Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This major applied research project describes a practical action plan developed to assist in the opening of a new secondary school In a suburban area with diverse population characteristics. The results of a student survey indicated resistance on the part of students leaving their existing schools to attend the new high school. Comments and responses from community informational meetings revealed anxiety about curriculum, staffing and extracurricular activities. The related literature supported an action plan that provides intensive public relations activities designed to increase the visibility and positive image of the new school. Areas of need which were addressed included the development of a curriculum guide for students and parents and a systematic approach for selecting staff members for academics as well as extra-curricular activities. Community Involvement was also considered an essential key for a successful school opening. As a result of the major applied research project intervention, all of the original concerns were reduced as projected. Survey forms used with parents and students during a first year or operation indicated a positive response to University High School. The survey was divided into four major areas: information, academics, physical plant and guidance/administration.

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