CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.
Submissions from 2014
Metrics for Effectiveness of E-Learning Objects in Software Engineering Education, Michael Van Hilst, Alvaro E. Escobar, and Priscila Reyes
The Secure Domain Name System Pattern, Michael Van Hilst and Eduardo B. Fernandez
Introduction to Academic Publishing: How to Publish in Health and Social Science Journals, George Woodward and Laurie P. Dringus
Using Long Term-Prediction for Web Service Network Traffic Load, Daniel W. Yoas and Gregory Simco
Using Time-Series Analysis to Provide Long-Term CPU Utilization Prediction, Daniel W. Yoas and Gregory Simco
Submissions from 2013
MOOCs: Summer 2013 State of the Art, Gertrude W. Abramson and Martha Snyder
Alternative Paths for Today’s MBAs, Gertrude W. Abramson, Helen St. Aubin, and Cordelia Twomey
An Examination of Teachers’ Integration of Web 2.0 Technologies in Secondary Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study, Barbara Boksz and Ling Wang
Information Security Research Opportunities, James D. Cannady Jr.
The Detection of Temporally Distributed Network Attacks Using an Adaptive Hierarchical Neural Network, James D. Cannady Jr.
The role of user computer self-efficacy, cybersecurity countermeasures awareness, and cybersecurity skills influence on computer misuse, MinSuk Choi, Yair Levy, and Hovav Anat
Determining microblogging effectiveness for capturing quality knowledge, Simon Cleveland and Timothy J. Ellis
Toward a model for customer-driven release management, Simon Cleveland and Timothy J. Ellis
Computational Systems Biology: Crossing Boundaries , Travis J. A. Craddock
Introduction to Quantum Consciousness – Part 1 , Travis J. A. Craddock
Introduction to Quantum Consciousness – Part 2, Travis J. A. Craddock
The Impact of time on sense of community in an asynchronous learning network, Timothy J. Ellis
Differential and Depreciation Effects of Shared Experience: Evidence from Software Projects, Inkyoung Hur and Keumseok Kang
Improving Academic Quality in a Computer Science Program, Meline Kevorkian and Gregory Simco
10 Cyber-Security Skills U Must Know!, Yair Levy
Critical Success Factors in e-Learning Delivery, Yair Levy
Data Analytics for Consumer Health Informatics: Discovering Knowledge from Data, Yair Levy
Data Analytics for Knowledge Discovery, Improving, and Sustaining Quality, Yair Levy
Multivariate Research Methods Workshop, Yair Levy
Myths Associated with e-Learning, Yair Levy
Transitioning from Onsite to e-Learning Delivery, Yair Levy
An experimental study of habit and time incentive in online-exam procrastination, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
The Random Neural Network and its Learning Process in Cognitive Packet Networks, Peixiang Liu
An Evaluation of the Minimum Expected Cost Metric for Intrusion Detection Systems, Wei Li and S. Li
An Approach to the Generalization of Firewall Rules, Wei Li, H. Wan, and S. Li
Factors of password-based authentication, H. J. Mattord, Yair Levy, and Steven M. Furnell
Measuring organizational learning, project learning, and project success in IT organizations, Donald S. McKay II and Timothy J. Ellis
A study of the success of group formation in virtual teams using computer-mediated communications, Eliel Melon-Ramos, Yair Levy, Laurie P. Dringus, and Nitza Geri
Prudent access control behavioral intention: Instrument development and validation in a healthcare environment, Constance Mussa and Maxine S. Cohen
Cultural Diversity, Group Interaction, Communication Convergence, and Intra-Group Conflict in Global Virtual Teams: Findings from a Laboratory Experiment, Souren Paul and S. Ray
A Comparative Study of Pulsatility and Flexural States to Promote Bone Marrow Stem Cells Regulation, Manuel Salinas, Sharan Ramaswamy, David E. Schmidt, Miguel Libera, and Richard R. Lange
Mechanical Evaluation of Stents for Stent Graft Aortic Evaluation, Manuel Salinas, D. Tanet, and Sharan Ramaswamy
Defining leadership as an influence on KM success, Vince Scovetta and Timothy J. Ellis
Investigating the role of multibiometric authentication on professional certification e-examination, Garrett Smiley, Yair Levy, Nathan Clarke, and Eric S. Ackerman
Innovations in Learning: Boosting Postsecondary Access and Advancement, Martha Marie Snyder
Instructional Design Considerations for Traditional Online and Blended Courses: Five Lessons from MOOCs, Martha Marie Snyder
Excellence in Online Teaching and Learning, Martha Marie Snyder and Laurie P. Dringus
Emerging Technology Tools for Qualitative Data Collection, Martha Marie Snyder, J. Kimbler, D. Moore, Manon Maitland Schladen, and Bruce Sowers
Formative Research on an Instructional Design Theory for Virtual Patients in Clinical Education: An Electronic Fetal Monitoring Skills Development Case, Martha Marie Snyder and Manon Maitland Schladen
Skeuomorphs, MOOCs and Other (Ridiculous) Ideas... Distance Education and Higher Education, Martha Marie Snyder and Michael Simonson
Assessing metacognition in asynchronous student-led discussions: A qualitative inquiry, Martha M. Snyder and Laurie P. Dringus
Index selection: A query pattern mining approach, Junping Sun and Jiman Hong
Repository Views for Rapid Exploration and Developer Insight, Michael Van Hilst and Shihong Huang
Download Time Reduction Using Recent Performance- Biased Peer Replacement in Stochastic P2P Content Delivery Networks, Richard S. Wilkins and Gregory Simco
Resource Utilization Prediction: Long Term Network Web Service Traffic, Daniel W. Yoas and Gregory Simco
A novel approach for code match in iris recognition, S. Zhou and Junping Sun
Submissions from 2012
As the Technology Evolves: 120 Years of Distance Education, Gertrude W. Abramson
Earning a Mostly Online Doctoral Degree, Gertrude W. Abramson, Vern Czelusniak, and Greg Jones
Can IT Service Level Management Drive Business-IT Alignment?, Charmaine Barreto, J. Beachboard, and N. Massad
The Application of Neural Computation to Information Security, James D. Cannady Jr.
Automated Detection of Semagram-Laden Images Using Adaptive Neural Networks, James D. Cannady Jr. and Paul S. Cerkez
Minimal Dataset for Network Intrusion Detection Systems via MID-PCA: A Hybrid Approach, James D. Cannady Jr. and Jean-Pierre Nziga
Initial validation and empirical development of the construct of computer security self-efficacy (CSSE), Marlon R. Clarke and Yair Levy
Measuring technological e-learning readiness and effectiveness in the online learning environment, Glenda Gay and Laurie P. Dringus
The effect of information quality on trust in e-government systems, Ally Lee, Yair Levy, and W. H. Hafner
Data sources for scholarly research: Towards a guide for novice researchers, Yair Levy and Timothy J. Ellis
Securing Online Assessments with the Use of Webcam-Based Surveillance, Yair Levy and Kenrie Hylton
Effective e-Learning Systems Analytics: Procrastination in e-Exams, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Procrastination in online exams: What data analytics can tell us?, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Knowledge as an Intellectual Property: The Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Encouragement by Others on Information Systems Use in the Workplace, Bernard T. Lichvar, Yair Levy, and Timothy J. Ellis
A Refined RBAC Model for Cloud Computing, Wei Li, H. Wan, X. Ren, and S. Li
Assessing relative weights of authentication components: An expert panel approach, H. J. Mattord, Yair Levy, and Steven M. Furnell
Time Pressure, Cultural Diversity, Psychological Factors, and Information Sharing in Short Duration Virtual Teams, Souren Paul and F. He
Transactive Memory Systems Virtual Team Training Model, Souren Paul and Katharine Hixson
Social Networks: Cultural Diversity, Trust, Reciprocity, and Social Capital, Souren Paul and S. Musembwa
Knowledge Sharing in Online Cancer Survivorship Community System: A Theoretical Framework, Souren Paul and U. Zagaar
Geometric Changes and Pulsatility Effects on Oscillatory Shear Stress Environments: Implications for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering, Manuel Salinas, Sharan Ramaswamy, Richard R. Lange, Miguel Libera, and David E. Schmidt
Computational Prediction of Fluid Induced Stress States in Dynamically Conditioned Engineered Heart Valve Tissues, Manuel Salinas, David E. Schmidt, Richard R. Lange, Miguel Libera, and Sharan Ramaswamy
Technology-Enhanced Learning, Martha Marie Snyder
Technology-Enhanced Learning with Blackboard, Martha Marie Snyder
Design Decisions for Creating a Community of Inquiry (Col): What Expert Designers Think, Martha Marie Snyder and S. Junion
Using the Community of Inquiry (Col) Framework to Consult with Faculty About How to Design Online Learning Environments, Martha Marie Snyder and S. Junion
The Design of an Online Dissertation Research Community of Practice (CoP): A Design Case, Martha Marie Snyder, Steven R. Terrell, and Laurie P. Dringus
Building an online dissertation research community of practice (CoP): A design case, Martha M. Snyder, Steven R. Terrell, and Laurie P. Dringus
A reading preference and risk taxonomy for printed proprietary information compromise in the aerospace and defense industry, Joshua D. Stalker, Yair Levy, Yoram Eshet, and James L. Parrish
Mining Attribute Association in Query Predicates for Access Path Generation, Junping Sun
The Use of Learning Analytics to Increase Student Success: A Panel with JALN Special Issue Authors, Karen Swan, Laurie P. Dringus, Chuck Dziuban, Daniel Huston, Phil Ice, Patsy Moskal, and Janet C. Moore
Online Learning Communities: Enhancing Undergraduate Students’ Acquisition of Information Skills, Ling Wang and Noraida Dominguez-Flores
Resource Utilization Prediction: A Proposal for Information Technology Research, Daniel W. Yoas and Gregory Simco
Submissions from 2011
The Chief Online Learning Officer (COLO): A Business Imperative, Gertrude W. Abramson
Next Generation E-Portfolios: Educational, Professional and Personal Applications, Gertrude W. Abramson and G. Alex Ambrose
An Adaptive Neural Swarm Approach for Intrusion Defense in Ad Hoc Networks, James D. Cannady Jr.
Information Security Research Opportunities, James D. Cannady Jr.
Online Learning Communities: Enhancing the Acquisition of Information Skills by Undergraduate Students of the University of Puerto Rico at Carolina, Noraida Dominguez-Flores and Ling Wang
Ebook readers: an ipod for your books in the cloud, A-M Horcher and Maxine S. Cohen
Learning Analytics Considered Harmful, Phil Ice, Karen Swan, P. Shea, A. Picciano, and Laurie P. Dringus
What Were Learned from a Co-Mentoring Experience of the Teacher-Student Collaboration on Designing Instructional Multimedia Materials at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages?, Ya-chen Kao and Ling Wang
Conducting a Systematic Review of the Literature in Support of Information Systems (IS) Research, Yair Levy
Effective E-Learning Security: Why Should We Even Care?, Yair Levy
Pearls of Wisdom: Using Wimba Sessions for 'Dry-Run' of Doctoral Dissertation Defenses, Yair Levy
A guide for novice researchers on experimental and quasi-experimental studies in information systems research, Yair Levy and Timothy J. Ellis
From e-learning courses to businesses: What technologies do they share?, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Multiple Shortest Path Routing (MSPR) in Wireless Sensor Networks, Peixiang Liu
Teaching Computer Networks for Distance Computer Science Students: An Instructor’s Perspective, Peixiang Liu and Wei Li