CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
What faculty need to know about teaching online
Event Name/Location
Orlando, FL / October 29-31, 2014
Presentation Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings Title
20th Annual Online Learning Consortium International Conference on Online Learning
Online learning is arguably the fasted growing segment in post-secondary education worldwide. In the United States, for example, more than one third of all students take at least one online course every semester (Allen & Seaman, 2013). Some scholars argue that it will totally disrupt higher education (Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2011), while others maintain it will save it. In any case, it cannot be ignored.
In this presentation, the authors of a unique, online faculty development program, each expert in their own areas, will share what they believe are the most important things faculty should know about online pedagogy, online course design, and online teaching, as well as what they should know about technology tools and supporting students studying online.
This presentation should help participants get ready to design and/or teach an online course if they have never done so, or if they already have taught online, it will enhance their online teaching skills. Faculty development professionals will gain new insights and a suggested blueprint to guide their practice. In particular, it will provide a list of things faculty need to consider when designing and/or teaching an online course.
The following topics will be covered:
Mastering online pedagogy. Principles of classroom pedagogy that have stood the test of time and can be incorporated into online pedagogy will be covered, as will theories of learning that are relevant in course design and implementation in the online environment. How changes in pedagogical approaches in higher education generally are reflected in online pedagogy and how instructor and student roles are changing in online environments will also be discussed.
Designing and developing an online course. Sometimes, just knowing where to start is half the battle. This section of the presentation will focus on the instructional or learning design method process as an effective, systematic, and efficient development model. This area also considers the factors that contribute to a high quality and meaningful course for learners, and will build on your own experiences, whether as an instructor or student, integrating those experiences into your new armory of skills. Sample development scenarios will be presented.
Being a successful online teacher. This part of the presentation will outline strategies for designing and organizing an online community of inquiry; facilitating and moderating an effective online learning experience; directing and leading an online course; and assessing student learning in a meaningful and engaging manner.
Using technology tools for teaching online. Technology is ever evolving and educational technology tools change almost as quickly. This presentation will thus suggest thinking about such tools in terms of functionality and give examples of current technologies which support content development, interaction and assessment in online teaching and learning. In addition, factors critical for successful technology integration will be identified strategies for selecting and adopting technology tools will be discussed.
Proactive strategies for studying online. Are students fully prepared to study online? What do they need to know to be successful online learners? We will recommend tips for developing effective habits for studying online, discuss the importance of time management, and explore ways students can learn about their own readiness and responsibilities as online learners.
NSUWorks Citation
Swan, Karen; Dringus, Laurie P.; Richardson, Jennifer; Vaughn, Norm; Banner, Phylise; and Shea, P., "What faculty need to know about teaching online" (2014). CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures. 1.
Conference website: http://olc.onlinelearningconsortium.org/conference/2014/aln/welcome