Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Polly Peterson


Multiplication, Handicapped, Multisensory, Severely Emotionally Handicapped, Learning Disabilities, Elementary Math, Math Games, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Computer Usage, Behavior Management, Token Reward.


The focus of this practicum was to improve the learning of multiplication mastery demonstrated low on tests and teacher/student assessment. As a corollary aim, an overall increase in self esteem and behavioral improvement during math class was projected. Twelve weeks of implementation included computer assisted instruction (CAI) with a multiplication program, making and working with flash cards, bi-weekly timings on math facts, completing drill sheets, playing various instructional multiplication games and use of manipulative devices. As supplementation progressed, students were encouraged to spend more time on the activities in an effort to master the times tables (0-12). Behavioral charts were monitored daily during math class. A positive, non-threatening use of the multi-sensory techniques was employed. Students were reinforced with stickers and participation points and encouraged with bonus tokens for acquiring specific facts and multiplication contests/awards parties. Although the specified seven objectives were not fully met, overall student self confidence, behavior, and ability to learn and retain multiplication facts improved. Students with supportive teachers appeared to make the most gain. The data from this practicum demonstrated: (a) CAI оn а regular schedule improved acquisition of multiplication times tables; (b) ability to learn multiplication appeared to decrease negative classroom behavior during math sessions: (c) interest in math as a subject area increased over the twelve weeks; (d) use of instructional games improved both affective and cognitive domains of Several Emotionally Handicapped (SEH) students as noted by an increase of playing time and number of group participants. The three SEH classroom teachers plan continuation of the multi-sensory approach to multiplication with all students using the eight students involved with the implementation as peer tutors/helpers for those who need more assistance.

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