Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This Final Report describes the process used to develop and implement a training program which supported the School Based Management/Shared Decision Making (SBM/SDM) efforts of the St. Lucie County School District. Areas of need addressed included the development of a method to restructure decision making authority enabling broader participation of employees at the school level, and the training of School Council Members to assist them in the execution of their duties. The system established a Restructuring Task Force (RTF) charged with the development of a SBM/SDM Plan. A component of this Plan vas the Selection of SBM/SDM Council Members at each Pilot Site. The Plan required that Council Members design a School Plan that was consistent with identified guidelines or parameters. The Plan would be submitted to the Zone Administrator and RTP for their approval. To increase the effectiveness of Council Members' knowledge in areas related to restructuring, a comprehensive training program was developed. It provided various leadership components and opportunities for RTF and School Council Members to visit other School sites engaged in restructuring and to attend State meetings and seminars dealing with these issues. As a result of practicum intervention, the RTF developed a District SBM/SDM Plan and a comprehensive training program. The level of knowledge of Council Members increased from 53 percent at the initial survey administration to 100 percent following the second administration. All Council Members received a level of training which prepared them for their immediate responsibilities. In addition, two SBM/SDM schools will be opened in August, 1991. Another District has expressed an interest in visiting St. Lucie County to discuss and observe the SBM/SDM Program.

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