Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Dr.Kenneth Bush


This report describes a multifaceted program developed to increase eighth grade student achievement in the Pennsylvania TELLS test. A progressive student decline had occurred in reading and mathematics. Compiled data indicated that coverage of assigned objectives, curriculum articulation, teacher acceptance of responsibility for adjusting student instructional programs and lack of commitment shared by the administration, staff, students and community were deficient. During the Intervention activities include incorporation of all State directed objectives into the reading mathematics curriculums linked to an extensive articulation process under observation of targeted instructors with concentrations on goal setting: a staff development program that centered on effective delivery of the curriculum, and an increase in awareness on the part of students and parents regarding the objectives and expectations of the reading and mathematics programs. As a result of the practicum, intervention target students achievement in the TELLS test increased by 27.3 percent in reading and 19.8 percent in mathematics. During the intervention the target school was awarded a School Performance grant. Planned courses of study were reviewed and aligned. An articulation project was piloted and instructional supervision intensified supported by a teacher empowered staff development program.

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