Faculty Articles

Faculty Articles

A selection of journal articles written by faculty in the Fischler College of Education at Nova Southeastern University.


Submissions from 2013

A study of the influence of online courses in grading, Shelly Shuch, Elaine Nikolakakos, and Jennifer Lyn Reeves


Don't tell them: Top ten tips for student success in online classes, Michael Simonson


E-books: the future?, Michael Simonson


Let's Get Practical, Michael Simonson


Let's Get Practical 2, Michael Simonson


Conflict management and supervision, Shelley Victor

Submissions from 2012


Shock Probation, James A. Brecher


Pursuing Excellence in Higher Education – Eight Fundamental Challenges. (Book by Brent D Ruben.), Lisa J. Carbone


Patterns of Prescription Opioid Abuse and Comorbidity in an Aging Treatment Population, Theodore J. Cicero, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, Matthew Ellis, and James A Inciardi


Desisting from Prescription Drug Abuse: An Application of Growth Models to Rx Opioid Users, Whitney D. Gunter, Steven P. Kurtz, Nicholas W. Bakken, and Daniel J. O'Connell

Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses in Children’s Knowledge about Fractions, Steven A. Hecht and Kevin J. Vagi

Returning Veterans Experiences of a Holistic Therapeutic Program, Elda Kanzki-Veloso, Angela Yehl, J. Pann, and J. Connolly


Resilience, Syndemic Factors, and Serosorting Behaviors among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Substance-Using MSM, Steven P. Kurtz, Mance E. Buttram, Hilary L. Surratt, and Ronald D. Stall

Methods and Strategies for Teaching Conflict Resolution Minor Online: Case Study in Research and Practice, Tatjana Martinez

An Examination of the Causes of Grade Inflation in a Teacher Education Program and Implications for Practice, Elaine Nikolakakos, Jennifer Lyn Reeves, and Sheldon Shuch

An examination of the causes of grade inflation in a teacher education program and implications for practice, Elaine Nikolakakos, Jennifer Lyn Reeves, and Sheldon Shuch

Simulación Multimedia Interactiva Para El Logro Del Aprendizaje Procedimental Del Manejo Del Microscopio, Carmen Eugenia Piña López and Anymir Orellana

Meaning, Memory, and Multiplication: Integrating Patterns and Properties With Basic Facts, Don Ploger and Steven A. Hecht

The Politics of Dissertation Advising: How Early Career Women Faculty Negotiate Access and Participation, L. Earle Reybold, S. David Brazer, Lynne Schrum Ph.D, and Kirsten W. Corda


Patterns of Prescription Medication Diversion among Drug Dealers, Khary K. Rigg, Steven P. Kurtz, and Hilary L. Surratt

Project DAVES: An Exploratory Study of Social Presence, E-Mentoring, and Vocational Counseling Support in Community College Courses, Lynne Schrum, Mary C. English, and Lyndsie M. Galizio


Apps- The 3Rs and the 3Ps, Michael Simonson


Designing the perfect online program, Michael Simonson


Ethics and distance education, Michael Simonson


MOOC madness, Michael Simonson


The three Rs and three Ps, Michael Simonson

Learning at the back door [Book Review], Michael R. Simonson

Teaching Presence and Communication Timeliness in Asynchronous Online Courses, Erik Skramstad, Charles Andrew Schlosser, and Anymir Orellana


Effective Mathematics Strategies for Pre-School Children with Autism, Angie Su, Leanne Lai, and Hermenia Janet Rivera

Two Wrongs Simply Make a Right Pythagorean Triple, Angie Su and M. Mnatsakanian


HIV Risk Among Female Sex Workers in Miami: The Impact of Violent Victimization and Untreated Mental Illness, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, Minxing Chen, and Angela Mooss


Digital storytelling: Reinventing literature circles, Maryann Tatum Tobin

Submissions from 2011


Generation and Police Values: Much Ado about Nothing?, James A. Brecher


Web 2.0 technologies for classroom instruction: High school teachers' perceptions and adoption factors, Berta Hayes Capo and Anymir Orellana

Web 2.0 Technologies for Classroom Instruction: High School Teachers’Perceptions and Adoption Factors, Berta Hayes Capo and Anymir Orellana

Diasporic Lakou A Haitian Academic Explores Her Path to Haiti Pre- and Post-Earthquake, Charlene Désir


Migration, Neighborhoods, and Networks: Approaches to Understanding how Urban Environmental Conditions affect Syndemic Adverse Health Outcomes among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men who have Sex with Men, James E. Egan, Victoria Frye, Steven P. Kurtz, Carl Latkin, Minxing Chen, Karin E. Tobin, Cui Yang, and Beryl A. Koblin


Math Around Us: A Family Math Activity at a Football Game, Joseph M. Furner, Carol A. Marinas, and Angie Su

Sources of Group and Individual Differences in Emerging Fraction Skills, Steven A. Hecht and Kevin J. Vagi


Benzodiazepine Dependence Among Multidrug Users in the Club Scene, Steven P. Kurtz, Hilary L. Surratt, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, and Angela Mooss


Academic and Behavioral Trajectories for At-Risk Adolescents in Urban Schools, Marjorie Montague, Craig Enders, Wendy M. Cavendish, and Marcelo Castro


Age of Sexual Initiation, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Sexual Risk Behavior among Ecstasy and LSD Users in Porto Alegre, Brazil: A Preliminary Analysis, Flavio Pechansky, Lysa S. Remy, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, Thiago Botter Maio Rocha, Lisia Von Diemen, Daniela B. Bumaguin, and James A. Inciardi


Officers in Crisis: New York City Police Officers Who Assisted the Families of Vicims of the World Trace Center Terrorist Attack, Chaya S. Piotrkowski and Grace A. Telesco


How I Learned to Conduct Focus Groups, Maribel Del Rio-Roberts


Apoyando el desarrollo socioemocional de los preescolares: Importancia de la continuidad en el cuidado [Supporting social emotional development of preschoolers: Role of the contunuity of care], Wilma Robles de Melendez

Familias y educadores trabajando juntos para el exito de los..., Wilma Robles de Melendez

Tecnología en el Aula Infantil. Apuntes y Comentarios, Wilma Robles de Melendez

Science Teaching & Learning in the Age of Web 2.0, Lynne Schrum

Educational Leadership and Technology Integration: An Investigation into Preparation, Experiences, and Roles, Lynne Schrum, Lyndsie M. Galizio, and Patrick Ledesma

ICTs and Teacher Competencies, Lynne Schrum, Neal Strudler, and Ann Thompson


Bad publicity, Michael Simonson


Design: The fundamental element, Michael Simonson


Online instruction: Or, how to avoid the seven deadly presentation sins, Michael Simonson


Organização de cursos para Educação à Distância – Abordagem UMT, Michael Simonson

Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Michael Simonson


Solitary but not idle, Michael Simonson


What diploma mills are not, Michael Simonson

Online Instruction—The Seven Virtues: Or, How to Avoid the Seven Deadly Presentation Sins, Michael R. Simonson

Distance Education Research: A Review of the Literature, Michael R. Simonson, Charles Andrew Schlosser, and Anymir Orellana

Distance education research: A review of the literature, Michael Simonson, Charles Schlosser, and Anymir Orellana


Number Sense Made Simple Using Number Patterns, Angie Su, Carol A. Marinas, and Joseph M. Furner


The Effective Use of Online Diagnostic Tools to help Identify Appropriate Learning Modules as a Form of Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers, Angie Su and Mamikon Mnatsakanian


Foster Care History and HIV Infection Among Drug-Using African American Female Sex Workers, Hilary L. Surratt and Steven P. Kurtz


Alternate Routes of Administration and Risk for HIV Among Prescription Opioid Abusers, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, and Theodore J. Cicero

America's Race to the Top, Our Fall from Grace, Michelle Tenam-Zemach and Joseph Flynn

Submissions from 2010

A Pilot Study of a Kindergarten Summer School Reading Program in High-Poverty Urban Schools, C. A. Denton, E. J. Solari, D. J. Cianci, Steven A. Hecht, and P. Swank


Instructors’ vantage point: Teaching online vs. face- to-face, Robert W. Hill


Teaching online: Not for the faint of heart, Robert W. Hill


Military veterans face challenges in accessing educational benefits at Florida community colleges, Robert W. Hill and R. Spiro


Correlates of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse among Substance-Using Club-Goers, Gladys E. Ibanez, Steven P. Kurtz, Hilary L. Surratt, and James A. Inciardi


Developmental advising today, Susan Ohrablo

Working Memory and Mathematics: A Review of Developmental, Individual Difference, and Cognitive Approaches, K. P. Raghubar, M. Barnes, and Steven A. Hecht

Creando un ambiente multicultural, Wilma Robles de Melendez

Digital Storytelling: Reinventing How Learners Communicate, Lynne Schrum and Barbara B. Levin


Distance education as disruptive technology, Michael Simonson


Millenials- Oh really?, Michael Simonson

Opinion: Virtual schools are a critical piece of education's future, Michael Simonson


Retention, Michael Simonson


Scientific rigor and contemporary educational technology, Michael Simonson


Using an Exploratory Approach to Help Children with Autism Learn Mathematics, Angie Su, Leanne Lai, and Herminia Janet Rivera


Connecting the Numbers in the Primary Grades Using an Interactive Tool, Angie Su, Carol A. Marinas, and Joseph M. Furner


Investigating Numeric Relationships Using an Interactive Tool Covering Number Sense Concepts for the Middle Grades, Angie Su, Carol A. Marinas, and Joseph M. Furner


Investigating Numeric Relationships Using an Interactive Tool: Covering Number Sense Concepts for the Middle Grades, Angie Su, Carol A. Marinas, and Joseph M. Furner


Treating Gambling Problems [Book Review], Grace A. Telesco

An Analysis of the Themes of Environmental Sustainability in the National, State, and Local Science Content Standards, Michelle Tenam-Zemach


Comprehensive and Clear: A Review of H. Russell Bernard and G.W. Ryan's Analyzing Qualitative Data: Systematic Approaches, Shelley Victor


From "Clueless" to "Completed": A Review of The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project, Angela Yehl

Submissions from 2009


Collaborative course design and inquiry-basedapproaches in geosciences education, P. E. Baldauf and Robert W. Hill

Expanding Teacher Preparation Pathways for Paraprofessionals: A Recruiting Seminar Series, Mary D. Burbank, Alisa J. Bates, and Lynne Schrum

Teacher Beliefs and Student Achievement in Technology-Rich Classroom Environments, Kelly Glassett and Lynne Schrum


The economy and the aging professoriate, Robert W. Hill


The "Black Box" of Prescription Drug Diversion, James A. Inciardi, Hilary L. Surratt, Theodore J. Cicero, Steven P. Kurtz, Steven S. Martin, and Mark W. Parrino


Criminal Activity Among Young Adults in the Club Scene, Steven P. Kurtz, James A. Inciardi, and Elisa Pujals

Enhancing children’s conceptual understanding of mathematics through Chartworld software, Don Ploger and Steven A. Hecht


The Role of Qualitative Methods in Early Childhood Education: A Review of J. Amos Hatch’s Early Childhood Qualitative Research, Maribel Del Rio-Roberts


What Do Teachers Think About School Leadership, David B. Ross and V. C. Bryan


Britannica, not wikipaedia, Michael Simonson


Critical mass, Michael Simonson


Hooray- or here we go again, Michael Simonson


Inevitable! Do you really think so?, Michael Simonson