CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.
Submissions from 2004
Information Security Education and Research, James D. Cannady Jr.
Developing a criteria set for an online learning environment—From the perspective of higher education faculty, Doris Choy, Chaoyan Dong, and Ling Wang
Evaluating the impact of discussion forums in web-based courses, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Threaded discussion forums and their impact in online education: An empiricial study, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Validating a criteria set for an online learning environment, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
User experience planning (UEP) for online courses, Laurie P. Dringus and Maxine S. Cohen
Building the SCAFFOLD for evaluating threaded discussion forum activity: Describing and categorizing contributions, Laurie P. Dringus and Timothy J. Ellis
Autonomous Smart Routing for Network QoS, Erol Gelenbe, Michael Gellman, Ricardo Lent, Peixiang Liu, and Pu Su
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Detection with WebCT, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Graph Based Network Vulnerability Analysis and Alert Correlation, Wei Li
Using Genetic Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection, Wei Li
Cultural Diversity, Conflict and Team Facilitation in Global Virtual Teams - A Research Model, Souren Paul and Priya Seetharaman
User Satisfaction with System, Decision Process, and Outcome in GDSS Based Meeting: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, and K. Ramamurthy
Conflict in GSS-Based Virtual Teams: Findings from an Experiment, Souren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, Imad M. Samarah, and Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.
A Theoretical Framework of Input Complexity, Mental Workload, and Group Performance in Electronic Brainstorming, Souren Paul and Janejira Sutanonpaiboon
Legal and security threats in using virtual teams in online learning, John A. Scigliano, V. Tanner-Ottts, and Laurie P. Dringus
Developing online learning environments: One size does not fit all, Steven R. Terrell and Laurie P. Dringus
Cell Phones as Tools to Teach Computer Science, Michael Van Hilst and Martin Griss
The impact of an interactive multimedia instructional tool on the quality of learning for optometry students, Ling Wang and Bai-chuan Jiang
Submissions from 2003
Lessons learned from four decades of distance learning, Gertrude W. Abramson
Motivators of Knowledge Sharing Within a Knowledge Management Context: Theory and Scale Development, Charmaine Barreto
An Investigation of the Motivators and Effects of Formalized Knowledge Sharing at the Workplace: A Qualitative Approach, Charmaine Barreto and J. Beachboard
Demystifying Tacit Knowledge for Practical Application in the Workplace, Charmaine Barreto and M. D'Eredita
Identifying Complex Multi-Stage Network Attacks with Dynamic Petri Nets, James D. Cannady Jr.
Network Security, James D. Cannady Jr.
Team teaching online: A perspective from the Trenches, Maxine S. Cohen, R. DeMichiell, and R. Manning
Predictors of success: a longitudinal study of threaded discussion forums, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Teaching technology in an online, distance education environment, Timothy J. Ellis, Maxine S. Cohen, Frank J. Mitropoulos, and William Hafner
Genetic Algorithms for Route Discovery, Erol Gelenbe, Peixiang Liu, and Jeremy Laine
Minimizing Academic Misconduct in the Online Learning Environment, Yair Levy, W. Gelman, and N. Rauseo
Building successful self-funding online learning program: Think big…Start small…and Build fast…, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
CPN and QoS Driven Smart Routing in Wired and Wireless Networks, Peixiang Liu
Current Research on Groupware and Knowledge Management Systems, Souren Paul
A Discussion of Web-Based Consumer Decision Support Systems (WCDSS) and Their Effectiveness, Souren Paul and Q. Ma
Data Mining, Group Memory, Group Decision Making: A Theoretical Framework, Souren Paul, Saifur Rahman Mohammad, and Nancy L. Martin
The Collaborative Conflict Management Style and Cultural Diversity in DGSS Supported Fuzzy Tasks: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul, Imad M. Samarah, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr., and Priya Seetharaman
Organizational Memory in Group Decision Making: Use of Constructive Group Conflict, Souren Paul and Priya Seetharaman
Culture, Conflict Management Styles, and Performance of Global Virtual Teams, Souren Paul, Priya Seetharaman, Imad M. Samarah, and Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.
Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Junping Sun
Discovering Reduct Rules from N-Indiscernibility Objects in Rough Sets, Junping Sun
Supporting various learning styles in an online learning environment, Steven R. Terrell and Laurie P. Dringus
The effect of information perception on attrition in online learning, Steven R. Terrell and Laurie P. Dringus
Increasing Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Technology Integration, Ling Wang
The Effects of Vicarious Learning Experiences and Goal Setting on Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Technology Integration: A Pilot Study, Ling Wang and Peggy A. Ertmer
Submissions from 2002
Improved communication through online discussion, Gertrude W. Abramson
New online programs for lifelong learners, Gertrude W. Abramson
The Motivators and Effects of Formalized Knowledge Sharing Between Employees Through Knowledge Management Initiatives: A Multi-Case Study Approach, Charmaine Barreto
Threaded discussion boards in online education: 101 lessons from the field, Maxine S. Cohen
Developing a criteria set for an online learning environment, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
No time left to lose: dynamic time management in asynchronous learning, Laurie P. Dringus
Technology leadership: Shaping administrators’ knowledge and skills through an online professional development course, Peggy A. Ertmer, Hua Bai, Chaoyan Dong, Mohammed Khalil, Sung Hee Park, and Ling Wang
The Interrelationship Among Speedup Models and Performance Measurements, Dominique A. Heger and Gregory Simco
The Interrelationship Among Speedup Models and Performance Measurements, Dominique A. Heger and Gregory Simco
Software Measurement Series, Inkyoung Hur
Online Intermediary Based Knowledge Sharing in Electronic Negotiation: A Theoretical Framework, Nongkran Lertpittayapoom and Souren Paul
Toward a value framework for online learning systems, Yair Levy and Kenneth E. Murphy
Creating an Online Global Executive MBA Program, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Knowledge Is Power: Some Useful Hints about Managing Your e-Learning Systems and Preventing Crisis, Yair Levy and Michelle M. Ramim
Information Diversity and Repetitiveness in GSS Supported Cognitive Conflict Task: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul
Exploring the Links between Cultural Diversity; the Collaborative Conflict Management Style and Performance of Global Virtual Teams, Imad M. Samarah, Souren Paul, and Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.
SeniorSage: Designing an Online Learning Community for Florida SeniorNet Learning Center Volunteers, Martha Marie Snyder
The Design of Online Learning Communities for Older Adults, Martha Marie Snyder
Building a Bayesian-Game-Theoretic Decision Support Agent, Junping Sun
Cost Based Semantic Query Transformation, Junping Sun
Probability Based Semantic Query Transformation, Junping Sun
SmartAgent: Extending the JADE Behavior Model, Michael Van Hilst, Martin Griss, Steven Fonseca, Dick Cowan, and Robert Kessler
Agent and Appliance Aggregation, Michael Van Hilst and K. Wilkinson
Project management: From the perspective of a graduate student, Ling Wang
Electronic Cognitive Apprenticeships: Building Students’ Understanding of ID, Ling Wang, Hua Bai, and Sung Hee Park
Submissions from 2001
Collaborative asynchronous reflection improves teaching practice, Gertrude W. Abramson
Information literacy in the Internet age: A progress report, Gertrude W. Abramson
Online professors and scholarship expectations, Gertrude W. Abramson
Learning to teach, train, and mentor online, Gertrude W. Abramson, S. Bibeau, D. Cohen, B. Maas, M. Norton, E. Scalese, W. Smith, and L. Star
Advanced Intrusion Detection Research, James D. Cannady Jr.
Got Security? Information Assurance Considerations for Your Research, Course Projects, and Everyday Life, James D. Cannady Jr.
Detecting Anomalous Behavior: Optimization of Network Traffic Parameters via an Evolution Strategy, James D. Cannady Jr., Dennis C. Bauer, and Raymond C. Garcia
Boundary Expansion of Expert Systems: Incorporating Evolutionary Computation with Intrusion Detection Solutions, James D. Cannady Jr. and Raymond C. Garcia
The Application of Fuzzy ARTMAP in the Detection of Computer Network Attacks, James D. Cannady Jr. and Raymond C. Garcia
Sustaining interactivity in asynchronous learning environments, Maxine S. Cohen, Laurie P. Dringus, and Timothy J. Ellis
Modeling multimedia in a distance environment, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Teaching technology in an online distance education environment, Maxine S. Cohen and Timothy J. Ellis
Practitioner’s Perceptions of Research Communication: Building a Community of Inquiry as the Framework for Professional Development Academies, D. R. Dillion, D. G. O'Brien, K. A. Hoffman, M. Pittard, J. Seybold, Ling Wang, and S. A. Wellinski
Enhancing distance learning with multimedia: a win-win? , Timothy J. Ellis and Maxine S. Cohen
Creating an Online Global Executive MBA Program, Yair Levy
E-learning: An overview of next-generation Internet-based distance learning systems, Yair Levy
Towards Requirements Traceability, Wei Li and Rayford B. Vaughn
Collective Memory Support in Negotiation: A Theoretical Framework, Souren Paul
Current Research on Groupware and Knowledge Management Systems, Souren Paul
The Use of Organizational Memory in Distributed Asynchronous Group Work: A Task-Based Theoretical Perspective, Souren Paul
Collective Memory Support for Buyer-Supplier Negotiation on Multiple Issues - Design of a Web-Based System, Souren Paul and A. Jamil
Directed Acyclic Concept Graph Based Attribute Oriented Induction, Junping Sun
Entropy Based Rule Derivation from Data with Uncertainty, Junping Sun
Incremental Rule Derivation via Multidimensional Data Partitioning, Junping Sun
Rule Derivation from Uncertain Data, Junping Sun
"Where are the Christmas Decorations?": A Memory Assistant for Storage Locations, Michael Van Hilst and Lewis G. Creary
Changing Attitudes through Art, Literature, and Artifacts: From a Chinese Teacher’s Perspective, Ling Wang
Using Mnemonics to Facilitate Learning Chinese Characters, Ling Wang