Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Deeb Paul Kitchen

Committee Member

Beverly Knox-Pipes


blended learning adoption and implementation, readiness for change, diffusion of innovation, TVET


Blended learning is seen as a promising innovative instructional approach for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and reach marginalized learners in developing countries. However, lack of understanding about how key stakeholders who are expected to adopt and implement the innovation perceive readiness for the innovation can make it difficult for institutions to maximize its benefits. This qualitative case study sought to understand the perceptions of students, instructors, and administrators about the readiness of the key stakeholder groups, institutions, and the organization for blended learning and the role of readiness in the diffusion process. The study was guided by Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory and organizational readiness for change theory.

An interview protocol with semi-structured questions was used to elicit responses from 17 participants. Analysis of interview data revealed that, firstly, although students, instructors, and administrators expressed a degree of readiness for blended learning, they did not possess the resources, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and attributes required to be completely ready. Secondly, even though the organization and its institutions had some strategies, structures, and supports in place to facilitate blended learning, they were not completely ready. Thirdly, individual, institution, and organization blended learning readiness are interrelated. Fourthly, organization and institution readiness are superordinate influencing factors in the diffusion of blended learning. The highly practical nature of TVET programs and the rural location of the study sites and participants were found to have significant impact on level of readiness. Recommendations for future research include conducting quantitative research to determine the cause-and-effect relationships between readiness factors and measures of readiness and expand the type of institutions to include those in urban communities.

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