NSU College of Computing and Engineering Faculty Presentations | College of Computing and Engineering | Nova Southeastern University
CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures

CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures


A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.


Submissions from 2018


Using Experiential Learning in Course Curriculum: The Case of a Core Engineering Graphics Course, Martha Marie Snyder, Manuel Salinas, and Molly J. Scanlon

Submissions from 2016

Improving the Performance of Self-Organizing Maps for Intrusion Detection, James D. Cannady Jr. and Steven McElwee

Assessibility Awareness Among Faculty in Online Learning, Laurie P. Dringus and Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky

Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to Assess the Accessibility Awareness and Practices of Faculty in Online Learning Environments, Laurie P. Dringus and Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky


Exploring the motivation behind cybersecurity insider threat and proposed research agenda, Angela L. Hueca, Karla Clarke, and Yair Levy

Competency in Cybersecurity Workforce: Challenges and National Initiatives, Yair Levy

The Apple vs. FBI Crypto Debate, Yair Levy

Senior Citizens and Cybersecurity Awareness, Yair Levy and C. Blackwood-Brown

The ACM/IEEE/AIS Joint Task Force on Cybersecurity Education, Yair Levy and Herbert J. Mattord


Towards an Evaluation of Cyber Risks and Identity Information Sharing Practices in e-Learning, Social Networking, and Mobile Texting Apps, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim

A Knowledge Management System (KMS) Using a Storytelling-Based Approach to Collect Tacit Knowledge, Peixiang Liu and N. Shaw

A Comparative Evaluation of Trust Models in P2P Networks, Wei Li

A Study of Privacy and Security Concerns on Doctors' and Nurses' Behavioral Intentions to Use RFID in Hospitals, Souren Paul, T. Winston, and L. S. Iyer

The Impact of Social Media and Related Technology on the Sales Process: A Qualitative Analysis from the Buyer's Perspective, James N. Smith, J. Billups, R. Matthews, and S. Wilson

Developing a Strategic Response to the Barrage of Digital Data: The Impact of Information Governance on Market Knowledge Integration, James N. Smith and D. L. E. Harrison

Town Hall Meeting: Learning Effectiveness, Martha Marie Snyder

What If a Robot Could Help Me Care for My Parents? Using Photo Elicitation with Pre-Users of Robot Care for the Elderly, Martha Marie Snyder

The Application of Knowledge Management Principles to the Design of Blended Learning Professional Development for Adjunct Faculty, Martha Marie Snyder and J. Hewitt

Towards Effective Practice in Blended Course Design: An Adjunct Faculty Professional Development Case Using Knowledge Management Principles, Martha Marie Snyder and J. Hewitt

Community College Faculty Disposition Towards Blended Learning, Martha Marie Snyder and R. Hill

Designing Online Resources to Support Virtual Patients: Preferences of Millennial Women in Physician and Physician Assistant Training Programs, Martha Marie Snyder, Steven R. Terrell, A. V. Libin, and Manon Maitland Schladen

Submissions from 2015

The Effect of Past Traumatic Events on Neuroendocrine-Immune Function and Well-Being in Veterans With Gulf War Illness, Gaytri Patel Barker, Trevor Barker, Travis J. A. Craddock, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, and Gordon Broderick

A Pilot Analysis of the Effect of Past Traumatic Events on the Neuroendocrine-Immune System and Behavior in Male Subjects with Gulf War Illness, Gaytri Patel Barker, Trevor Barker, Travis J. A. Craddock, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, Gordon Broderick, and Mariana Morris

Concussion History and Gender’s Effect on Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in a Community Sample, Trevor Barker, Stephen Russo, Gaytri Patel Barker, Gordon Broderick, and Travis J. A. Craddock

The Effect of Concussion History and Gender on Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, Trevor Barker, Stephen Russo, Gaytri Patel Barker, Gordon Broderick, and Travis J. A. Craddock

12 Things You Must Know About Security, James D. Cannady Jr.

Developing an Information Security Curriculum, James D. Cannady Jr.

Information Security Research Opportunities, James D. Cannady Jr.

Innovations in Information Security, James D. Cannady Jr.

Intrusion Detection Research Directions, James D. Cannady Jr.

New Directions in Information Security Research, James D. Cannady Jr.

The Cyber War That You Didn't Know We're Losing, James D. Cannady Jr.

Trends in Network Security, James D. Cannady Jr.


Expert assessment of the top platform independent cybersecurity skills of non-IT professionals, Melissa Carlton and Yair Levy


The impact of role conflict, role ambiguity, and locus of control on organizational knowledge sharing practices, Simon Cleveland and Timothy J. Ellis

Presentation on Interface Design and Evaluation, Laurie P. Dringus and Maxine S. Cohen

Exploring Instructors' Lived Experiences of Accessibility Awareness in Online Learning Environments, Laurie P. Dringus and Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky


Towards assessing the willingness of intelligence analysts to contribute to Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in highly classified environments, Robert J. Hambly Jr., Yair Levy, Amon Seagull, and Mark E. Nissen

How Healthcare Technology Shapes Health Literacy? A Systematic Review, Inkyoung Hur, J. J. Schmidt, and Ronald Marlin Lee

Cybersecurity Workforce Challenge and Call for Action, Yair Levy

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework In Action!, Yair Levy

Improving User Authentication with Fingerprint Biometrics and Biometric Personal Identification Number (BIO-PIN™) as a Multi-Factor Authentication Mechanism, Yair Levy, R. B. Batie, S. S. Furnell, and Peixiang Liu

Development of the MyCyberSkills™ iPad App: A Scenarios-Based, Hands-On Measure of Non-IT Professionals' Cybersecurity Skills, Yair Levy, Melissa Carlton, Michelle M. Ramim, and Steven R. Terrell

Critical Value Factors in Business Intelligence Systems Implementations, Yair Levy, P. P. Dooley, Raymond A. Hackney, and J. L. Parish

Integrating the NIST Cybersecurity Framework into Undergraduate and Graduate Security Courses, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim


The effect of competence-based simulations on management skills enhancements in e-learning courses, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim

Panel: Identifying funding for doctoral research, Yair Levy, Steven R. Terrell, and Michelle M. Ramim

Panel: Publishing During and After the Doctoral Program, Yair Levy, Steven R. Terrell, Michelle M. Ramim, and Shonda D. Brown

Using Random Neural Network for Load Balancing in Data Centers, Peixiang Liu

Evaluation of Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection for VoIP Systems, Wei Li

Impact of Baseline Profile on Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Wei Li and Binh Hy Dang

Finding Interesting Outliers - A Brief Network Based Approach, Adnan Masood and Wei Li

The Homogenization of Standards Based Information Security Education: An Example of Differentiation, James N. Smith and A. B. Randolph

Communities of Practice in Higher Education, Martha Marie Snyder

Design Thinking to Inspire Technology Innovation, Martha Marie Snyder

Nurturing Civic-Minded Instructional Design and Technology Professionals: The Impact on IDT Research, Training, and Practice, Martha Marie Snyder, I. Choi, A-P. Correia, E. Boling, and F. Yusop

The Next Decade of Online Learning in Higher Education: "Blue Ocean" Strategies for the Design and Delivery of IS Graduate Programs, Martha Marie Snyder, Maxine S. Cohen, Laurie P. Dringus, R. Syler, and J. vom Brocke

Application of Cognitive Apprenticeship in an Online Computer Science 1 Course: A Model Construction and Validation Case, Martha Marie Snyder and R. Fernandez

Development of an Instructional Design Theory of Virtual Patients, Martha Marie Snyder and Manon Maitland Schladen

Qualitative Researchers: 21st Century Renaissance Wo-/men?, Martha Marie Snyder and Manon Maitland Schladen

An Investigation of Instructional Designers' Decision-Making in Higher Education, Martha Marie Snyder and Bruce Sowers

Database, KDD, Database Design, and Data Access, Junping Sun

Data Management and Data Mining, Junping Sun

Exploring the Role of Homeostatic Drive in the Perpetuation of Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Jonathan Tory Toole, Travis J. A. Craddock, Mark A. Rice Jr., Gordon Broderick, Nancy G. Klimas, Mary Ann Fletcher, and Mariana Morris

Homeostatic Drive and the Perpetuation of Depression and Anxiety, Jonathan Tory Toole, Travis J. A. Craddock, Mark A. Rice Jr., Gordon Broderick, Nancy G. Klimas, Mary Ann Fletcher, and Mariana Morris

Submissions from 2014

Development and Evaluation of HawkLearn, a Cloud-Based Learning Management System, Gertrude W. Abramson and Kim Round

The MOOC that Roared: Status of the Great Disruption in Higher Education, Gertrude W. Abramson, Martha Snyder, and Cordelia Twomey


Acquiring and enhancing research skills: The professor-doctoral candidate perspective, Shonda D. Brown and Yair Levy


Causal model for predicting knowledge sharing via ICTs, Simon Cleveland and Timothy J. Ellis

Quantum Beating in Microtubules as the Basis for the Neural Synchrony Related to Consciousness, Travis J. A. Craddock

The Feasibility of Quantum Coherent Effects in Microtubules and Their Potential Role in Neuron Function, Travis J. A. Craddock, Douglas E. Friesen, Jonathan Mane, Stuart R. Hameroff, and Jack A. Tuszynski

Getting Down to Detail: Exploring the Sometimes Pathogenic Versatility of Discrete Immune Logic, Travis J. A. Craddock, Paul Fritsch, Ryan M. del Rosario, Mark A. Rice Jr., AnneLiese Smylie, Virginia A. Folcik, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, Gerda de Vries, and Gordon Broderick

Succumbing to the Laws of Attraction: Gender Differences in Homeostatic Drive and the Perpetuation of Chronic Illness, Travis J. A. Craddock, Paul Fritsch, Mark A. Rice Jr., Ryan M. del Rosario, Diane B. Miller, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, and Gordon Broderick

Fire in the Head: Exploring the Role of Homeostatic Drive in the Perpetuation of Neuroinflammation in Brain Disorders , Travis J. A. Craddock, Jeanna M. Harvey, Mary Ann Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, and Gordon Broderick


Sustained Blended Learning Initiatives, Laurie P. Dringus


Development of virtue ethics based security constructs for information systems trusted workers, John M. Gray and Gurvirender Tejay


Error Occurrence: Successful versus Unsuccessful Unlearning in Individual, Julee H. Hafner, Timothy J. Ellis, and William Hafner

Engagement in Online Health Care Community: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Inkyoung Hur and K. Cousins

Birds of Feather Presentation: Developing a Cybersecurity Awareness Program for Hispanic High-School Students, Yair Levy

Cybersecurity, Identity Theft, Privacy, and Social Engineering Threats: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself?, Yair Levy

Seminar: The Role of Data Analytics as an Exploratory Research Tool, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim

Panel: Avoiding the Most Common Mistakes Doctoral Students Make during Their Dissertation Years, Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim, and Steven R. Terrell


Target Environment Simulation and its Impact on ArchitectureValidation, Jack L. Mason and Gregory Simco


Tracking the Flow of Knowledge in IT Organizations: The Impact of Organizational Learning Factors and Project Learning Practices on Project Success, Donald S. McKay II and Timothy J. Ellis

Group Atmosphere, Shared Understanding, and Perceived Conflict in Virtual Teams: Findings from an Experiment, Souren Paul and S. Ray


Temporal join processing with hilbert curve space mapping, Jaime Raigoza and Junping Sun


Temporal join processing with the adaptive replacement cache – temporal data policy, Jaime Raigoza and Junping Sun

Computational Prediction of Fluid Induced Stress States in Dynamically Conditioned Engineered Heart Valve Tissues, Manuel Salinas and Sharan Ramaswamy

Nutrient Transport During Engineered Heart Valve Tissue Exposure to Steady Flow, Manuel Salinas and Sharan Ramaswamy

Oscillatory Fluid-Induced Shear Stresses in Moving Engineered Valvular Tissues, Manuel Salinas and Sharan Ramaswamy


Profile in Leadership: Adding Definition to Leadership as a Component of KMS Success, Vince Scovetta and Timothy J. Ellis

The Challenges of Implementing Standards Based Information Security within Family Influenced Firms: A Proposed Research Agenda, James N. Smith

The Challenges of Implementing Standards Based Information Security within Family Influenced Firms: A Proposed Research Agenda, James N. Smith

Beyond Introductions: Five Ideas for Engaging Learners and Creating Community in Online Courses, Martha Marie Snyder

How I Deepened my Appreciation for Phenomenology by Making a Mobile, Martha Marie Snyder


The effectiveness of student-led online discussions as a strategy for promoting metacognition: A qualitative inquiry, Martha M. Snyder and Laurie P. Dringus


What faculty need to know about teaching online, Karen Swan, Laurie P. Dringus, Jennifer Richardson, Norm Vaughn, Phylise Banner, and P. Shea


Scaling faculty development in online and blended course design and delivery: Epigeum's Teaching Online, Karen Swan, P. Shea, Phylise Banner, and Laurie P. Dringus


The use of experiential learning styles to predict attrition from a limited-residency information systems graduate program, Steven R. Terrell


Systems analysis from a qualitative perspective: an emerging skills set for information systems professionals, Steven R. Terrell, M. Lohle, and Yair Levy