"Cross cultural management and negotiation practices" by Bahaudin G. Mujtaba

HCBE Faculty Books and Book Chapters

Cross cultural management and negotiation practices

Cross cultural management and negotiation practices


Bahaudin Mujtaba0000-0003-1615-3100

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Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is about managing cultural differences throughout a country or organization, according to some basic principles of professionalism and open communication. One has to understand each individual and let people freely voice their opinion in order to maximize their efficiency and productivity toward the complex solutions we all face in today's cross-cultural work environments. Likewise, professionals need to have great management and negotiation skills while working toward the objectives of maximizing shareholder benefits in the organization. Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation Practices is divided into four parts and includes subjects that each can be a specialization of study in itself. Part I provides information on culture and management as well as ethical challenges that managers and expatriates face across the globe; Part II provides an overview of negotiation fundamentals, negotiation model, and negotiation steps which can be used by expatriates in international assignments; Part III discusses practical skills such as communication and conflict management along with expatriate, as well as repatriate, training and development strategies; and Part IV offers a variety of cases to emphasize specific concepts and reflect upon real world challenges that can be used to facilitate various topics and reflect upon their learning outcomes. Overall, this book attempts to shed some light, albeit briefly, on specific area by introducing the reader to the major topics and issues in cross-cultural management and negotiations. Understanding these subjects require examining one's own beliefs and values as well as learning the skills of dealing appropriately with those whose beliefs and values may be very different. The author and contributors have used the concepts discussed in this book both nationally and internationally with academic and practitioner audiences to help increase their awareness of management, international management, negotiations, communication, and different cultures. The concepts, cases and exercises have been gleaned from a variety of sources and professionals in the United States and others around the globe. As such, these are very relevant to today's work environment, and thus can easily fit most management, international management, or cultural competency courses, seminars, and employee development workshops. Management trainers, corporate universities, colleges or professors wishing to adopt this book or any of its chapters may contact the publisher or the author to request the available supplementary facilitator's materials such as the electronic Power Point files for presentation, chapter summaries for usage with lectures and online postings, test questions for discussions or exams, and/or other supplementary material for exercises. The Instructor's CD (resources) come electronically using Microsoft Power Point, Word, and Excel files; as such, they can be adjusted by each educator and facilitator for his or her lectures, training and presentations.


ILEAD Academy


Davie, FL




Cross cultural management and negotiation practices
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