HCBE Faculty Books and Book Chapters
A selection of faculty published books and book chapters from the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
Team NOW! A resource for team members
Robert C. Preziosi
The desire to work on teams is almost universal among people in business, government, academia, and not-for-profits. Success in teamwork, though, is certainly not universal. This book for team members addresses how they can be successful. This book is complementary to the Team NOW book that has been written for leaders.
Readers of this book will appreciate the direct, practical approach that the book takes. It is a positive presentation of actions team members should take. There are reinforcement activities to enhance the learning. Suggestions for follow-up are also provided along with a list of other resources for readers who want to continue learning and/or learn about team building activities. If you want to be a better team member, this book is for you.
Team Now A resource manual for team leaders
Robert C. Preziosi
"We won!" "We won!" These are words we blurt out as young children who have just attained the best score in a classroom or playground competition between two or more "teams." By the time we have made ourselves value-adding at work, we've been on lots of teams. Some were good and others not so good. We notice how enjoyable the experience was.
Team NOW! A Resource for Team Leaders shows us how leaders of teams make teams successful so people can enjoy the experience. Members of a team have the raw material, but only a good team leader facilitates a team towards good results. There are lots of behaviors that go into the role of team leader and team member. This book focuses on the leader, while another focuses on team members. Another focus of the book is the priority issues that team leaders must address as the team grows and develops into a results oriented unit. You will feel well equipped for team leader responsibilities after you read this book. A series of exercises will help reinforce the learning in each chapter. All you will have to add is your own personal team leader personality.
Forecasting the use of seasoned equity offerings
Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington, Jr.
Seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) are sales of stock after the initial public offering. They are a means to raise funds through the sale of stock rather than the issuance of additional debt. We propose a method to predict the characteristics of firms that undertake this form of financing. Our procedure is based on logistic regression where firm-specific variables are obtained from the perspective of the firm's need to raise cash such as high debt ratios, high current liabilities, reduction and changes in current debt, significant increase in capital expenditure, and cash flows in terms of cash as a percentage of assets.
Collaborative governance and the implementation of the Ryan White CARE Act: A case study of HIV health services planning councils in two South Florida counties
James K. Agbodzakey
The complex problems of the twenty-first century cannot be effectively addressed with twentieth century top-down bureaucratic governance alone because of limited stakeholder participation in collective decision making and/or implementation.The somewhat limited stakeholder participation in the policy process,especially,that of target populations,can impact generating viable solutions to complex problems.This book uses collaborative governance concept to underscore its promising alternative to traditional management in addressing contemporary complex problems by drawing on the experiences of two HIV Health Services Planning Councils in South Florida.The book highlights how critical facilitative leadership,institutional design,trust building,commitment to the process, shared understanding,consensus and empowerment is to generating outputs and/or outcomes for collective problem solving.The book provides a conceptual framework for examining collaborative endeavors in developed and developing countries to help create value for society.The book is an enlightening read for policymakers,advocates,scholars,students and practitioners of public and health administration.
Supply chain knowledge integration in emerging economies
Ryan Atkins
Knowledge is evolving in the new economy as a distinctive core competency and as a main source of wealth for many countries as well as companies. Managing knowledge as a non-depleting corporate resource can help in the creation of sustainable competitive advantage for today's competitive and globalized business world. Knowledge Management in Emerging Economies: Social, Organizational and Cultural Implementation seeks focuses on knowledge management theoretical models and empirical research findings for developing economies. This book specifically seeks to understand the social, organizational, and cultural implementation aspects of knowledge management in the context of developing economies, and to discuss issues, challenges, and trends surrounding this implementation.
Baksheesh or bribe: Cultural conventions and legal pitfalls
Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Baksheesh or Bribe: Cultural Conventions and Legal Pitfalls is about bribery, international business, and cross-cultural business practices. Specifically, this book examines one major anti-corruption law - the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which makes the payment of bribes to foreign government officials a legal wrong. This book seeks to raise awareness of the FCPA in the international business community and to demonstrate that the FCPA is a general and vaguely written law, as well as a statute without the benefit of precise judicial interpretation or regulatory guidance. Moreover, the FCPA is a law with very serious legal consequences; and also is one that now is being very aggressively enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, this book: • Examines Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, focusing on its anti-bribery provisions and their legal implications for global executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and their companies. • Seeks to differentiate legal payments to foreign government officials from illegal bribes. • Provides strategies and tactics for the international business person to avoid legal liability under the FCPA. • Discusses bribery in a variety of cultural contexts and from different ethical perspectives. • Presents a case study based on a noteworthy actual bribery prosecution by the Department of Justice along with discussion questions. • Provides a series of short case problems of typical bribery scenarios which can be used for legal analysis, discussion, and training purposes. The book is intended for use as a resource for international business executives, managers, and entrepreneurs, expatriates, and attorneys, as well as an academic text for usage in international management, business law, ethics, and government regulation of business courses.
Business law for the entrepreneur and manager
Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
The "Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager" book focuses on business laws. Entrepreneurs and managers deal with "laws of the land" every day, and consequently must be aware of its nuances and complexities in order to successfully and interdependently work with others in the community, industry, and country. Thus, entrepreneurs and managers should become aware of the fundamental aspects of the legal system so they avoid legal problems and can seek the help of experts when dealing with complex issues. Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager is designed to provide the foundational aspects of the "American" legal system, as practiced in the United States, for current and aspiring entrepreneurs and managers. By reading and becoming familiar with the various topics presented, you will be better prepared to more effectively deal with legal challenges. Business Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager introduces the reader to fundamental principles of the laws regulating business as well as their practical application in the United States. The various chapters cover such topics as the law and the basic legal principles impacting entrepreneurs and managers, the foundational business laws that entrepreneurs and managers in the United States must become aware of and understand, as well as other important legal topics such as constitutional law, administrative law, torts, products liability, crimes, contract law, sales and agency laws, commercial paper, various forms of business organizations, and debtors and creditors laws. The study of this legal material will be very beneficial to entrepreneurs and managers. This book can be used for courses such as "Business Law I" and "Business Law II" in undergraduate business curriculums.
Motivational framework: Insights into decision support systems use and decision performance
Siew H. Chan and Qian Song
The aging workforce: challenges and opportunities for human resource professionals
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Frank J. Cavico
The Aging Workforce book provides an extensive examination of the important and challenging topic of age discrimination in employment. The authors analyze the subject matter in a variety of contexts-legal, ethical, cross cultural, and practical. The authors also present the results of their own research as well as others regarding age discrimination in employment in the United States as well as other countries including Jamaica, Turkey, Thailand, Bahamas, and Afghanistan. The Aging Workforce discusses some of the challenges that older workers face in the work environment and offers practical solutions for the retention of a diverse and competent workforce. Based on the foregoing, the authors provide strategies and make recommendations to managers and human resource professionals as to how to handle the challenges of an aging workforce in a manner that maximizes the value of relevant stakeholders in the organization.
Forecasting informed trading at merger announcements: The use of liquidity trading
Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington
[Book Description]
The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. (An accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making). The focus of the research annual is applications - and practitioner-oriented. The topics will normally include sales and marketing, forecasting, new product forecasting, judgmentally based forecasting, the application of surveys to forecasting, forecasting for strategic business decisions, improvements in forecasting accuracy, and sales response models. It is the direction of the editorial board to stimulate the interest of the practitioners of forecasting to methods and techniques that are relevant.
The state of business schools: Educational and moral imperatives for market leaders
Frank J. Cavico, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, and Donovan McFarlane
In their book, The State of Business Schools: Educational and Moral Imperatives for Market Leaders, the authors, in a highly readable, engaging, succinct, yet substantive manner, examine the role of the business school in the 21st century. The authors analyze and discuss significant educational and moral imperatives that will enable a business school to be not only a market leader but also have ethical administrators. In particular, the authors treat the following critical aspects of the nature and function of business schools and business: • Leadership in business schools and in business. • The viability of business schools in a very competitive and challenging academic and economic environment. • The development and marketing of "sustainable" business courses and programs. • Accreditation issues, concerns, and objectives. • Faculty research and scholarship and quality assurance. • Faculty training and development, especially in the online modality. • Student recruitment, retention, and diversity. • The nature of the values of legality, morality, and social responsibility in a business context. • The role of the business school in inculcating business ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibility. • A conception of business management as a "noble" profession. The authors also provide a detailed explication of a graduate business ethics course, which the authors trust will serve as a model for incorporating the values of legality, morality and ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibility into the education of business students. The book is relevant for educators, trainers, directors, and administrators of the 21st century workplace.
Ruth Clarke and R. Chandra
Asia is highly regarded as one of the fastest growing regions in the world, and this unique Handbook focuses on the internationalization process and entrepreneurial dynamics of small business within the continent. Using a clear and consistent style, the Handbook examines more than forty countries in Asia and allows researchers to compare the environment for entrepreneurship, the internationalization of entrepreneurs and the state of small business in different Asian countries. The chapters are authored by well-known scholars who provide insight into how government policies have affected the internationalization of small firms in Asia. This comprehensive reference work will provide a timely and important basis for scholars to understand entrepreneurship in Asia. Public policy analysts of international entrepreneurship and practitioners wanting to enter or extend their market in Asia will also find this volume of immense interest.
Bloggers: Separating the wheat from the chaff
Andrew J. Felo, Steven A. Solieri, and Joan Hodowanitz
This one-of-a-kind collection consists of actual cases written by fraud examiners out in the field. These cases were hand selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive picture of the many types of computer fraud how they are investigated, across industries and throughout the world. Topics included are email fraud, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others.
Richard Scrushy: The rise and fall of the "King of Health Care"
Andrew J. Felo, Steven A. Solieri, and Joan Hodowanitz
It has been said that scammers and swindlers often display characteristics commonly attributed to good leadership. These include setting a vision, communicating it clearly, and motivating others to follow their lead. But when these skills are used by unconscionable people to satisfy greed, how can the average person recognize that foul play is afoot?
Providing a unique account of frauds throughout modern history, Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership compiles narratives from around the world, including a number of highly-publicized cases. Leading financial and investigative experts have authored the individual chapters, yet the book maintains a reader-friendly style.
The result is a text that is highly engaging and most importantly, provides regulators and investigators with an understanding of the motivations and behavior common to the individuals behind these life-damaging crimes.
The book includes a wealth of stories, including famous cases such as Ponzi, ZZZZ Best, Enron, Parmalat, and Vivendi, along with lesser-known scandals involving both corporations and individuals. There is also a section on frauds perpetrated for motives other than financial rewards, including instances when the government performed experiments on humans without their knowledge or consent, as well as stories on frauds involving science and religion.
A section detailing the Arthur Anderson debacle discusses the compounding of a fraud when the supposed watchdogplays a complicit role. And recognizing that not every issue is black or white, the book also explores whether a hoax perpetrated in the name of a noble cause can ever be justified.
By reviewing the tactics used by swindlers and the motivations that turned good people crooked, investigators and others will come to recognize the red flags that accompany unscrupulous behavior. In doing so, they may well learn how to head off potential disaster.
Business ethics of retail employees: how ethical are modern workers?
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Living in the days of unethical debacles caused by professional and educated business people can easily symbolize human beings as animals who would do what they can to live and survive. However, a human being must be regarded as a social being whose development has been different from that of animals because of social relationships, cultures, and his or her concept of good and evil. This evolutionary advantage is based on morality and ethics demonstrated by honest individuals throughout the world in various industries. Moral development theorists have been concluding that as human beings mature, that is grow older and gain more experience, their ethical values tend to improve and they will become morally sophisticated. Research in human behavior suggests that individuals develop their ethical values through their family life, school, and other social influences. Business Ethics of Retail Employees is based on primary research with 602 retail employees and managers using the Personal Business Ethics Scores (PBES) survey. The PBES measures personal commitment to integrity, honesty, and observance of the laws regulating current business activities. The results of this research suggest that age, supermarket management experience, education, and gender are factors which impact the moral development of retail associates and managers. The question posed is "How ethical are modern workers?" and it turns out that they appear to be very ethical based on their PBES survey findings. If people are the common denominator of success and effectiveness, then the best way to promote fairness and cooperation, and to improve and empower employees, is to properly educate them so they can take personal responsibility for their own decisions, whether personal, professional, or business-related. The Business Ethics of Retail Employees book can help in this education process as it is a recommended reading for retail managers, trainers, human resource professionals, and business students.
Workforce diversity management: challenges, competencies and strategies
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Diversity is a reality of life, and a necessity in today's workplace. Workforce Diversity Management is about increasing one's cultural competency, understanding people as individuals rather than groups, and building productive human relationships in the workplace by focusing on an individual's head, heart and habits. It requires examining one's own beliefs and values as well as one's personal habits and daily behaviors to learn the skills of dealing appropriately with individuals whose personal beliefs and values may be different. • Workforce Diversity Management can help professionals and managers deal with today's diverse workforce more effectively, and to attract and retain productive associates in a competitive global economy. • The book can help managers create a pleasant work environment where all employees of diverse beliefs and values are respected and treated with dignity. • The concepts, cases, and exercises are very relevant to today's work environment, and thus can easily fit most diversity management or cultural competency courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. • The author(s) has used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of diversity and different cultures. Workforce Diversity Management is a very practical book for diversity education and training and it includes examples, exercises and short cases.
Managing workplace stress and conflict amid change
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba and Timothy O. McCartney
Stress and conflict are realities of life. Most workers feel stressed on a daily basis. Perhaps this stress is due to the recession in the economy, job losses, more work, going to school while working, job change, more responsibilities, uncertainty, conflict, and/or too many things to achieve in a short time period. People are living in a constant period of transition, and the shelf life of solutions keeps getting shorter since what works today can become obsolete a few months later. Where is all the stress coming from in today's life? Stress is often coming from or caused by people, technology, new information, and globalization trends. Some of the commonly addressed sources of stress for businesses can include changes in nature of the workforce, economy, social trends, politics, leadership, management, organizational structures, products, services, customers, changing and conflicting demands, and location of where the firm produces or offers its products. Managing Workplace Stress and Conflict amid Change is about helping people effectively manage stress, conflict, and change in the workplace. The topics covered in this book include change management, conflict management, time management, stress management, and effective problem-solving. The book emphasizes that stress, conflict and change are realities of life in every organization. They are a natural part of evolution and human development. They have been handled for thousands of years and should be positively managed so that professionals may maximize their productivity and success in life.
Forecasting option spreads: The use of multiple listing
Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington
[Book Description]
Advances in Business and Management Forecasting is a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis. The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. (An accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making.) It is the hope and direction of the research annual to become an applications and practitioner-oriented publication.
The topics will normally include sales and marketing, forecasting, new product forecasting, judgmentally-based forecasting, the application of surveys to forecasting, forecasting for strategic business decisions, improvements in forecasting accuracy, and sales response models. It is both the hope and direction of the editorial board to stimulate the interest of the practitioners of forecasting to methods and techniques that are relevant.
In Volume 5, there are sections devoted to financial applications of forecasting, as well as demand forecasting. There is, also, a section on general business applications of forecasting, as well as one on forecasting methodologies.
*Presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making.
*Publishes annually -
Cross-Cultural Management Strategies
James Barry
The law is everywhere; almost all human activity is affected by it. In the business world, when contemplating a business transaction or a decision, a manager not only must consider the physical, financial, personnel, and managerial aspects of a decision, but also its legal ramifications.
The main purpose of Legal Challenges for the Global Manager and Entrepreneur is to introduce the reader to the fundamental principles of the laws regulating business, as well as their practical application in a modern global business and entrepreneurial environment.
The book approaches the vast subject of the laws governing global business in the following ways: first, the authors discuss certain foundational legal notions and principles pertaining to global business, such as the definition and nature of the law and the concept of jurisdiction; next, the authors examine basic legal business law areas, such as contract and tort law; and finally, a study of essential regulatory legal fields, such as securities and antitrust law, is presented. -
Franchise times: Guide to selecting, buying & owning a franchise
Julie Bennett, Cheryl Babcock, and John Hamburger
Buying a franchise can be a handy shortcut to the American dream of owning your own business. But there are dangerous pitfalls—and possible drawbacks to even the best franchise deals. Here, for every prospective franchisee, is authoritative advice from a trustworthy source. The experts of Franchise Times offer their picks of the top 200 franchises and 100 up-and-comers, complete with contact information, financial requirements, fees, and more. There are practical tips on everything from hiring and marketing to financing your franchise, leasing a retail space (or setting up a home office), and deciding if you should buy or run a franchise with your spouse. With anecdotes and advice from current franchisees and franchisors, this is a book every would-be entrepreneur should read before signing a contract.
Business ethics: The moral foundation for effective leadership, management, and entrepreneurship
Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
Executive incentive compensation and economic prosperity
Jack De Jong Jr., Cynthia J. Campbell, Rosita P. Chang, Robert Doktor, Lars Oxelheim, and Trond Randoy
The increasing amounts of money paid out in compensation to corporate executives have become the subject of a heated public policy debate on both sides of the Atlantic during the last decade. The magnitude of these sums, as well as the timing of payments relative to evidence of corporate success or - more notably, failure - has surprised and, in many cases, angered employees, shareholders and politicians, and drawn considerable attention in the media. Are executives in many firms exploiting their power to benefit themselves at the expense of other stakeholders or is the level of compensation the result of an effective market mechanism? This book is intended to fill a void created by the current focus of economic, financial and management research on executive compensation in the USA, and to address whether results from the US generalize to Europe, whether there is a European model for executive compensation, and whether European compensation structures enhance the wealth of shareholders and citizens. The research presented here provides a foundation for further research that will help shareholders, their representatives on boards, and policy makers develop wealth enhancing procedures, contracts and rules within European corporate governance systems. The book covers a wide range of issues, including: corporate law and regulation in the area of corporate governance; prosperity and growth effects of compensation contracts; effects of compensation packages on incentives; organization of markets for executives; the choice of performance measure in performance-linked compensation contracts; influences from the US on compensation levels in Europe; as well as country studies of factors affecting compensation packages and their characteristics. This book will be of interest to academics, practitioners and policy makers. On the academic side, researchers and students in the field of business economics, corporate governance, finance, international business, and management will discover research results that enhance their knowledge and provide the basis for further research. Among practitioners, board members, executives, chief financial officers, and bankers will benefit from this book when evaluating and designing executive compensation schemes. Policy makers will find research-based material that can either support or call into question their preconceived opinions.
See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil: Ernst & Young's ethical responsibility for the HealthSouth fraud
Andrew J. Felo, Steven A. Solieri, and Joan Hodowanitz
It has been said that scammers and swindlers often display characteristics commonly attributed to good leadership. These include setting a vision, communicating it clearly, and motivating others to follow their lead. But when these skills are used by unconscionable people to satisfy greed, how can the average person recognize that foul play is afoot?
Providing a unique account of frauds throughout modern history, Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership compiles narratives from around the world, including a number of highly-publicized cases. Leading financial and investigative experts have authored the individual chapters, yet the book maintains a reader-friendly style.
The result is a text that is highly engaging and most importantly, provides regulators and investigators with an understanding of the motivations and behavior common to the individuals behind these life-damaging crimes.
The book includes a wealth of stories, including famous cases such as Ponzi, ZZZZ Best, Enron, Parmalat, and Vivendi, along with lesser-known scandals involving both corporations and individuals. There is also a section on frauds perpetrated for motives other than financial rewards, including instances when the government performed experiments on humans without their knowledge or consent, as well as stories on frauds involving science and religion.
A section detailing the Arthur Anderson debacle discusses the compounding of a fraud when the supposed watchdogplays a complicit role. And recognizing that not every issue is black or white, the book also explores whether a hoax perpetrated in the name of a noble cause can ever be justified.
By reviewing the tactics used by swindlers and the motivations that turned good people crooked, investigators and others will come to recognize the red flags that accompany unscrupulous behavior. In doing so, they may well learn how to head off potential disaster.