increased from 24 percent to 76 percent. Reading comprehension scores increased on the seventh grade by four percentile points and three percentile points on the eighth grade level. Student attendance increased from 87.4 percent to 88.4. Twenty school climate Improvement activities were implemented. Student participation in extracurricular activities improved as well as student membership on task forces or committees. Additionally, parent membership and involvement increased on the PTA Executive Committee. This report describes the process used by Bast End Middle School to develop and implement a positive academic learning environment. Areas of need addressed included low teacher morale and low student achievement. Probable causes of the low teacher morale and low student achievement were identified as: inconsistent attendance monitoring and lack of parent notification, Ineffective classroom instruction, lack of adequate alternative programs, low student participation in extracurricular activities, poor parent and community Involvement, Inadequate provisions for diverse learning styles, inadequate reward, inadequate recognition program and frequent changes in school administrators. A review of the literature and interviews were conducted as a basis for discussing the current status of the problems and to present possible intervention strategies. Nine solution strategies were utilized to improve the problem. They included: (1) a school climate improvement committee, (2) school climate mini-audit, (3) task forces, (4) increasing community attendance, (5) increasing parent involvement, (6) improving student attendance, (7) training staff on climate elements/instructional strategies, (8) classroom observations, and (9) alternative programs for at-risk students. As a result of the MARP intervention, the following accomplishments were made. The use of the school climate survey indicated an average increase of 165 percent on school climate factors from the previous year. The staff members with high morale increased from 24 percent to 76 percent. Reading comprehension scores increased on the seventh grade by four percentile points and three percentile points on the eighth grade level. Student attendance increased from 87.4 percent to 88.4. Twenty school climate Improvement activities were implemented. Student participation in extracurricular activities improved as well as student membership on task forces or committees. Additionally, parent membership and involvement increased on the PTA Executive Committee.

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