Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


R. Newell


This report describes a project designed around the reorganization of the elementary school population in Westfield, Massachusetts. Previous to this plan, the elementary school population attended school in one setting that housed grades K-4, and were moved to another setting for grades five and six. A long range plan was needed to replace obsolete facilities and respond to continued community growth. The purpose of the redistricting plan was to eliminate yearly redistricting and to prevent future problems in the assignment or elementary school students A long range plan was developed by the superintendent of schools and adopted by the school committee which included the building of two additions to existing facilities, two new elementary schools, and moving from an X-4 to a K-6 format. The school committee had adopted a neighborhood school policy. The redistricting plan was to assign students to the schools closest to their homes. The writer's responsibility was to develop and implement a design that would assign 3441 K-6 students to seven elementary schools spread out over 48 Square miles: As a result of the practicum intervention more than 88% of the elementary student population were identified by computer and signed to the school closest to their homes. Transportation time and costs were decreased, and the endorsed neighborhood concept was implemented allowing a student to attend graves K-6 in the same school setting. While the plan was to be one of long range, if Westfield's school population continues to increase, yet another plan will have to be developed and implemented.

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