Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Initial Inquiry Into the Phylogeny of the Family Comasteridae (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) From Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data, Christopher M. White
Dissertation: Training Aviation Maintenance Technicians with Information Retrieval Systems, Michael J. Williams
Dissertation: State Government Cost Recovery for Electronic Information Dissemination: A Comparative Study, Donald R. Wismer
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Dissertation: Designing Computer Systems to Control Several Small Experiments in a Space Environment, Eric S. Ackerman
Dissertation: An Expert System for the Selection of Electronic Payment Systems Based on Organizational Security Requirements, Archie N. S. Addo
Dissertation: Multi-User Domain Object Oriented (MOO) as a High School Procedure for Foreign Language Acquisition, James A. Backer
Dissertation: Design of the Electronic Classroom Graphical User Interface: Nova Southeastern University's Multimedia Electronic Classroom Project, Kathleen J. Cahalan
Dissertation: Effects of Student Participation in a Self-Contained Fifth Grade Multimedia Classroom On Student Achievement and Adjustment To The Middle School Setting, Dorthea A. Camp-White
Dissertation: The Critical Distance-Learning Metrics for Student Needs and Satisfaction, Ruey-Ming Chao
Dissertation: Linking Printed Books to Computerized Speech, Edward D. Crook
Dissertation: Impact of classroom amplification on literacy measures in first grade, Beata Darai
Dissertation: A Project Management Prototype for Collaborative Projects on the Internet, Yaw Frimpong
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Juvenile Reef Fish Recruitment Processes in South Florida: A Multifactorial Field Experiment, David S. Gilliam
Dissertation: The Design of an Expert System for Academic Advising at a Two-Year Community College, William R. Groover
Dissertation: The Use of Cooperative Groups in Learning How to Use New Software Programs, James R. Grunwald
Dissertation: Requirements and Architecture for a Group Memory in the Any-Time/Any-Place Domain of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, William L. Hafner
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Influence of Salinity on Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Mixed-Layer Physics in the Indian Ocean, Weiqing Han
Dissertation: International Usability, Design Guidelines and Effectiveness of a World Wide Web-Based Instructional Program for High School Students in a Cross-Culture Learning Environment, Hajime Hayakawa
Dissertation: An Experimental Comparison of Student Performance in a Web-based Versus a Lecture-based Classroom, Marc H. Ingle
Dissertation: Color Calibration of Computer Display Devices, Douglas L. Jacobs
Dissertation: Planning Genetic Algorithm: Pursuing Meta-knowledge, Maury E. Johnson
Dissertation: Active Database Rule Set Reduction by Knowledge Discovery, Kittisak Kerdprasop
Dissertation: The Application of Inductive Logic Programming to Support Semantic Query Optimization, Nittaya Kerdprasop
Dissertation: A Model for In-house Development of Computer-Based Training, Diane N. King
Dissertation: Using Web-Based Instruction To Improve Achievements in Professional Courses in The Chinese Naval Academy, Jueen Lee
Dissertation: An Investigation of the emerging Role of the Information Systems Professional in a Client/Server Environment, Sunhee Park Lee
Dissertation: A Theoretical Model for a Prescription Drug Public Key Cryptographic System, Donald R. Lemma
Dissertation: The Implementation and Integration of the Interactive Markup Language to the Distributed Component Object Model Protocol in the Application of Distributed File System Security, Jenglung Lin
Dissertation: Models for Optimizing the Use of Contractors in Information Systems Application Development Outsourcing, Craig S. Lipman
Dissertation: The Effects of Air Traffic Controllers' Cognitive Style, Learning Strategies and Performance within a Multimedia Training Environment, Jane S. Mahoney
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Development of Techniques for the Cultivation of Fish in a Converted Wastewater Treatment Plant, Kevin L. Mahoney
Dissertation: Impact of a fitness program on the ability of long-term survivors of spinal cord injury to participate in daily living activities, Nancy Marshall
Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Growth Rate Between Shallow and Deep Tanks, Using Hybrid Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis aureus, Madelyn T. Martinez
Dissertation: A Study of the Attitudes of Management and Employees Toward Telecommuting, Joseph J. McVey
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Implementation of a Workflow System for Health Information Management, Mary Gregory Coffin Murray
Dissertation: A Microwave Link Over Water In A Tropical Zone Case Study, Theresa Anduze Parris
Dissertation: Learning about Scientists in a Gender-Equitable, Multimedia Environment, Dennis R. Pitts
Dissertation: A Study of the Computerized Reading Management Program, Accelerated Reader, and its Effect on Reading Among Primary Grade Students, Mitchell O. Pratt
Dissertation: Self-Esteem and Intrinsic Motivational Effects of Using a Constructivist and a Behaviorist Approach to Computer Usage in Fifth Grade Hispanic Classrooms, Sharron A. Redden
Dissertation: A Reasoning Mechanism in the Probabilistic Data Model Based on the Maximum Entropy Formalism, Bellarmin N. Selvaraj
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Temporal Variability in the Protist Community Structure in Port Everglades, Florida, Kevin C. Spingler
Dissertation: Qualitative study of therapists' treatment choices and patients' treatment preferences in hand therapy, Robinette Strutton-Amaker
Dissertation: Statewide Online Web-based Training Program to Prepare New Jersey Community College Faculty for Distance Teaching, John Sullivan
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Depth Distribution, Growth Rates, and Photoacclimation of the Green and Brown Color Morphotypes of the Scleractinian Coral Porites astreoides, Susan L. Thornton
Dissertation: Pictogram: The Design and Implementation of a New Visual Programming Language, Takaaki Tomizawa
Dissertation: An Internet-based Collaborative Prototype for (SAP R/3) Database Administrators, Ramora Connor Townsend
Dissertation: An Architecture Design for a Customized GUI to Support Personal Preference, Patricia A. White
Dissertation: Building an Asian Cultural Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Efficient and Advanced Computing, Ying-Lu Yen
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Dissertation: The Role of the Einstein Library of Nova Southeastern University in Meeting the Needs of Distance Education Students, Anne K. Abate
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Interrater Reliability of McKenzie's Classifications of the Derangement Types Present in Patients with Low Back Pain, Tom Adams
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationship of Ankle Plantar Flexor Strength and Step/Stride Length in the Elderly Population, Timothy Ahlip
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Amount of Patient Education in Home Health Care, Mimi Albea
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Barium and Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Chronologies from Two Southeast Florida Coral Species- Environmental Implications, Daniel Anderegg
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Electromyographic Analysis of the Vastus Medialis/Vastus Lateralis Muscles Utilizing the Unloaded Narrow and Wide Stance Squats, Ricky Anderson
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapists' Perceptions of Continuous Passive Motion in Total Knee Arthroplasty, John Charles Arena
Dissertation: Contributions to Supervised Learning of Real-Valued Functions Using Neural Networks, Victor David Sanchez Aylas
Dissertation: A Low-Cost, Decentralized Distributed Computing Architecture for an Autonomous User Environment, James W. Barker
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Balance Assessments after Tai Chi Training of People over 60 Years of Age, David Vincent Barr III
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparison of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Definitive Treatment of Acute Low Back Pain, Adi Benitah
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Personality Types of Board Certified Pediatric Physical Therapists, Susan BenJoseph
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of a Short Leg Metal Brace with Bilateral Metal Uprights on a Patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Marisela Bertot
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Opinions of Physical Therapists Concerning Burn Care Education, Michele Rogers Bower
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparison of Tasks Performed by College Graduate and Equivalency Trained Physical Therapist Assistants Employed in California, Kirk Bradley
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Factors Influencing Physical Therapy Students' Decisions to Work with the Geriatric Population, Allison L. Brescia
Dissertation: System Requirements for a New Management Control Expert System Generalized Inference Engine Interfacing With a Client/Server Notification System, Abby H. Brown
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Delegation and Supervision of Physical Therapy Aides, Ann C. Brown
Dissertation: Proposition of the Temporal Variation Data model and Evaluation of an Implementation, Mark A. Brown
Dissertation: Technological Literacy Assessment in Secondary Schools Through Portfolio Development, Joyce Bethea Bryan
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Difference in Knowledge Between Nova Southeastern University Osteopathic Medical and Physical Therapy Students Regarding Their Own and Each Other's Professions, Lori Burdick
Dissertation: Variability in Copepod Hatching Success: Observations on Natural Populations and Experiments on the Role of Maternal Diet, Carol A. Burkart
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Investigating Feet Positions of the Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance, Amy Buxton
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Faculties' Perceptions of the FPTA and Do They Encourage Student Membership, Joe Caroccio
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Posterior Loading Effects on the Lumbar Spine, Charan Tony Chadha
Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Use of Self-Assessment in the Physical Therapy Profession as a Method for Evaluating Professional Growth, John Robert Chadwick
Dissertation: The Effect of Alternate Forms of Feedback on Student Achievement and Motivation, Phyllis Chasser
Dissertation: Successful Web Design Factors in Commercial Web Sites: A Case Study, Ming-Che Chen
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Characteristics and Tools Used by Physical Therapists for the Assessment of Pressure Ulcers, Cara Chickanosky
Dissertation: A Model for Applying Total Quality Management in Computer Information Systems Management, Jeanetta R. Chrystie
Dissertation: A Complexity Comparison of Ada 95 and C++, Francis R. Cirillo
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of a Therapeutic Body Alignment Class on Professional Ballet Dancers, Craig Cohen
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapists' Application of Functional Balance Tests on Patients Who Have Suffered Traumatic Brain Injury, Scott N. Colling
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Specific Ballet Dance Exercises on the Balance Abilities of Healthy Older Adults, Karen Consolo
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationship Between Work-Related Low Back Pain and Contributing Job Factors Among Physical Therapists, Lynn Cousineau
Dissertation: Design and Implementation: A Custom Interactive Multimedia CBT for the Blood-Cell Analysis Industry, Vernon L. Czelusniak
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Ideal Pediatric Physical Therapist as Perceived by Parents of Children with Disabilities, Shea Adair Dalrymple
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationship Between Sit and Reach Test Scores and Low Back Pain Among Amateur Soccer Players, Daniele B. D'Ambrosio
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Time Utilization by Physical Therapists During Patient Treatment Sessions, Monica De Vega
Thesis: Effects of Managed Care on the Professional Autonomy of Board Certified Physical Therapy Specialist's Practice, Cami Diezel
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Muscle Imbalance in the Lower Leg and Lateral Ankle Instability in Adolescents, Jonathan Di Gregorio
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Role of Exercise in Injury Prevention for Junior Tennis Players, Danielle Dilloff
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effect of Wearing a Weight-Belt on EMG Activation of Specific Muscles During a Dead Lift Exercise, Marc B. Domb
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Family Involvement in Physical Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Sandra R. Dupree
Dissertation: Computer-Supported, Time and Place Independent Distance Education for Adult Learners: A Demonstration Project in Teaching Financial Accounting Via the Internet, Timothy J. Ellis
Dissertation: An Analysis of Usability Issues of The World Wide Web(WWW), Eileen Suleima Ennis
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Components Contributing to Job Satisfaction in Various Physical Therapy Settings, Rachel Feingold
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Employers' Preferences in Hiring Certified Athletic Trainers or Physical Therapists in Team Sports Settings, Alison Ferrara
Dissertation: A Performance Analysis tool for Unix Massively Parallel Computers, Andres A. Folleco
Thesis - NSU Access Only: New Perspectives in Managing Work Injuries and Their Implications for On-Site Physical Therapy, Craig Goldberg
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Physical Therapy Students' Perceptions of the Value of the Pre-Admission Physical Therapy Experience, Randee Goldstein
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Patient Satisfaction and Its Influence on Home Program Compliance in Physical Therapy, Erine Grove