"Enhancing Cultural Intelligence in Global Leaders Through Global Leade" by Dalmarie Lawrence

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Lisa Carbone

Committee Member

Judith Galician


Coaching, Cultural awareness, Cultural intelligence, Experience-based learning, Global leadership development, Globalization


This exploratory single case study aimed to gain an understanding of the best practices of the types of global leadership development programs that organizations are offering mid-level leaders and the effectiveness on developing cultural intelligence. Additionally, how these mid-level leaders transferred the knowledge and skills acquired from these programs were examined.

Globalization has led to diverse workforces in organizations, requiring leaders to possess specific competencies. These include inspiring and motivating employees, showing empathy, taking risks, managing change, and leading diverse teams. Global leaders must adapt to the evolving roles by developing skills in diverse effectiveness, managing paradoxes, measuring employee experiences, and appreciating cultural differences. In today’s global environment, these competencies are essential for leaders to maintain a competitive advantage.

To develop successful global leaders, organizations should focus on strategies such as understanding cultural and societal influences, transitioning knowledge into mindful behavior in global contexts, and emphasizing the host country’s culture in global leadership development programs. By encouraging leaders to gain intercultural experiences, this can help in acclimating to global roles, build relationships, and develop key global leadership competencies. Curiosity about other cultures and a commitment to continuous learning are also critical qualities for successful global leaders.

This study highlighted the importance of cultural intelligence as a fundamental soft skill for enhancing leader and organizational success that can be fostered through global leadership development programs. When developing these programs, organizations should take into consideration factors such as mid-level leaders’ motivation to understand diverse cultural groups and the organization’s commitment and strategy. It was concluded that coaching and experience-based learning are best practices for developing cultural intelligence in mid-level leaders. These programs can be offered individually or concurrently by utilizing various training and development methods. Successful completion of these programs enables mid-level leaders to better recognize cultural differences in their interactions, and consequently, lead to more effective communication.
