CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.
Submissions from 1993
Cognitive Processing and Hypermedia Comprehension: A Preliminary Synthesis, David G. Payne, Michael J. Wenger, and Maxine S. Cohen
Dynamic Selectivity Estimation for Multidimensional Queries, Junping Sun
Spatial Region Filtering in IRAF PROS, Michael Van Hilst, E. Mandel, J. Roll, D. Schmidt, and R. Burg
Submissions from 1992
Applying multimedia across the grades and curriculum, Gertrude W. Abramson
Emerging Technologies: Panaceas and Plagues, Gertrude W. Abramson
High quality, low budget digitized images in multimedia productions, Gertrude W. Abramson
Peer-supported, hypermedia-based teacher education, Gertrude W. Abramson
Photographic images in LinkWay 2.01 folders, Gertrude W. Abramson
Multimedia technology as an instructional tool, Gertrude W. Abramson, M. Bessman, and J. Taylor
The Information Processing/Keyboarding Simulation, Gertrude W. Abramson and Cordelia Twomey
Between the Cracks: The Challenge of Developing a Human Computer Interface Course, Maxine S. Cohen
Submissions from 1991
Learning Linkway: features, design, and content selection, Gertrude W. Abramson
Presentation on The Writing Express, a multimedia‑supported, whole language learning system, Gertrude W. Abramson
Pre‑conference Workshop on Incorporating Scripts and Optical Media in Linkway Presentations, Gertrude W. Abramson and Bill Davis
Submissions from 1990
IBM/PALS labs in action: A second year evaluation, Gertrude W. Abramson
Linkway: A Hypermedia Educational Technology Tool (IBM), Gertrude W. Abramson
Special, guided, hands‑on sessions for reading teachers who are computer novices, Gertrude W. Abramson
The Writing Express: communications skills via CD‑ROM, Gertrude W. Abramson
Thinking skills, databases, and nutrition, Gertrude W. Abramson
Factors that Influence User Confidence in Expert Systems, Maxine S. Cohen and Phillip Warren
A Fast Algorithm for Finding Global Minima of Error Functions in Layered Neural Networks, Junping Sun
Heuristic and Hybrid Methods for Finding Global Minimum of Error Function in Artificial Neural Networks, Junping Sun
Submissions from 1989
A graduate program in educational technology, Gertrude W. Abramson
Math in our lives: with spreadsheets, Gertrude W. Abramson
Modular production of effective interactive instruction materials, Gertrude W. Abramson
Using technology to achieve adult literacy, Gertrude W. Abramson
Use of Microcomputer Hardware and Software to Gain Understanding of Manufacturing Systems, Maxine S. Cohen and James LaGro
Human Factors in the Success of a Commercial Software Package: Lotus l‑2‑3, Maxine S. Cohen and Ernest Schirmer
Submissions from 1988
In search of an environment for developing computer aided instruction, Gertrude W. Abramson
Peer Advising, A Cost Effective and Easy Solution to an On Going Problem, Maxine S. Cohen
Past, Current and Future of Deductive Query Processing, Junping Sun
A Survey of Engineering Databases, Junping Sun and J. Xing
Submissions from 1987
Computer-based learning environments, Gertrude W. Abramson
Planning for computer‑enhanced instruction, Gertrude W. Abramson
Submissions from 1986
Incorporating software into the instructional process, Gertrude W. Abramson
Submissions from 1985
Adult computer competence, Gertrude W. Abramson
Development of a Microcomputer Course, Maxine S. Cohen
Program Development: Batch vs Interactive, Maxine S. Cohen and William Ziegler