Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


National Education Corporation, boulder College Campus of Fort Lauderdale, Florida has recently been required to eliminate three degree grinding programs. National Education Corporation, on October 1989, began an extensive reorganization and adjustment program, which included cutbacks, school, closings, and the elimination of various programs at several schools. This reorganization and adjustment was considered essential by the corporation because of the financial difficulties encountered by many of the schools and the drastic decline in the corporate stock values from $30.00 per share to less than $6.00 per share. The Corporation, in an attempt to increase enrollments, eliminated unprofitable programs and schools, and reduce expenses notified every subsidiary of this Corporation of required changes and new policies. While more schools were heavily charged with restrictive, budgets and cutbacks, they were still asked to attempt to devise and plan methods to increase and maintain enrollments National Education Corporation efforts to aid schools in increasing enrollments and revenues included its newest contract training service program which was voluntary for any school to adopt. The primary focus of the study was to investigate the feasibility of implementing a continuing professional education program and becoming engage in contract training services at Bauder College. Additionally, this study focus upon identifying the cost effectiveness and possible revenues from a continuing professional program and contract training services. Three survey questionnaires were used to obtain data from Boulder College students and faculty members, in addition to data from local businesses and government agencies. The entire student population of powder, college, and full time and part time faculty members were asked to provide information for this study. Local businesses were investigated and were selected for this study, based upon their type of manufacturing, work, and number of employees. an operating plan forecast was also developed, and it provided a financial forecast of income and expenses estimated from the possible implementation of a continuing professional education program and contract training services. Finally, in person and telephone interviews were conducted to obtain Information regarding existing continuing professional education programs at six local South Florida colleges, and to obtain information about contract training services from National Education Corporation Contract Training Representatives. The analysis of the results of the information gathered from the study and the completed projections from the operating plan forecast establish a positive position for the possible implementation of a continuing professional education program. This study also identified a little potential income for Bauder College, as a result of becoming engaged in contract training services. Finally, this study provided data concerning the needs and desires of faculty, students, businesses, as well as information from six existing continuing professional education programs that served as evidence to support the development of alternatives and the need to meet changes. Recommendations based upon the results of the study, include a tenant that considered and further investigation to be given to preparing for the forecast it changes in business, education, and with learners. Changes necessitated by the expectations of the next decade from a society will foster a need for a diversification. Contemplation of alternative, short term programs and courses and evening classes such as those identified in this study, should be given continued inspection. It is recommended that Bauder College considered its competition from similar private for-profit schools, and how some of these schools with the same programs are expanding, growing, and investing in new equipment and programs to meet businesses’ needs. The results of the study were shared with the Director of Bauder College and the National Education Coporation Contract Training Director. The study will also be presented to the Vice President for Education, National Education Corporation.

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