"Assessing Organizational Policy: Preferred Practices for Regulating Va" by Ayesha T. Kirk

Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Fall 11-26-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice


Mary Lynn Vogel, EdD

Committee Member

Lisa Carbone, EdD


employee health, vaping policy, employee smoking policy, change management


Employee vaping negatively affects organizations in terms of costs, productivity, employee health, and workplace safety. The purpose of this qualitative dissertation study was to assess organizational policies to determine preferred practices to regulate vaping in the work environment. Open-ended questionnaires with 18 human resources administrators, combined with a literature review, yielded data on best practices for organizational policies regulating vaping in the work environment.

The data collected in this qualitative dissertation study were extracted from a structured survey questionnaire comprising 16 questions about vaping and tobacco usage in the workplace. The findings demonstrated that vaping and the use of tobacco products in the workplace was normal in work environments with designated areas for smoking but not typical in workplaces with tobacco-free campuses. Throughout the study, the manner in which employee vaping in the workplace negatively influenced businesses was highlighted as well as strategies that could be utilized to reduce the rate of vaping in the workplace.

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