"Distance education: Eight steps for transforming an organization" by Michael Simonson

Faculty Articles

Researcher ID

Michael Simonson0000-0003-3478-7879

Document Type


Publication Title

Quarterly Review of Distance Education



Publication Date

Summer 1-1-2005


This article explores the steps in transforming an organization so it successfully adopts appropriate distance education applications. A distance education leader is a visionary capable of action who guides an organization's future. The leader guides the organization and its people who have faith in the leader, and have a clear understanding and acceptance of the organization's worthwhile and shared vision and goals. A distance learning leader has competence in knowing, designing, managing, leading, and visioning distance education. John Kotter wrote clearly and forcefully about organizational transformation. By considering his ideas and relating them to distance education, a strategic distance education transformation can be implemented. By carefully managing the process an organization can reduce mistakes and multiply successes. The team that develops the plan for an organization must have enough power to lead the effort, and have the correct opinion leaders so the members of the organization will be changed. Change comes because of a manager's directions, and because of the opinion leader's influence. Visioning is one of the most important but most poorly understood aspects of the change process.





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