CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.
Submissions from 2007
Asynchronous learning across academic disciplines, Gertrude W. Abramson
Sound-field amplification: Applied universal design, Gertrude W. Abramson
Teach the teachers well: teaching and learning with today’s tools, Gertrude W. Abramson, Jo Ann Carr, Fran Sikorski, and Camilo Willis
Trends in Cyber Crime, James D. Cannady Jr.
Making the technology-intensive class gender-neutral, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Recursive Routing in the Cognitive Packet Network, Erol Gelenbe and Peixiang Liu
Cognitive and Self-Healing Routing for Sensor Networks, Erol Gelenbe, Peixiang Liu, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Mark Lisee, and Kamil Wasilewski
A Theoretical Perspective on Effective Interorganizational Knowledge Sharing, Nongkran Lertpittayapoom, Souren Paul, and Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.
Podcasting - Do They Really Listen?, Yair Levy
Weekly Reminders - Students Just Love It!, Yair Levy
Study of the extended technology acceptance model in the U.S. Navy: Case of combat information system, Yair Levy and Bruce D. Green
A Theoretical Approach for Biometrics Authentication of e-Exams, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Who Is Really Taking the E-Exam? What Can We Do about It?, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Efficient Update on Exploitation Graphs for Vulnerability Analysis, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Dimensions of perceived ecommerce risks: An empirical study using the psychometric paradigm, Easwar A. Nyshadham, Ling Wang, and William Hafner
User Acceptance of Group Support Systems, Souren Paul and K. Bandyopadhyay
Time Pressure and Reward Inspiration as Outcome Controls for Information Sharing in Problem-Solving Virtual Teams, Souren Paul and H. Fe
Input Information Complexity and Information Processing in GSS-Based Virtual Work Groups: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul and Derek L. Nazareth
Collaboration Technology Support for Knowledge Conversion in Virtual Teams: A Theoretical Perspective, Souren Paul, Imad M. Samarah, and Suresh Tadisina
The Effects of Input Complexity in Virtual Work Groups: A Case of Electronic Brainstorming, Souren Paul and Janejira Sutanonpaiboon
Towards a framework of biometrics exam authentication in e-learning environments, Michelle M. Ramim and Yair Levy
Designing Online Learning Environments for Graduate Students, Martha Marie Snyder
Pearls of Wisdom, Martha Marie Snyder
Cluster Detection of Special Datasets Using the PYRAMID Algorithm, Junping Sun
Development and validation of an instrument to measure sense of community among dissertation students in a limited-residency doctoral program, Steven R. Terrell, Martha M. Snyder, and Laurie P. Dringus
Reverse Engineering and the Verification of Security Patterns in Code, Michael Van Hilst and Eduardo B. Fernandez
A Methodology to Build Secure Systems Using Patterns, Michael Van Hilst, Eduardo B. Fernandez, and Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie
Patterns for WiMax Security, Michael Van Hilst, Eduardo B. Fernandez, and J. C. Pelaez
Online Testing: Students’ Perceptions and Determinant Characteristics, Ling Wang
Professors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning: A Qualitative Study, Ling Wang
Submissions from 2006
Library services for distant learners, Gertrude W. Abramson
Toward ubiquitous computing: One-to-one across the states, Gertrude W. Abramson, Jack Mara, Bob Day, and James Spruill
Technology-supported solutions for special populations, Gertrude W. Abramson, Cheryl Ward, Qi Wang, and Tien-Chen Alex Lee
Detecting Hacker, Crackers, and Other Bad Guys, James D. Cannady Jr.
GRID Technology – Vision, Architecture,and Node Capacity Considerations, Phillip Carinhas, Dominique Heger, and Gregory Simco
Defining the requirements for the next generation asynchronous computer mediated communications system for use in online education: a faculty perspective, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
An overview of SCAFFOLD (scale for forums/online discussion assessment): Developing a usable instrument to describe discussion forum activity, Laurie P. Dringus and Timothy J. Ellis
Building the better asynchronous computer mediated communication system, Timothy J. Ellis and Maxine S. Cohen
Genetic Algorithms for Autonomic Route Discovery, Erol Gelenbe, Peixiang Liu, and J. Laine
Random Neural Networks for the Adaptive Control of Packet Networks, Michael Gellman and Peixiang Liu
A Case Study on the Process Productivity Model for Software Projects in Korea, Inkyoung Hur, I. Hwang, and D. Yu
Topology and Power Management Routing for Reliability in Ad-hoc Networks, Jeffrey D. Kane and Gregory Simco
Assessing e-Learning Program's Effectiveness: A Learns' Perceived Value Approach, Yair Levy
Assessing e-Learning: Value Thinking Approach for Measuring e-Learning Systems Effectiveness, Yair Levy
Assessing the Value of e-Learning Systems, Yair Levy
A Study on Comparing Dropouts and Persistence in e-Learning Courses, Yair Levy
Why Students Drop from Online Courses?, Yair Levy
Towards a framework of literature review process in support of information systems research, Yair Levy and Timothy J. Ellis
Are We Safeguarding Our WebCT Systems Enough? A Case of Insider Cyber Attacks in a Small University, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
A Security Engineering Process for Vulnerability Assessment, Wei Li
Cluster Security Research Involving the Modeling of Network Exploitations Using Exploitation Graphs, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Modeling and Simulating Network Exploitations Using Simplified Exploitation Graphs, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Modeling and Simulating System Exploitations through Exploitation Graphs for Security Engineering, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
The Use of Problem-Based Learning to Enhance MIS Education, Souren Paul, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr., Kathleen Mykytyn, and Ann Pearson
Input Information Complexity and Information Processing in GSS-Based Virtual Work Groups: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul and Derek L. Nazareth
Cultural Diversity, Work Atmosphere, and Intra-Group Conflict in Collaborative Technology Supported Global Virtual Teams: Findings from a Laboratory Experiment, Souren Paul and S. Ray
Input Complexity and Information Processing in GSS-Based Discussion Tasks Involving Virtual Work Groups: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul, Janejira Sutanonpaiboon, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr., and Christopher M. Griffin
Designing Online Learning Communities for Older Adults, Martha Marie Snyder
On Optimal Evaluation of Preference Queries, Junping Sun
On Semantic Evaluation of Preference Queries, Junping Sun
Submissions from 2005
Academic integrity in writing assignments, Gertrude W. Abramson
Becoming an expert asynchronous communicator, Gertrude W. Abramson
Mastering the soft skills of online communication, Gertrude W. Abramson
Analyzing Human Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Services: A Study in Emergency Care, Charmaine Barreto, R. Behara, K. Chinander, S. Perry, and R. Wears
Al and Security, James D. Cannady Jr.
Introduction to Information Security, James D. Cannady Jr.
Self-Organizing Distributed Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, James D. Cannady Jr.
Quality indicators in the online learning environment, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
An adaptable usability heuristic checklist for online courses, Laurie P. Dringus and Maxine S. Cohen
Building the better asynchronous computer mediated communication system for use in distributed education, Timothy J. Ellis and Maxine S. Cohen
Evaluating threaded discussion forum activity: Faculty and student perspectives on categories of activity, Timothy J. Ellis and Laurie P. Dringus
QoS and Routing in the Cognitive Packet Network, Erol Gelenbe and Peixiang Liu
Quantifying the Cluster Speedup Behavior in the Realm of Internode Communication, Dominique A. Heger and Gregory Simco
A Doctoral Course via WebCT? Myth or Reality?, Yair Levy
Assessing the Value of e-Learning Systems, Yair Levy
An Access Control Model for Secure Cluster-Computing Environments, Wei Li and E. Allen
An Approach to Model Network Exploitations Using Exploitation Graphs, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Building Compact Exploitation Graphs for a Cluster Computing Environment, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Using Exploitation Graphs to Model Network Exploitations, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Heterogeneity and Intra-Group Conflict in Virtual Teams: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul and S. Ray
Understanding Conflict in Virtual Teams: An Experimental Investigation Using Content Analysis, Souren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, Imad M. Samarah, and Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.
Idea Creativity in Electronic Brainstorming: A Theoretical Framework on Two GSS Dimensions, Souren Paul and Janejira Sutanonpaiboon
Density Biased Reservoir Sampling for Clustering, Junping Sun
Equivalence of Transforming Non-Linear DACG to Linear Concept Tree, Junping Sun
A Theoretical Framework of Creativity Software, Idea Creativity, and Group Satisfaction, Janejira Sutanonpaiboon and Souren Paul
The Component Challenge in Undergraduate Engineering, Michael Van Hilst
Adoption-Centric Software Maintenance Process Improvement via Information Integration, Michael Van Hilst, Shihong Huang, Scott R. Tilley, and Damiano Distante
Aspect Programming with a Security Example, Michael Van Hilst and Carlos Oviedo Alvarez
Constrained Resource Assignment Description Pattern, Michael Van Hilst, T. Sorgente, and Eduardo B. Fernandez
Submissions from 2004
Developing a virtual self: Mastering the skills of online communication, Gertrude W. Abramson
Meeting adult learning needs with distant solutions, Gertrude W. Abramson
Plagiarism: Finding a vaccine to combat the plague, Gertrude W. Abramson
The evolving discipline of online teaching, Gertrude W. Abramson
The state of E-learning a decade after Mosaic, Gertrude W. Abramson
Unraveling Expertise and Knowledge Creation: Towards an Instance-Based Model of Knowledge, Charmaine Barreto and M. D'Eredita
Understanding Knowledge Sharing Motivators Within Knowledge Management Initiatives, Charmaine Barreto and R. Heckman
Information Security, James D. Cannady Jr.