Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


June Delano


Early Childhood Education, Pre-schools, Nurseries, Day Care Centers, Child Care Centers, Marketing, Advertising, Budgeting, Financing.


This practicum was designed to provide additional sources of revenue for an early childhood center. The primary goal was to increase enrollment and offer new special classes. The writer held meetings with the board and the staff to discuss the decline in enrollment. Ideas for new program offerings were suggested and tried. New programs were offered to increase center revenue. Advertising, marketing, public relations, and surveys were developed and implemented to increase enrollment. The results of the practicum were positive. Analysis of the data revealed that the new special enrichment classes were successful. Board and parents revealed that the new classes improved the center offerings. Of ten new ideas tried, six were successful, one remained constant, and three were not successful. Annual surveys will be distributed to parents to insure that the early childhood center's program offerings meet the community's changing needs.

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