Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Dissertation: An Investigation of Critical Success Factors and Procedures for Implementing Effective Information Systems Security Programs, Rey LeClerc
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Curriculum Content in Physical Therapy Programs as Related to the Role of the Physical Therapist Assistant, Flavio O. Leite
Dissertation: A National Approach to Touch Keyboarding Instruction on Computers in Primary Schools in Belize, Gilda Lewis
Dissertation: The Future of Newspapers A Study of the World Wide Web And Its Relationship to electronic Publishing of Newspaper, Edward C. Lindoo
Dissertation: A Load Balancing Data Allocation for Parallel Query Processing, Wen-Ya Lin
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Idiopathic Senile Gait: Are They Fast Enough to Cross the Street?, Omar H. Llaguna
Dissertation: Supplementing Textbook Reading and Writing Exercises in the Typical Spanish III Jesuit High School Language Classroom with Email Conferences, Nicholas D. Lombardi S.J.
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effect of Experience on Physical Therapists' Ability to Identify a Lumbar Spinous Process, Suzanne S. Lowe
Dissertation: A Conceptual Framework, Implementation Plan, and Visual Guide for the Interactive Multimedia Courseware Development Process, Kenneth G. MacLeod
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Factors that Influence Minority Students to Choose Physical Therapy as a Profession, Michelle M. Madison
Dissertation: Internet Retrieval and Dissemination of Engineering Documentation: Prelude to The World Wide Web Technological Mall, Phillip R. Marcus
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Age Difference and Their Effect on Deciding a Career in Physical Therapy, Danielle Marie
Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Shoulder Joint Proprioception in Geriatric and Young Adults, Daniel W. Mayhan
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Postural Taping on the Electromyographic Activity of the Upper Trapezius Muscle in a Patient with Cervical Postural Syndrome, Lynn A. McCowen
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationship Between Isokinetic Strength and Functional Performance in Healthy Adults, Sean M. McCue
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Various Salinities on the Growth, Reproduction, and Pathology of Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus), David Z. McMahon
Dissertation: Distributed Multimedia Information and Training Systems: Development of a Design Model for Interactive Training Using the World Wide Web as a Delivery System, David S. Metcalf II
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Learning Styles of Nova Southeastern University Second Year Physical Therapy Students, Francine Mignano
Dissertation: An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Implementation of Telecommuting by an Organization Through Identification of Critical Success Factors, Ted Mikell
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Degree of Burnout in Physical Therapists Working with Geriatric Patients, Gary Miller
Dissertation: Revitalizing the Midcareer Computing Technical Professional, Sarah J. Mitchell
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Functional Reach: Predictive Validity in a Sample of Elderly Women over a Three Month Period, Denise A. Monert
Dissertation: Effect of Electronic Portfolio Assessments On The Motivation And Computer Interest of Fourth And Fifth Grade Students In A Massachusetts Suburban School, Paul V. Montesino
Dissertation: A Simplified Faceted Approach To Information Retrieval for Reusable Software Classification, Victor Allen Nguyen
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Role of Physical Therapists in the Education of Sitting Posture in Patients with Low Back Pain, Kay Niedermeier
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapists' Early Initiation of Patient Education in Acute Low Back Pain Patients, Karen Noiman
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Assessment of Changes in Physical Therapists' Attitudes Toward Chronic Pain Patients, Michael Nowels
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapists' Delegation of Tasks to Support Personnel, Paul Oberdorfer
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Diel Relationships of Bacterial Growth Rates, Bacterivore Grazing Rates, and Dissolved Carbohydrates in Subtropical Marine Coastal Waters, Sean O'Brien
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical and Occupational Therapy Students Characterize Themselves and Each Other, Teresa M. Palicia
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Measurement of the Performance of Wheelchairs by the Caregivers of Disabled Children in Jamaica, Elizabeth J. Payne
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Reliability of Force Applied During Goniometric Measurement of Passive Knee Flexion as Measured with a Hand-Held Dynamometer, Stuart Marshall Peterson
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Ultrasound Application Followed by Static Stretch on Hamstring Lengthening, John Petrunyak
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Parents' and Physical Therapists' Perceptions of Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation in Children, Laura Pfendler
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Essential Evaluation and Assessment Functions as Identified by Clinical Instructors, Helen Present
Dissertation: A More General Markov Reliability Model for Computer Systems, Simon S. Qiu
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Diel Patterns of Glucosidase Activity and Dissolved Carbohydrates in South Florida Coastal Waters, Tom Quinney
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Factors Influencing College Students' Knowledge of Physical Therapy, Marcy Rabhan
Dissertation: Creating Competitive Advantage With Internet Technology, Robert C. Raciti
Thesis - NSU Access Only: What are the Benefits and Perceptions of Physical Therapists About Aquatic Physical Therapy?, Douglas K. Reed
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Cognitive Retention of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Physical Therapy, Bryan Regar
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapist's Role in Urinary Incontinence Intervention, Jennifer Salamey
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Sociodemographics Variables and Compliance to Physical Therapy Home Exercise Programs, Lauren Salles
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effect of Joint Mobilization on Range of Motion and Pain in Post-Operative Rotator Cuff Repair Rehabilitation, Lisa Sayfie
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapists' Perceptions of Job Satisfaction Factors, Alan Seabrook
Dissertation: Possible Futures: The Role of Technology in Education, Larry A. Sears
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Relationships Between Characteristics of Teachers and Their Attitudes Toward Technology Integration in Their Courses, Barbara Faye Shegog
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Factors that Influence Low Back Pain in Mature Golfers, Brian Sickorez
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Evaluation of Students' Learning Strategies in Problem-Based & Traditional Physical Therapy Curricula, Alexis Silberman
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparison of Occupational and Physical Therapists' Knowledge and Recognition of Battered Women in Clinical Settings, Kristen Friis Snellenburg
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Examining Professional Role Behavior of Physical Therapists Regarding Membership in the Florida Physical Therapy Association, Charisse Sorena
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Personality Types of Physical Therapists and Job Satisfaction in the Geriatric Setting, Stephanie Sposato
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Changes in Unilateral Postural Stability Using a Brace and Tape, Burton W. Stevens Jr.
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Direct Access: The Impact on the Practice of Physical Therapy in the State of Florida, Lawrence Scott Stewart
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapist Assistants' Perceptions of the Utilization of Massage, Sandra Stien
Dissertation: An Educational Executive information System Prototype for Public School District Superintendents, Richard H. Sutor
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Career Choice Factors for Nova Southeastern University Physical Therapy Students, Daisy Tam
Thesis - NSU Access Only: How Physical Therapists Inquire and Respond to Women with Urinary Incontinence, Marie S. Valdes
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of an Adapted Sphygmomanometer on Isometric Abdominal Muscle Strength, Jose Vazquez
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Temperament on Burnout Among Physical Therapists, Flor Maria Vidal
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Stress and Compliance in Caregivers of Children with Muscular Dystrophy, Vicki Walker
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Extent of Inappropriate Patient Sexual Behavior Toward Florida Physical Therapists, James Weinstein
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Exercise in the Treatment and Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Jennifer Welch
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Measuring Empathy Among Physical Therapists and Students, Jeannie Wells
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Compliance of Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus to an Aerobic Exercise Program, Heather Wiles
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationship Between Training Programs and Shoulder Injuries in Master's Swimmers, Susan Wyatt
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Distribution of Overlap of Service Between Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists in Skilled Nursing Facilities in the State of Florida, Jeffrey Alan Yaskin
Dissertation: Planning , Designing and Integrating a Distributed Wireless Mobile Intranet Architecture For Local and Wide Area Networking At a University, Salim R. Yazbeck
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Aquatic Therapy Effects Over Time on Perceived Pain Levels of Individuals with Osteoarthritis, Shari Leigh Zelman
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapy Implementation in Florida Public Schools, Jennifer Zuidema
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Dissertation: The Use of Presentation Software(PS) by College Faculty in an Undergraduate Institution to Enhance Their Teaching, Samuel Abraham
Dissertation: A Model for Cultural Resistance in Business Process Re-engineering Failure, Larry E. Beebe
Dissertation: Development and Evaluation of Interactive Courseware for Visualization of Graph Data Structure and Algorithms, Thomas E. Beutel
Dissertation: An Extension to the Information System Architecture Framework for Eliciting and Representing System Requirements, Candice L. Buchanan
Dissertation: An Investigation of Community College Administrators' Perceptions of Educational Technology Facilities, Robert H. Calabrese
Dissertation: Identification of Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Electronic Data Interchange, Rolando Rueda De Leon
Dissertation: The Interrelationship Between CASE/I-CASE and Organizational/Software Measurements, Michael Falat
Dissertation: The State of Disaster Recovery Planning in Texas Small Businesses, Star M. Ferdinand
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Daily Feeding Rhythm to Demand Feeders and the Effects of Timed Meal-Feeding on Growth of Juvenile Florida Pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, Matthew J. Heilman
Dissertation: The Development of Enterprised-Based IS Frameworks to Handle Outsourcing by Small and Medium Enterprises in the Republic of China, Yaw-Shyan Huang
Dissertation: Intelligent Collision Warning System Based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Technologies, Paravila O. Jacob
Dissertation: A Method for the Application of Computer Analytic Tools to Clinical Research: Neural Networks Analysis of Liver Function Tests to Assist in the differential Diagnosis of Liver Disease, John P. Kirchner
Dissertation: Optimization of Paging Cost in Mobile Switching System by Genetic Algorithm, Hee C. Lee
Dissertation: Electronic Student Portfolios A Tool Performance-Based Assessment ( A Pilot Project in the Berks County Pennsylvania Schools), Robert B. Lipton
Dissertation: A Critique Of The Software Reuse Facilities In C++, Babu V. Mani
Dissertation: Multimedia Development Project Farming for The Future CD-ROM, Cameron W. Mateika
Dissertation: Casual Inferences of Achievement By Adult Learners as Determined By Learning Style Difference in Hypertext-Based Computer-Assisted Instruction, Ronald D. McFarland
Dissertation: An Effective Software Development Methodology for Quality Software Development in a Scheduling Department, Kathryn J. Moland
Dissertation: On the Development of a Software Architecture for a Distributed Information System that can Support the Warrior as Envisioned by the U.S. Department of Defense, Frederick I. Moxley II
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of the H1 Histamine Antagonist Chlorpheniramine on Reinforcement, Learning and Memory in Goldfish, Carassius auratus, Carrie A. Nelson
Dissertation: A Framework for the Design of a Voice-activated, Intelligent and Hypermedia-based Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Manoj S. Patankar
Dissertation: Effects of Computer-Based Cooperative Learning on the Problem Solving Skills of Grade Six Students, Steven Poris
Dissertation: An Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors for Implementing Client/Server Human Resource Information Systems, Elizabeth L. Rich
Dissertation: A Study of Social Organization in Science in the Age of Computer-Mediated-Communication, Jean M. Roehrs
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Fine Structure of the Gill Vasculature of the Yellow Stingray (Urolophus jamaicensis), Robin L. Sherman
Dissertation: A Methodology for File System Performance Evaluation, Gregory E. Simco
Dissertation: Predicting Success in Computer Science at a Community College, Beverly Shugar Simon
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Microplankton Biomass and Composition in Relation to the Gulf Stream Front Off Southeast Florida, Gayle Louise Stone
Dissertation: The Construction and Validation of an Evaluative Instrument for Academic Library World Wide Web Sites, Mark Stover
Dissertation: Information Technology in a University: An Institutional Case Study of Instructional and Research Computing in a client/Server, Winston M. Tellis