"Meeting the Needs of Adolescents in Recovery from Substance Use Disord" by Maricela Henlon

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Submission Date


Document Type

Entry Level Capstone - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

First Mentor

Malissa Barbosa,DO , MS

Second Mentor

Thomas Decker, EdD, OTD


Approximately a million adolescents struggle with substance use disorder annually to fit in with social groups or as a coping mechanism. Experimentation with substances can become habitual and lead to addiction. Adolescents with substance use disorder (SUD) face occupational disruption surrounding their social participation, leisure participation, instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), education, and employment opportunities. This capstone experience completed at Lotus Behavioral Health consists of assisting with the processes of education, activities, clinical, and admission departments. Based on the needs assessment findings, the capstone components strived to enhance the departments to improve the adolescent rehab process. The program development component consisted of creating occupation-based modules for work readiness, education preparation, leisure participation, and IADLs to help adolescents in rehabilitation with SUD learn new skills and explore leisure opportunities that will prepare them for transitioning to adulthood to promote healthy occupation participation and community reintegration.

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