Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Implementation of Successful Staff Development, Training, and Follow-up Using Quality Circle Employee, Involvement in School-based Management Schools. Peterson, Margaret B., 1991: Practicum Report, Nova University, Ed. D Program in Early and Middle Childhood. Inservice Training/ Quality Circles/ School Based Management/ Employee Involvement/ Staff Development/ Shared Decision Making This practicum was designed to determine what elements of training and staff development were necessary to successfully transfer training in the quality circle process and techniques from the training sessions to the school site to enable staff to become involved in the decision making for the school. The writer interviewed leaders at two school sites, determined the needs at each school, and assisted the school personnel to improve the use of the quality circle process and tools in the school’s decision making model for staff involvement. The writer works with the administrator and the quality circle liaison person at each school site to review the techniques of quality circles and group processes. The results of the final interviews with the school leaders indicated that the practicum implementation was successful. The writer designed a staff development model which could be used with any content to meet the requirements of having on site experts with skills in adult training at each school site.

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