HCBE Faculty Books and Book Chapters
A selection of faculty published books and book chapters from the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Forecasting security returns: The use of heterogeneous expectations
Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington
[Book Description]
"Advances in Business and Management Forecasting" is a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis. The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. (An accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making.) It is the hope and direction of the research annual to become an applications- and practitioner-oriented publication. The topics will normally include sales and marketing, forecasting, new product forecasting, judgmentally based forecasting, the application of surveys to forecasting, forecasting for strategic business decisions, improvements in forecasting accuracy, and sales response models. It is both the hope and direction of the editorial board to stimulate the interest of the practitioners of forecasting to methods and techniques that are relevant.
The sports industry's war on athletes
Peter Finley and Laura L. Finley
In America, sports are a popular passion, and an astoundingly lucrative business as well. Americans pay out millions of dollars annually for channels and stadiums to bring them closer to their favorite players, and every year, young athletes go to greater lengths to reach those exalted fields of play themselves. Unfortunately, in the quest to offer an ever more compelling product, the sports industry is blind to the manner in which that product is created. Doping, playing through injury, and eating disorders are widespread problems in both professional and college athletics, and speak volumes about the lengths to which people will go in order to make themselves successful. Dirty play, hazing, and cheating are common even at the lowest levels. Most troubling of all, however, are the societal problems created by the sports industry, which include racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia.
Peter and Laura Finley's comprehensive work confronts the many problems facing athletics today. Using numerous examples (both historical and current), they begin with the issue as they exist at the highest levels and as they are represented in the media. They then go on to look at how the values and models expressed by professionals are adopted and utilized by coaches, parents, and eventually by amateur athletes of all ages. Finally, the Finleys provide recommendations for improving the sports environment in America, suggesting ways we can work to counteract some of these many harmful influences to ensure that sports realize their potential as a positive and rewarding activity.
Working with human resources to develop a strategic partnership
Eleanor Lawrence
Beyond Leading and Managing focuses on real life stories and anecdotes about the practice of nursing administration. It highlights key information such as advanced administrative theory, financial decisions, quality control, working with external groups and individuals, planning strategically, and creating new opportunities within the profession. Theory boxes, case studies, and current literature and research located both in the book and on the Evolve website help the reader grasp the key points, remember them and think about the practicality of the content in the real world of leading in healthcare organizations.
- A brief overview of the chapter helps focus readers and the content builds the base of important information about the topic.
- Literature boxes pull out and summarize key relevant theories in nursing administration.
- Contemplations (questions to ponder about the topic) are included to help readers think about the practicality of the content.
- Leadership Stories offer actual scenarios of practice from a professional view.
- Administration certification is included as key content in the text.
- Evolve website offers web links and current research/literature recommended by the authors.
Afghanistan: Realities of war and rebuilding
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Several decades of war and its subsequent civil turmoil has brought devastating destruction throughout Afghanistan from various sources. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances beyond the control of ordinary citizens, the beautiful country of Afghanistan has endured many long-lasting and painful injuries in the last few decades of the previous millennium; as a result, it is suffering from lack of resources, mismanagement of the workforce, water pollution, air pollution, incomplete learning environment, animosity among people, and perhaps hundreds of other such debilitating elements that threaten and hinder the speedy progress of the country. Furthermore, despite having a semi-democratic environment, some people are still dealing with sporadic violence, animosity, and the consequences of inappropriate war techniques, such as the use of depleted uranium in metal penetrating bombs used in Afghanistan by various friendly and unfriendly forces. The various chapters in this book highlight the realities of war, atrocities of certain behaviors during the Russian invasion, factional conflicts, human rights violations, and what the current administration is doing with the assistance of officials from the United Nations and other foreign countries such as France, Germany, Canada, the United States, and Turkey (just to name a few) to bring about some relief to the "injured" and "maimed" people of Afghanistan. The book is meant to be non-political...although it praises some of the recent actions taken by officials in the interim government and the current administration to bring about long-term security, peace, and prosperity in the country. The book is written for the general population's awareness of facts as seen by an Afghan-born author, and it is written for discussion material in colleges and universities throughout the world. Some of the international colleges and universities may also adopt this material for cross-cultural discussions, anthropology, understanding developing economies, and workforce skills needed in such labor markets. Official colleges or professors adopting this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author for receiving the available supplementary facilitator materials. Afghanistan has recently begun to stake out its position on important moral issues, such as terrorism and drug trafficking affecting society. To be successful in this effort, the government officials and the working people of Afghanistan must assess and take seriously their own level of readiness to lead these important agendas. The past cannot be changed by anyone; however, we can change what happens now and in the future. Change must start from within, and each person must take responsibility for his or her own physical, mental, spiritual, and psychological developments. The realities of war point to many losses to all parties involved and such atrocities must be replaced with love, kindness, education, and true "brotherhood" if human beings are to live peacefully. We should all believe in the following statement: "I must be a productive individual and, then, a good leader in order to effectively contribute to the team's goal toward the creation of a peaceful environment for all." Being a peaceful individual, and becoming an effective leader, is a good start for each person in Afghanistan and for those around the world since people have the most control over their own behaviors. May everyone be a productive human being and a good leader in bringing about peace on earth!
Cross cultural change management
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Today's culturally diverse employees and customers live in a state of transition, and what works today may be obsolete next month. This book offers culturally appropriate approaches and strategies for organizations and individuals to successfully initiate, execute, and manage change.
Mentoring diverse professionals
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Mentoring is the art and science of helping others grow. Today, all managers and leaders need the skills of mentoring others toward maximum individual and organizational productivity. Based on practicing managers and educators, Mentoring Diverse Professionals is the definitive text.
The ethics of management and leadership in Afghanistan
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
In this book, discussions have been made regarding the roles of management and leadership in Afghanistan to deal with such challenges, and recommendations for workforce training and rehabilitation have been explored and provided for future development through effective leadership. The people of Afghanistan are doing what they can to develop the country; however, lack of proper education related to management skills and leadership training as well as lack of proper resources make it extremely difficult to have a speedy progress. This material is prepared for managers and leaders to provide explanations, inspirations, and work for perspiration. The word perspiration is used to describe the skill-based topics as they need to be implemented in order for them to become useful. So, application of this knowledge is what delivers results and managers need to make these skills a habit or a way of life for themselves and their workforce. The various chapters in this book highlight effective management and "situational" leadership as the main component or tool for all political, non-profit, and corporate leaders in Afghanistan as they attempt to influence their colleagues, superiors, employees, and others in the community to bring about appropriate changes in the workforce. The book is written for the general population around the globe as it goes through the turmoil of war in the past years, the current situation, and some suggestions for the next twenty years for economic recovery and workforce development. So, it briefly discusses the realities of war, factional conflicts, and what the current administration is doing with the assistance of officials from the United Nations and other foreign countries such as France, Germany, Canada, the United States, and Turkey (just to name a few) to bring about some relief to the "injured" and "maimed" people of Afghanistan. The book covers several management functions and characteristics and it purposefully discusses the concept and skills of situational leadership as the main remedy for making the country prosper through the appropriate capacity development of each individual. The book is written for workforce development and training of Afghans as well as for use by colleges and government officials in Afghanistan. Some of the international colleges and universities may also adopt this material for cross-cultural discussions, anthropology, understanding developing economies, and workforce skills needed in such labor markets. Universities, colleges or professors adopting this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author for receiving the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as test banks, exercises and/or Power Point slides for presentation.
Workforce diversity management: Challenges, competencies and strategies
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Diversity is a reality of life, and a necessity in today's workplace. By increasing cultural competency, understanding people as individuals, and building relationships, Workforce Diversity Management gives business leaders a key to productive associates in a competitive global economy.
Managing workplace stress and conflict amid change
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Timothy McCartney
Change, conflict and time management issues are great contributors to stress in the workplace. Packed with explanations and advice, Managing Workplace Stress and Conflict amid Change provides managers and executives with the techniques to handle all of these challenges.
Competitive advantage and market organizations in the 21st century: Market driving or market driven
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Donovan McFarlane
Globalization transcends borders and cultures as it develops both from the natural flow of information and communication technologies and as a directed and driven quest for global hegemony by self-serving corporations and world political heavyweights. It bears a multifaceted web of influence that manifests in inequalities in growth, prosperity, and accountability in varying social, cultural, and economic contexts.
The Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration is the first comprehensive resource that untangles this complex knot of issues. Mapping the multi-layered relationships among the individuals, local and national governments, international organizations, global corporations, natural resources and the world market, this encyclopedic volume is both a primer and a guide for researchers, academics, and policymakers both public and private.
The book demonstrates in broad terms how globalization presents new threats to national sovereignty, the environment and public health, tends to increase worldwide inequality, and produces global insecurity. Using country-specific cases, the essays examine the role of bureaucracy and market orientation in Hong Kong and China, the new position of public-private partnerships in Africa as protectors instead of exploiters of the people, a Russian implementation of incentive systems to maintain local growth, and the fruitless corruption of a land development scheme in India. Ethics and the need for future global consciousness is illustrated by energy policy, which pits consumers and business interests against local communities and is moderated only by supranational organizations.
The solution calls for sustainable development to be grounded in community-based institutions while governments seek growth through market expansion worldwide. Concerns for public health, climate change, and sustainable energy are growing in the global village and understanding the multi-dimensional chess game is key to survival. -
Adult education in academia: Recruiting and retaining extraordinary facilitators of learning
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Robert Preziosi
Adult Education in Academia offers roadmaps and tools for responding effectively to the changing needs of learners, educators, trainers, and administrators.
The material discussed in various chapters is useful for all diverse teachers and trainers who want to effectively facilitate information to their learners while keeping them engaged in the learning process. The contents are written with a cross-cultural fl avor and diversity since today’s educators are able to teach global audiences. The book aims to introduce the reader to a comprehensive recruitment process for potential educators, development of faculty, retention practices of extraordinary faculty members, effective facilitation skills, adult learning, online education, peer review process, and assessment of learning to deliver a quality program to all students regardless of geographic location or teaching modality. The material is designed to be useful to employees, faculty members, associate deans, deans, and program directors both in public and private education arenas.
The book is also written for faculty development and training as well as for use by higher education administrators. Colleges and universities wishing to adopt this material for their faculty development programs may contact the authors or the publisher. Schools, trainers and educators adopting this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or an author for receiving the available supplementary facilitator’s materials such as sample faculty training manuals, exercises, activities, and PowerPoint slides for presentation. This book discusses that extraordinary educators know what to teach, how to teach, as well as how to continuously assess and improve. These extraordinary educators excel at creating exciting learning opportunities since they connect well with learners who learn the skills to reach their full potential.
This book offers practical techniques, tips and guidelines for the creation of an extraordinary learning environment. It discusses learning theories, needs assessment , twenty fi rst century facilitation tools, essentials of cyberspace education, diversity management, outcomes assessment, mentoring of new educators, and retention of extraordinary human resources. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “the person who can make hard things easy is the educator,” and Adult Education in Academia provides educators with simple to implement tools to make learning more fruitful for students while assessing and enhancing the process for documentation and accreditation. Each of these real world practical facilitation techniques offers opportunities for becoming and being an extraordinary educator.
Privatization and women in economic development: Conceptual and definitional problems
Pedro F. Pellet
Privatization is a reality of life in most countries. With the understanding that not all economies are ready for privatization, this thorough introduction supports the implementation of effective training and development programs. A useful guide to exporting First-World culture.
Handbook of globalization, governance, and public administration
Jack Pinkowski and Ali Farazmand
Globalization transcends borders and cultures as it develops both from the natural flow of information and communication technologies and as a directed and driven quest for global hegemony by self-serving corporations and world political heavyweights. It bears a multifaceted web of influence that manifests in inequalities in growth, prosperity, and accountability in varying social, cultural, and economic contexts.
The Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration is the first comprehensive resource that untangles this complex knot of issues. Mapping the multi-layered relationships among the individuals, local and national governments, international organizations, global corporations, natural resources and the world market, this encyclopedic volume is both a primer and a guide for researchers, academics, and policymakers both public and private.
The book demonstrates in broad terms how globalization presents new threats to national sovereignty, the environment and public health, tends to increase worldwide inequality, and produces global insecurity. Using country-specific cases, the essays examine the role of bureaucracy and market orientation in Hong Kong and China, the new position of public-private partnerships in Africa as protectors instead of exploiters of the people, a Russian implementation of incentive systems to maintain local growth, and the fruitless corruption of a land development scheme in India. Ethics and the need for future global consciousness is illustrated by energy policy, which pits consumers and business interests against local communities and is moderated only by supranational organizations.
The solution calls for sustainable development to be grounded in community-based institutions while governments seek growth through market expansion worldwide. Concerns for public health, climate change, and sustainable energy are growing in the global village and understanding the multi-dimensional chess game is key to survival. -
The impact of Sarbanes Oxley's Act on human resources management
Randolph A. Pohlman and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
The Pfeiffer Annual: Human Resource Management delivers the most up-to-date thinking on issues that are core to the modern HR manager's role; the series covers a broad range of topics such as leadership and succession planning, compensation and benefits, recruitment and selection, compliance and legal, employee and labor relations, wellness and safety, HR information systems, HR planning, and international HRM, among others. The Annual will become the anchor in your professional library, providing key knowledge, ideas, best practices, and benchmarking data.
Icebreakers: presentation skills and games
Robert C. Preziosi
This Info-line provides an overview of the types of icebreakers: openers, acquainters, games, and brainstorming. The issue offers guidelines for selecting icebreakers and for trainer behaviors while conducting icebreakers. Examples of ice breakers are given.
The 2007 Pfeiffer annual: Human resource management
Robert C. Preziosi
The Pfeiffer Annual: Human Resource Management delivers the most up-to-date thinking on issues that are core to the modern HR manager's role; the series covers a broad range of topics such as leadership and succession planning, compensation and benefits, recruitment and selection, compliance and legal, employee and labor relations, wellness and safety, HR information systems, HR planning, and international HRM, among others. The Annual will become the anchor in your professional library, providing key knowledge, ideas, best practices, and benchmarking data.
The effect of the African Growth and Opportunity Act on South Africa's textile industry
P. G. Yatrakis, Leslie Tworoger, and H. K. Simon
Globalization transcends borders and cultures as it develops both from the natural flow of information and communication technologies and as a directed and driven quest for global hegemony by self-serving corporations and world political heavyweights. It bears a multifaceted web of influence that manifests in inequalities in growth, prosperity, and accountability in varying social, cultural, and economic contexts.
The Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration is the first comprehensive resource that untangles this complex knot of issues. Mapping the multi-layered relationships among the individuals, local and national governments, international organizations, global corporations, natural resources and the world market, this encyclopedic volume is both a primer and a guide for researchers, academics, and policymakers both public and private.
The book demonstrates in broad terms how globalization presents new threats to national sovereignty, the environment and public health, tends to increase worldwide inequality, and produces global insecurity. Using country-specific cases, the essays examine the role of bureaucracy and market orientation in Hong Kong and China, the new position of public-private partnerships in Africa as protectors instead of exploiters of the people, a Russian implementation of incentive systems to maintain local growth, and the fruitless corruption of a land development scheme in India. Ethics and the need for future global consciousness is illustrated by energy policy, which pits consumers and business interests against local communities and is moderated only by supranational organizations.
The solution calls for sustainable development to be grounded in community-based institutions while governments seek growth through market expansion worldwide. Concerns for public health, climate change, and sustainable energy are growing in the global village and understanding the multi-dimensional chess game is key to survival. -
Emotional intelligence in the workplace: A review and synthesis
Rebecca Abraham
Since Daniel Goleman's 1995 bestseller on the subject, emotional intelligence (EI) has been presented in the popular media as debatably more important for success than IQ. In introducing this still controversial psychological construct, Schulze (Westfälische Wilhelms-U. Münster, Germany) and Roberts (U. of Sydney), both affiliated with the Educational Testing Service, call for its scientific validation. Contributors to 15 chapters critically assess the status of EI and alternative theoretical models, its measurement as either an ability or personality trait, and applications in academic, workplace, and therapeutic environments.
Piss off! How drug testing and other privacy violations are alienating America's youth
Peter Finley and Laura L. Finley
From the assault by drug warriors, fear-mongers, and control freaks on students’ privacy rights, kids are under attack. Part One lays a foundation for understanding current search policies in schools by describing and critiquing their legal precedents as well as the socio-cultural climate.
Part Two examines five types of searches conducted at schools across America.
Part Three focuses on the impact of school search policies. The final chapter hypothesizes why, in light of all the negatives, we are increasingly using intrusive policies in schools.
Laura Finley is a former high school social studies teacher. She teaches and writes about social justice issues.
Peter Finley is a former high school teacher and coach. He is now a doctoral candidate in sport administration.
Afghanistan: Realities of war and rebuilding
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
The various chapters in this book highlight the realities of war, atrocities of certain behaviors during the Russian invasion, factional conflicts, human right violations, and what the current administration is doing with the assistance of officials from the United Nations and other foreign countries such as France, Germany, Canada, the United States, and Turkey (just to name a few) to bring about some relief to the “injured” and “maimed” people of Afghanistan. The book is meant to be non-political...although it praises some of the recent actions taken by officials in the interim government and the current administration to bring about long-term security, peace, and prosperity in the country. The book is written for the general population’s awareness of facts as seen by an Afghan-born author and it is written for discussion material in colleges and universities throughout the world. Some of the international colleges and universities may also adopt this material for cross-cultural discussions, anthropology, understanding developing economies, and workforce skills needed in such labor markets.