Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This report describes a project for improving the reading achievement of rising ninth grade remedial reading students at Granard Junior High School. The problem was noted when the standardized achievement test scores in reading at Granard Junior High School continued to fall below those of other students in the school district and in the state in 1988-89. Analysis of the problem symptoms revealed that 54.6% of the students who took the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) in 1989-90 at Granard Junior High School in grade seven scored below the 50th national percentile. Additionally, the results of the eighth grade S. C. Basic Skills Assessment Program (BSAP) testing in Spring 1990, revealed that 35.4% of the students scored below the state standard in reading resulting in remedial placement. The literature and interviews with knowledgeable others supported intervention in the areas of increasing parent involvement, variety of instructional strategies, appropriate assessment and materials, and improved student motivation as solutions to the problem. The intervention strategies resulted in an average improvement of 19% in the number of students who scored at or above the standard score in reading on the BSAP Test and an average increase of four percentile points for the target group on the CBS total reading battery.

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