"Integrating Instructional Technology Within Primary Grades to Meet Leg" by Courtney Delois Winn Hamilton

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Sandra Duncan

Committee Member

Karen Kimball


technology integration, instructional technology, 21st century learning model


The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of a professional development program on educator technology integration in the classroom using the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Koehler & Mishra 2009; 2006), Substitution-Augmentation-Modification-Redefinition Model (Puentedura 2006; 2012), and the Technology Integration Matrix (Welsh et al., 2011) paradigms, which were utilized for research and data. Instructional technology helps teachers become co-learners with their students by providing new ways to explore content. Effective technology integration includes best practices and key components to ensure successful learning for teachers and students. This quantitative study used a pre-assessment, implementation, and intervention of a professional development session, and post-assessment regarding technology education models including the organizational background and processes for implementation.

The findings from this study revealed that most teachers were aware of the various technology integration models. However, despite their awareness of the models, they were unfamiliar with how to implement them successfully to include being uncomfortable with the technology tools and resources themselves. Additionally, participants believed in the benefit of technology use in regards to student achievement as well as educator effectiveness and efficiency. The results from this study indicate that if presented with the opportunity to engage in professional development, teachers are more willing and able to seamlessly integrate technology into their daily instructional practices. Not only was it revealed that professional development is a necessity for effective technology integration, but that the experiences for learning and growing should be ongoing and consistent in an effort to accommodate the evolution of the real-world.

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