"Effects of an Intervention on Perceived Activity Levels in a Fifth-Gra" by Kristin k. Marchese

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Barbara Packer-Muti

Committee Member

Gary Reglin


physical activity level, physical education, exercise, physical fitness


The problem addressed by this study involved the need for students to participate in a more challenging physical education class during the school day to meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily suggested by the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention. Because the public school setting requires students to attend physical education class during the school day, this is the ideal setting where students can learn about the importance of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle, along with a location to participate and practice physical activity.

This study focused on the introduction of technology, specifically pedometers, to gauge how active fifth-grade students believed they were while participating in physical education class. The students answered a questionnaire that asked them to recall their physical activity levels from the prior 7 days. The students wore the pedometers for a week, then answered the same questionnaire about their perceived levels of physical activity from the seven days during which they wore the pedometers. Additionally, the questionnaire asked students about their physical activity in the school setting, at home, and on the weekends.

The researcher collected data and, based on the analysis, there was an improvement in perceived physical activity while wearing the pedometers. There was an overall increase in student physical activity, especially while participating in physical education class. The students participated in their typical physical education lessons; the only change in the usual curriculum was the introduction of pedometers. The data showed a correlation between the introduction of technology and an increase in physical activity levels. The pedometer is one of the simpler tools used to collect personal exercise data. With the development and increase in more sophisticated exercise tracking devices, there can be a more personalized and precise physical activity measurement experience.

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