Faculty Articles
Submissions from 1996
A dispute resolution case: The reintroduction of the gray wolf, David B. Ross
Rural telecommunication for educational professional development and instructional improvement: Two federally funded models., Lynne Schrum
Teaching at a distance: Strategies for successful planning and development, Lynne Schrum
A Challenge for the information age: Educators and the internet, Lynne Schrum and Mary Ann Fitzgerald
Submissions from 1995
Educators and the internet: A case study of professional development, Lynne Schrum
Framing the debate: Ethical research in the information age, Lynne Schrum
Distance education revisited, Michael Simonson
Does anyone really want to learn at a distance, Michael Simonson
Does anyone really want to learn at a distance?, Michael Simonson
More than fiber: Distance education in Iowa, Michael Simonson and Charles Schlosser
Submissions from 1994
Two-way interactive distance education: Iowa's Star School Project, Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1993
Assessment of cognitive style to examine students' use of hypermedia within historic costume, Diane Frey and Michael Simonson
The reduction of computer anxiety, Matthew M. Maurer and Michael R. Simonson
First steps into the information age: Technology infusion in a small teacher education program, Lynne Schrum
Tales from the trenches: Educators' perspective on technology implementation, Lynne Schrum
What can you get professionally online?, Lynne Schrum
The Iowa Distance Education Alliance: Star schools-a special statewide project, Michael Simonson, Jan Sweeney, and Mari Kemis
Increasing fourth grade math achievement with improved instructional strategies, Angie Su
Submissions from 1992
Professional development in the information age: An online experience, Lynne Schrum
Submissions from 1991
Distance education: A primer for administrators, Lynne Schrum
Information technologies in our schools: Telecommunications enhancements for preservice and inservice teacher education, Lynne Schrum
Teacher education goes online, Lynne Schrum
Submissions from 1990
The threat matrix: A hypermedia development project, R. Kelly and Michael Simonson
Oregon's Ed-Net: Distance delivery for education, Lynne Schrum
Teachers as researchers: An ongoing discussion focused on educational telecommunications, Lynne Schrum
Teen populations and health issues: On-line participation, Lynne Schrum
Increasing fourth grade math achievement with improved instructional strategies, Angie Su
Submissions from 1989
Hooked into science, Lynne Schrum
Submissions from 1988
Introducing teacher to telecommunications: California's ESTTI, Lynne Schrum
Telecommunications: A window to the world, Lynne Schrum
Subliminal messages, persuasion, and behavior change, Margaret Treimer and Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1987
Four studies dealing with mediated persuasive messages, attitudes, and learning styles, Michael R. Simonson, Roger Aegerter, Timothy Berry, Terryl Kloock, and Robert Stone
Development of a standardized test of computer literacy and computer anxiety index, Michael R. Simonson, Matthew Maurer, Mary Montag-Torardi, and Mary Whitaker
Submissions from 1985
Persuasive films: A study of techniques used to change attitudes, Michael Simonson
The instructional design process [book review], Michael R. Simonson
Submissions from 1984
Media and persuasive messages, Michael R. Simonson
Submissions from 1980
Media and attitudes: A bibliography part 2, Michael R. Simonson
Submissions from 1979
Attitude measurement: Why and how, Michael Simonson
Designing instruction for attitudinal outcomes, Michael R. Simonson
Designing instruction for attitudinal outcomes, Michael R. Simonson
Media and attitudes: A bibliography part 1: Articles published in AV Communication Review (1953-1977), Michael Simonson, Pamela Thies, and Georgeann Burch
Submissions from 1978
Autotutorial instruction: A summary of the research, Michael Simonson
Liking and learning to hand-in-hand, Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1977
Attitude change and achievement: Dissonabce theory in education, Michael Simonson
Global awareness: A curriculum guide for world study, Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1976
The culture kit, Dennis Peterson and Michael Simonson
Global awareness: A media and education competency, Michael Simonson
Global awareness in the curriculum, Michael Simonson
Attitudes towards decision making for instructional development, Michael Simonson, C. Poncelow, and J. McLure
Submissions from 1975
A review of educational media research: The sex variable, Janet Clegg and Michael R. Simonson
It's easy to individualize: The five component learning package, Michael Simonson and Roger P. Volker
Programmed videocassettes for self-instruction in media, R. P. Volker and Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1974
Manifestations of the Mexican Cult of Death in the Short Stories of Jose Revueltas, Barbara Brodman
Public school media practicum teacher education undergraduates, Michael Simonson and R. P. Volker
Individualizing a workshop on individualizing instruction, Roger P. Volker and Michael Simonson
Submissions from 1973
For more organized film editing, Michael Simonson
Revive the opaque, Michael Simonson