Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


William W. Anderson


Reading, Staff Development, Elementary Education, Teaching, Instructional Practices, Administrators, Principals.


This practicum aired to reduce overreliance on the basal reading program in the elementary school. It also endeavored to provide teachers with quality choices to enhance and enrich their reading/writing programs. Five workshops were designed to meet specific areas of need in this district. Reducing the time spent on the tests accompanying [illegible] series was the first goal. Then teachers were [illegible] suggestions for successfully incorporating whole class reading activities and integrating the teaching of reading and writing. Decreasing the number of workbook and skillsheet pages used was another focus. Proven strategies were modeled for teachers during the workshops, through video tapes and in demonstration lessons. Numerous professional journals and books were introduced along with encouragement to join professional organizations. Data was collected before, during and after the workshop sessions. Outcomes were very positive. Although teaching habits change slowly, all the goals of this practicum were achieved. All teachers decreased the number of tests given and the corresponding amount of time spent on testing. Time spent on specific skill instruction decreased while time spent on integrated, meaningful reading/writing activities increased. The data from this practicum strongly supported the following: (a) teachers are willing to change when meaningful alternatives are modeled for them, and (b) time, patience and a supportive environment are required for effective and long-lasting change to occur.

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