"Using MIDI: A Staff Development Program Designed To Increase Teacher A" by Charles G. Neese

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Mary Ellen Sapp


Music, Music Education, Staff Development, Computer Software Selection, Computer – Assisted Instruction, Technology.


This practicum was designed to increase teacher awareness of the technological applications of musical instrument digital interface in the classroom (MIDI). The primary goal was to assist music teachers in becoming more informed about MIDI to enable them to effectively select the appropriate hardware and software for their instructional settings. Based on a survey completed by music teachers in the school district, the writer implemented a practicum which involved contacting software developers to acquire current versions of MIDI compatible software, and designing five training sessions in which teachers could develop skills while previewing the software programs. The topics included: (a) overview of MIDI, hardware and software; (b) introduction to MIDI compatible music sequencing software: (c) introduction to MIDI compatible music notation software: (d) introduction to MIDI compatible music instructional software, and (e) discussion of amplification and sound reinforcement. The results of the practicum were positive. All four objectives were accomplished. The responses on a post questionnaire indicated that the participants had accomplished the following: (a) gained knowledge of the components used in a MIDI network system; (b) gained proficiency in the operations of MIDI compatible music sequencing, notation, and instructional software, and (c) gained knowledge about current music software programs. In addition the participants wanted more in-depth training on MIDI music sequencing/notation/ instructional programs.

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