"The Impact of Read 180 on 7th Grade Students’ Reading Proficiency" by Angelyn Jackson

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Katrina Pann

Committee Member

Catherine Wildey


Read 180, reading intervention, at-risk, secondary


This applied dissertation was designed to study the impact of Read 180 on 7th grade students’ reading proficiency. In an attempt to address the current status of struggling middle school readers, a computer- assisted reading intervention program, Read 180, has been designed to teach students how to apply strategies and techniques to improve their literacy skills, increase students’ interest in reading and their comprehension of written text.

The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental research study was to examine the effectiveness of the Read 180 program as determined by the research school reading achievement scores on the Scholastic Reading Inventory, for seventh grade students who demonstrated basic reading skills below grade level. The data included a convenience sample of 60 seventh grade middle school students who experienced reading difficulties and disabilities. The results confirmed small to moderate reading gains from pre- to posttesting and no significant relative differences between genders. However, students with learning disabilities and those who were English Language Learners appeared to benefit less from the intervention than their peers without those designations.

This research contributes to an effective direction toward improving reading assessment results. This research is also beneficial in assisting school districts in identifying a viable reading intervention with a direct instructional approach that is designed to help middle school students to engage in the actual reading process, to provide books that match interest and increase student motivation to read.

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