HCBE Faculty Books and Book Chapters
A selection of faculty published books and book chapters from the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Sports scandals
Peter Finley, Laura L. Finley, and Jeffrey J. Fountain
Cheaters, gamblers, drugs, and violence. Sound like the latest action/adventure film? It is most likely playing in a stadium, ice rink, track field, basketball court, or ballpark near you. We're talking about the larger-than-life scandals that often surround and sometimes engulf the world of sports. Covering everything from the little leagues to college and professional sports, this indespensable book offers students an intriguing, readable guide to the most notorious scandals in American sports history.
Each chapter focuses on a specific category of scandal, including race-related, gender-related, drug-related, violence-related, recruiting and academic-related, and coaching scandals. Insightful, in-depth entries offer and overview of the historical and cultural context, what occurred and who was involved, as well as the response to the scandal. Entries within chapters clearly outline the diversity of viewpoints surrounding the scandal as well as the associated ethical, moral, and legal issues. Highlighting why sport scandals matter to athletes, to coaches, to teams, to organizations, to the media, and to the public, this volume is an ideal resource for both ready reference and for reading cover-to-cover.
Electronic instructors' resource
Regina A. Greenwood and Julia Teahen
The sixth edition of author Daniel Wren's classic text provides a comprehensive understanding of the origin and development of ideas in management. This text traces the evolution of management thought from its earliest days to the present, by examining the backgrounds, ideas and influences of its major contributors.
Every chapter in the sixth edition of The Evolution of Management Thought has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to convey an appreciation of the people and ideas underlying the development of management theory and practice. The authors’ intent is to place various theories of management in their historical context, showing how they’ve changed over time. The text does this in a chronological framework, yet each part is designed as a separate and self-contained unit of study; substantial cross-referencing provides the opportunity for connecting earlier to later developments as a central unifying theme.
An exploratory study of South African based companies, dual-registered on American and South African stock exchanges: An emerging economy perspective
V. Makin, Ruth Clarke, and M. G. Albon
Bringing together a number of leading scholars and pioneering research, this volume explores the links between corporate governance and international business, and demonstrates how corporate governance influences the attractiveness of host countries to inward investors, as well as the internationalization strategies of MNEs themselves.
Employee orientation and mentoring programs
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Handbook of Hospitality Human Resources Management is an authoritative resource comprising an edited collection of papers, which review and discuss this crucial aspect of hospitality, whilst illustrating how theories and concepts can be applied to the hospitality industry. Written by internationally recognized practitioners and academics, this book provides thorough reviews and discussions.
The depth and coverage of each topic is unprecedented. A must-read for hospitality researchers and educators, students and industry practitioners. -
Ethical principles and practices in human resource management
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Frank J. Cavico
Handbook of Hospitality Human Resources Management is an authoritative resource comprising an edited collection of papers, which review and discuss this crucial aspect of hospitality, whilst illustrating how theories and concepts can be applied to the hospitality industry. Written by internationally recognized practitioners and academics, this book provides thorough reviews and discussions.
The depth and coverage of each topic is unprecedented. A must-read for hospitality researchers and educators, students and industry practitioners. -
International law and international taxation
Miguel Orta
The law is everywhere; almost all human activity is affected by it. In the business world, when contemplating a business transaction or a decision, a manager not only must consider the physical, financial, personnel, and managerial aspects of a decision, but also its legal ramifications.
The main purpose of Legal Challenges for the Global Manager and Entrepreneur is to introduce the reader to the fundamental principles of the laws regulating business, as well as their practical application in a modern global business and entrepreneurial environment.
The book approaches the vast subject of the laws governing global business in the following ways: first, the authors discuss certain foundational legal notions and principles pertaining to global business, such as the definition and nature of the law and the concept of jurisdiction; next, the authors examine basic legal business law areas, such as contract and tort law; and finally, a study of essential regulatory legal fields, such as securities and antitrust law, is presented. -
Disaster management handbook
Jack Pinkowski
Record breaking hurricane seasons, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and intentional acts of mass-casualty violence, give lie to the delusion that disasters are the anomaly and not the norm. Disaster management is rooted in the fundamental belief that we can protect ourselves. Even if we cannot control all the causes, we can prepare and respond. We can craft constructive, workable policy that will contribute to the prevention of enormous financial impact, destruction of the environment, and needless loss of life.
Integrating scholarly articles from international experts and first hand accounts from the practitioner community, Disaster Management Handbook presents an analytical critique of the interrelated, multidisciplinary issues of preparedness, response, and recovery in anticipating and rebuilding from disasters. Beginning with an introduction to the theoretical constructs and conceptual foundations of disaster management, the book reviews the relationship of modern development to disaster vulnerability, the politics of disaster management, leadership, and the role of agency coordination. The second and third sections examine case studies and lessons learned through natural disasters in North America and around the world. They compare and contrast the efficacy of different management strategies from national, provincial, and local governments, as well as non-governmental agencies.
Taking a narrower scope, the fourth section focuses on emergency personnel and the methods and issues faced in on-the-scene response and preparation. It also considers the special needs of hospitals and the effective use of the media. Contributions in the final two sections present strategies for limiting and ameliorating the psychological impact of disaster on victims and personnel, and look forward to how we can be better prepared in the future and rebuild stronger, more resilient communities. -
Homeland security handbook
Jack Pinkowski
Blinded by emotional rhetoric, political posturing, and genuine fear, previous efforts to defend our way of life against aggressors intent on inflicting personal and economic destruction have proven, in hindsight, to be misguided, panicked, and reactionary. Evaluation and assessment to date is largely focused on reviewing government documents, doing little to alleviate the distorted perspectives from which we vainly attempt to invoke workable policy.
In contrast to much of the current literature, Homeland Security Handbook takes a sober, analytical look at the policies, results, and lessons learned in what is still a nascent field. This comprehensive reference considers the myriad factors, implications, and ramifications involved with the practical and effective protection of our safety.
Dividing contributions into five sections, this book―
- Provides an overview and historical perspective of the worldwide threat of terrorism and debates the necessity and danger of highly-centralized government response
- Explores specific threats to homeland security including the exploitation of our own vulnerabilities. It explores the insidious effect of psycho-terrorism and challenges the economic and military wisdom of launching armies against a nation-less and nebulous threat
- Offers practical, reasoned advice from practitioners and academic experts on planning, preparedness, prevention, and recovery
- Reviews supporting case studies from local and foreign governmental response to security and border control
- Quantifies the cost of homeland security in terms of funding, as well as the hardships incurred by rash and biased actions
Conscious of the multi-faceted nature of the problem, the editor combines theory and practice to address concerns in border and transportation security, emergency preparedness and response, and infrastructure protection.
An HR practitioner's view: Four actions that HR executives can take to get their services used
Robert C. Preziosi
Handbook of Hospitality Human Resources Management is an authoritative resource comprising an edited collection of papers, which review and discuss this crucial aspect of hospitality, whilst illustrating how theories and concepts can be applied to the hospitality industry. Written by internationally recognized practitioners and academics, this book provides thorough reviews and discussions.
The depth and coverage of each topic is unprecedented. A must-read for hospitality researchers and educators, students and industry practitioners. -
The 2008 Pfeiffer annual: Management development
Robert C. Preziosi
The Leader in Human Resource Development for the Past Four Decades The 2008 Pfeiffer Annual: Management Development Since 1972, The Pfeiffer Annuals have been the most trusted resource for presenting the best current thinking about workplace performance, training, and organizational and professional development.
The 2009 Pfeiffer annual: Management development
Robert C. Preziosi
This volume of the popular Pfeiffer Annuals series offers unique activities, articles, and an instrument from experts and practitioners in the field of managerial training. It addresses the design, delivery, and evaluation of interventions that can be used to improve the performance of managers across all sorts of disciplines. Building on familiar principles, as well as introducing new schools of thought on the subject matter, this Annual is sure to provide you with tangible take-aways for your Management Development program.
The sunshine economy: An economic history of Florida since the Civil War
William Stronge
This book traces the economic development of Florida from the Civil War to the present. One of the nation's most sparsely populated states at the end of that war, with fewer than 200,000 persons, it was on its way to becoming the fourth most populous in the nation at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The Sunshine State leapt from a small economy on the periphery at the end of the nineteenth century to one of the major economies of the United States by the end of the twentieth century.
Building flexibility into multi-national human resource strategy: A study of four South African multi-national enterprises
Albert Wocke, Michael T. Bendixen, and Rasoava Rijamampianina
Globalizing International Human Resource Management sets out to cover as a wide range of regional and national cultures, as well as perspectives, as possible, in order to explore how these might shape both theory and practice in this field.
In attempting this, it focuses on key concepts within it, such as
- human resources (HR)
- HR management (HRM),
- international HRM (IHRM),
- strategic HRM (SHRM),
- human capital and talent as they relate to foreign direct investment (FDI)
These are discussed in a range of spatial and organizational settings, including multinational corporations (MNC) and international joint ventures (IJV). The book covers a wide range of countries and cultures in North America, Europe and and Asia. Next, we have a set of nationally-based cases that represent exemplifications of many of the conceptual points made by contributors, who include scholars based in a wide variety of countries around the world, in universities and business schools.
This book was previously published as a special issue of The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Strategic maneuvering in healthcare technology markets: The case of Emdeon Corporation
Yuliya V. Yurova, Kirill M. Yurov, and Richard E. Potter
Recently, e-business applications have evolved beyond business transactions and services to include customer relationship management (CRM), mobile computing, Web mining, e-healthcare, social networking, and Web 2.0. As e-business continues to create new business models and technologies, researchers, higher education faculty, and practitioners are in great need of appropriate reference resources to enhance their understanding of all aspects of e-business technologies and management.
Emergent Strategies for E-Business Processes, Services and Implications: Advancing Corporate Frameworks is an authoritative collection of original, in-depth, and innovative research articles on e-business concepts, models, processes, services, and applications. This book presents an integrated view of emerging issues and technologies addressed by renowned scholars, providing researchers and practitioners with the state-of the-art reference for future research and practices on a wide range of topics including e-CRM, e-business model, multi-channel management, e-health, m-commerce adoption, offshore outsourcing, and e-business innovation.
Multinational pharmaceutical companies
Hyungkee Young Baek and Steven R. Gerst
Globalisation has forced international issues to a prime consideration of businesses at every level. This book focuses on topics such as exchange rates, risk and international taxation and other such issues.
Cross cultural management and negotiation practices
James Barry
"Coaching and Performance Management: Developing and Inspiring Leaders" is about enhancing human capacity and development. In this book, coaching is focused on developing a trusting relationship with others, as well as on clarifying expectations and goals, thereby leading to specific action plans for their achievement. Coaching is not an innate skill, but rather it is learned. It occurs through one's life personally and professionally. Effective coaching is, and it can be, one of the most important functions managers perform because it communicates performance levels, expectations, importance of the tasks and responsibilities, and a caring attitude. The skills and behaviors of effective coaches are presented and thoroughly discussed. This book is appropriate for current and aspiring managers, leaders, scholars, and training and development professionals. This book defines coaching as the continuous process of conversational collaborations and interactions aimed at assisting others to unlock and realize their full potential one task and one skill at a time, and at a pace appropriate for the person being coached. The essence of coaching is unlocking people's potential, through rich, two-way interactions as well as stimulating questions, so people can maximize their own performance. Effective coaches accept the challenge of developing their colleagues and employees knowing that the growth and development journey is a continuous process, and that learning how to learn and develop are the real goals for both the coach and the coachee. The author has used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of performance management, coaching, influence, and leadership skills. As such, the concepts, cases, and exercises are relevant to today's work environment and can easily fit most leadership and management courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. Leadership and management trainers, corporate universities, colleges or professors wishing to adopt this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author for receiving the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as the electronic power point files for presentation, chapter summaries for usage with lectures and online postings, test questions for discussions or exams, and/or instructor thoughts or supplementary material for exercises. The instructor's resources comes electronically using Microsoft Power Point, Word, and other files; as such, they can be adjusted by each educator and facilitator for his or her lectures, training and presentations.
Business law for the entrepreneur and manager
Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
All entrepreneurs, managers and their employees are impacted by law each day; and almost all human activity is affected by the law. Have you ever wondered why some firms are "Incorporated or Inc.," some are "Limited Liability Company, or LLC," while others are "limited partnership" and so on? Do you know which is appropriate for an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to open his/her own business? Did you know that you can protect your business plan as a legally protected trade secret? Well, if you are not totally familiar with these terms and concepts, there is no need to worry. This book is designed to help you become familiar with such concepts so you can make appropriate decisions about your company's status. Entrepreneurs and managers deal with "laws of the land" every day, and consequently must be aware of its nuances and complexities in order to successfully and interdependently work with others in the community, industry, and country. Thus, entrepreneurs and managers should become aware of the fundamental aspects of the legal system so they avoid legal problems and can seek the help of experts when dealing with complex issues. Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager is designed to provide the foundational aspects of the "American" legal system, as practiced in the United States, for current and aspiring entrepreneurs and managers. By reading and becoming familiar with the various topics presented, you will be better prepared to more effectively deal with legal challenges. Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager introduces the reader to fundamental principles of the laws regulating business as well as their practical application in the United States. The various chapters cover such topics as the law and the basic legal principles impacting entrepreneurs and managers; the foundational business laws that entrepreneurs and managers in the United States must become aware of and understand, as well as other important legal topics such as constitutional law, administrative law, torts, products liability, crimes, contract law, sales and agency laws, commercial paper, various forms of business organizations, and debtors and creditors laws. The study of this legal material will be very beneficial to entrepreneurs and managers. Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager is designed to be used academically for foundational business law courses, as well as practically, as a guide and an enlightening learning tool that the hard-working and on-the-go manager or entrepreneur will find useful. This book covers some of the most important and foundational laws that aspiring entrepreneurs and managers must understand and obey. A student or manager in the U.S. will find the explication of U.S. laws very important, particularly the emphasis on the moral "gaps" in U.S. law. The book is neither a bulky legal tome nor merely a "popular" legal offering; but rather an attempt to cover the laws governing business with a substantive, understandable, and pragmatic approach. Overall, the authors hope that all the stated and aforementioned objectives are attained in a stimulating, thought-provoking, perhaps at times provocative, and enjoyable manner; and as a result the knowledge of the reader is increased, the mental acuity of the reader is enhanced, and the mental discipline of the reader is strengthened.
Coaching and performance management: developing and inspiring leaders
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
"Coaching and Performance Management: Developing and Inspiring Leaders" is about enhancing human capacity and development. In this book, coaching is focused on developing a trusting relationship with others, as well as on clarifying expectations and goals, thereby leading to specific action plans for their achievement. Coaching is not an innate skill, but rather it is learned. It occurs through one's life personally and professionally. Effective coaching is, and it can be, one of the most important functions managers perform because it communicates performance levels, expectations, importance of the tasks and responsibilities, and a caring attitude. The skills and behaviors of effective coaches are presented and thoroughly discussed. This book is appropriate for current and aspiring managers, leaders, scholars, and training and development professionals. This book defines coaching as the continuous process of conversational collaborations and interactions aimed at assisting others to unlock and realize their full potential one task and one skill at a time, and at a pace appropriate for the person being coached. The essence of coaching is unlocking people's potential, through rich, two-way interactions as well as stimulating questions, so people can maximize their own performance. Effective coaches accept the challenge of developing their colleagues and employees knowing that the growth and development journey is a continuous process, and that learning how to learn and develop are the real goals for both the coach and the coachee. The author has used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of performance management, coaching, influence, and leadership skills. As such, the concepts, cases, and exercises are relevant to today's work environment and can easily fit most leadership and management courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. Leadership and management trainers, corporate universities, colleges or professors wishing to adopt this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author for receiving the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as the electronic power point files for presentation, chapter summaries for usage with lectures and online postings, test questions for discussions or exams, and/or instructor thoughts or supplementary material for exercises. The instructor's resources comes electronically using Microsoft Power Point, Word, and other files; as such, they can be adjusted by each educator and facilitator for his or her lectures, training and presentations.
Cross cultural management and negotiation practices
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is about managing cultural differences throughout a country or organization, according to some basic principles of professionalism and open communication. One has to understand each individual and let people freely voice their opinion in order to maximize their efficiency and productivity toward the complex solutions we all face in today's cross-cultural work environments. Likewise, professionals need to have great management and negotiation skills while working toward the objectives of maximizing shareholder benefits in the organization. Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is divided into four parts and includes subjects that each can be a specialization of study in itself. Part I provides information on culture and management as well as ethical challenges that managers and expatriates face across the globe; Part II provides an overview of negotiation fundamentals, negotiation model, and negotiation steps which can be used by expatriates in international assignments; Part III discusses practical skills such as communication and conflict management along with expatriate, as well as repatriate, training and development strategies; and Part IV offers a variety of cases to emphasize specific concepts and reflect upon real world challenges that can be used to facilitate various topics and reflect upon their learning outcomes. Overall, this book attempts to shed some light, albeit briefly, on specific area by introducing the reader to the major topics and issues in cross-cultural management and negotiations. Understanding these subjects require examining one's own beliefs and values as well as learning the skills of dealing appropriately with those whose beliefs and values may be very different. The author and contributors have used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of management, international management, negotiations, communication, and different cultures. The concepts, cases and exercises have been gleaned from a variety of sources and professionals in the United States and others around the globe. As such, these are very relevant to today's work environment, and thus can easily fit most management, international management, or cultural competency courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. Management trainers, corporate universities, colleges or professors wishing to adopt this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author to request the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as the electronic Power Point files for presentation, chapter summaries for usage with lectures and online postings, test questions for discussions or exams, and/or other supplementary material for exercises. The Instructor's CD (resources) come electronically using Microsoft Power Point, Word, and Excel files; as such, they can be adjusted by each educator and facilitator for his or her lectures, training and presentations.
Moral and ethical development in healthcare industry
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
The book is used to narrate some simple ways that you as a manager can begin to have a solid and perfect relationship with your staff. The book explains major roles and functions of CEO, CNO, VPMA and the Board Chairman. The book also discusses the 3C concepts of employee satisfaction. Comfort plus Caring working environment often times produce a Confident employee. Coaching and moral leadership are other topics addressed. Some personal management experiences of the author are discussed in the book. The book also provides some of the most effective methods that a healthcare manager can use to retain and recruit employees to his or her department. Overall, this book will be a useful handbook for new and seasoned managers or those that are looking for solutions for a better retention tool.
Workforce development challenges and skills for Bahamian managers
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, C. Chin-Loy, and T. O. McCartney
Earning a doctorate degree in the 21st century: challenges and joys
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and M. Scharff
Earning a Doctorate Degree in the 21st Century: Challenges and Joys reflects on some of the main reasons people pursue a doctorate degree, the techniques for setting the course and what candidates should do to make sure their degree is completed in a timely manner. If you are a university administrator, currently a doctoral candidate or thinking about becoming one, then this book is for you. Good luck in your pursuit of becoming a protector of wisdom! Review Comments: In this text you'll benefit from the counsel of the authors who have coached numerous others before you through this process. - Dr. Paul Hersey, Chairman, Center for Leadership Studies This book is your ace in the hole to completing a doctoral program. If you have the thirst for knowledge, but are unsure if you have the wherewithal to complete a doctoral program, this book is for you. You will find helpful tips for succeeding, learn from the experiences of others who have struggled to achieve and succeeded in the process, and probably change your way of thinking about yourself. You will find yourself thinking about where you have been, where you are going, and the motivations, attitude, and strategy you need to complete a doctoral program. - Dr. Tamara S. Terry, Assistant Dean and Chief Financial Officer of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship "Earning a Doctorate Degree" lays out the realities of why so many students fail to make it to the finish line. The authors build a solid case for why doctoral programs build unnecessary barriers leading to discouragement and high failure rates. Written in a clearly understood and anecdotal fashion, Mujtaba and Scharff argue a case of student/faculty disconnect and false expectations. At the heart of their argument for boosting doctoral completion is an intrinsic appreciation for the value of learning that has been lost in the luster of "doc-in-the-box" approaches to boosting a candidate's job credentials. The book is based on practitioner perspectives adding to its credibility and readership. Both school administrators and doctoral student prospects will benefit from these long overdue ideas for boosting retention. - Dr. James Barry, Professor of Marketing While the path to completing a doctoral degree contains numerous obstacles, in "Earning a Doctorate Degree" Drs. Mujtaba and Scharff provide a useful roadmap to avoid them. Each section contains personal insights of the authors and others who have successfully completed the journey. From the beginning of why one would want to undertake the goal of a doctorate to completing the dissertation, the reader is provided with key issues related to challenges and how to overcome the barriers. The book should be read when a potential student is considering a doctorate to help in the decision-making process, and once a student enrolls, it should be re-read as the student progresses through a program to keep him/her on course for completion. - Dr. Les Carter, Entrepreneurship Chair, St. Edward's University
International negotiations strategy
Miguel Orta
Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is about managing cultural differences throughout a country or organization, according to some basic principles of professionalism and open communication. One has to understand each individual and let people freely voice their opinion in order to maximize their efficiency and productivity toward the complex solutions we all face in today's cross-cultural work environments. Likewise, professionals need to have great management and negotiation skills while working toward the objectives of maximizing shareholder benefits in the organization. Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is divided into four parts and includes subjects that each can be a specialization of study in itself. Part I provides information on culture and management as well as ethical challenges that managers and expatriates face across the globe; Part II provides an overview of negotiation fundamentals, negotiation model, and negotiation steps which can be used by expatriates in international assignments; Part III discusses practical skills such as communication and conflict management along with expatriate, as well as repatriate, training and development strategies; and Part IV offers a variety of cases to emphasize specific concepts and reflect upon real world challenges that can be used to facilitate various topics and reflect upon their learning outcomes. Overall, this book attempts to shed some light, albeit briefly, on specific area by introducing the reader to the major topics and issues in cross-cultural management and negotiations. Understanding these subjects require examining one's own beliefs and values as well as learning the skills of dealing appropriately with those whose beliefs and values may be very different. The author and contributors have used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of management, international management, negotiations, communication, and different cultures. The concepts, cases and exercises have been gleaned from a variety of sources and professionals in the United States and others around the globe. As such, these are very relevant to today's work environment, and thus can easily fit most management, international management, or cultural competency courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. Management trainers, corporate universities, colleges or professors wishing to adopt this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author to request the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as the electronic Power Point files for presentation, chapter summaries for usage with lectures and online postings, test questions for discussions or exams, and/or other supplementary material for exercises. The Instructor's CD (resources) come electronically using Microsoft Power Point, Word, and Excel files; as such, they can be adjusted by each educator and facilitator for his or her lectures, training and presentations.