All theses, dissertations, capstones, and applied clinical projects from graduate students at Nova Southeastern University.


Theses/Dissertations from 1993

Dissertation: Attitudes of Inmates Toward The Use of Computer In Tennessee Correctional Institutions, Renee Tobias

Dissertation: The Effects of a Mini-Integrated-Learning System, Traditional Lecture and Drill Instruction, Perceptual Learning Styles, and Gender On Language Mechanics Achievement, Raymond V. Van Groesbeck

Dissertation: A Study of the Effects of A Hypertext Computer-Assisted Instruction in Mathematics on the Achievement Levels of Fifth-Grade Students, Martha Montogomery Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 1992

Dissertation: Computer Pre-Analysis Of Aggregate Data In High School Science Laboratories, Joseph George Amara

Dissertation: Karel The Robot: A Gentle Introduction To The Art Of Programming For The Apple IIE, Howard E. Beckner


Thesis - NSU Access Only: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Wetland Mitigation in Broward County, Florida Permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Vicki Cruse

Dissertation: An expert system for the prediction of environmental impacts of a logging operation in southeast Alaska, James H. DiGennaro


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Water Quality, Cyanobacteria and Disease Studies in an Operational Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) Farm: Belize, Central America, Helen Marie Dixon

Dissertation: Developing An Extensible Authoring System For Computer-Based Instructional Technologies, David R. Emmons


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Instability of Density Fronts in Layer and Continuously Stratified Models, Yasushi Fukamachi

Dissertation: The Effects of Using Computer-Facilitated Problem Solving With General Mathematics Students, Don S. Groninger

Dissertation: Factors Affecting the Use of Computers In Classrooms, Donna F. Herring

Dissertation: A Plan For Implementation of A Computer Assisted Academic Advising System At Centenary College Of Louisiana, Miles E. Hitchcock

Dissertation: A Computer In Use In The Classroom: Its Effect On the Identification of Computer In-Service Training Needs of the Classroom Teacher, Michael S. Houser

Dissertation: The Effects of Computerized Tools In Teaching English Composition For Basic Writers, Harold A. Kime


Dissertation: Instructional use of Computers For Entry-Level Physical Therapy Education In The United States, Edmund M. Kosmahl

Dissertation: Field Office Automation And Evaluation, Bernard J. Kovach


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effect of Demersal Reef Fish on Two Species of Gorgonian Coral, Kevin G. Kuta


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Evolutionary Significance of Brain Structure in the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), Christopher Douglas Marshall

Dissertation: On Utilizing Computer-Based Teleducation To Facilitate Fulfillment of the CSUSB Mission, G Eric McAllister

Dissertation: Cooperative Science in a Computer-Mediated Communications Environment Effects on Developing the Integrated Science Process Skills of Secondary Students In Pennsylvania, Gary D. Morford

Dissertation: The Effects Of Using Computers In Writing Instruction on Writing Apprehension and Attitude Toward Using Computers, Neal Schleifer

Dissertation: An Investigation Into the Relationship of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator To Learning In a Computer Based Training Setting, Richard L. Smith

Dissertation: A Conceptual Framework & Enterprise Architecture Model To Support Information Systems Technology, Daniel S. Walsh

Dissertation: An Assessment of Trends And Factors Affecting Future Directions In Library And Information Science Education, Jan M. Yates


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Tropical Instability Waves in the Pacific Ocean: Their Seasonal Variation and Asymmetry About the Equator, Zuojun Yu

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

Dissertation: A Study To Examine The Effects Of Computers And Traditional Teaching Methods On 9-11 Year Old Students Learning To Add And Subtract Fractions, Thomas E. Alexander

Dissertation: Integrating Microcomputer Applications into Library Media Courses at Armstrong State College, Savannah, Georgia: A Systematic Approach, Ardella Patricia Ball

Dissertation: An Investigation Of The Effectiveness Of Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction As Opposed To Traditional Instruction, Jimmy H. Barnes

Dissertation: Computer Anxiety: Its Related Characteristics And Its Relationship to Achievement In Computer Literacy of Slippery Rock University Students, Linda M. Boettner

Dissertation: A Study of Delayed Time and Real Time Text-Based Computer-Mediated Communication Systems on Group Decision Making Performance, Laurie P. Dringus

Dissertation: Breaking Down the Barriers To Public High School Library Participation in Kentucky's Statewide Multitype Library Network, Mary Donna Foley


Thesis: The Diet and Feeding Habits of the Southern Stingray, Dasyatis americana, in Tropical Shallow Marine Habitats, David S. Gilliam

Dissertation: Project Plan to Establish A College Education Program For Severely Impaired People Through Computer Based Distance Learning, Robert E. Glass

Dissertation: The Development And Evaluation of A Hypertext Computer-Based Training Program to Assist In Developing Publications Skills, Monica Gleason

Dissertation: The Development And Evaluation of A Hypertext Computer-Based-Training Program For The Training of New Substitute Teachers In Old Bridge, New Jersey, Cathy Grimaldi

Dissertation: Design of Specifications And Requirements For The Computer-Based Training System For An Automated Small-Group Home Facility To Accommodate Mentally And Physically Disabled Persons, Diane J. Haley

Dissertation: A Strategic Plan For Academic Computing At Ohio Dominican College, Arthur T. Koch

Dissertation: The Effect of Vocabulary Integration in the Curriculum on Learning at the Junior High School Level, Burton F. Neumeier


Dissertation: A Meta-Analysis of Learner Control In Computer-Based Learning Environments, June A. Parsons


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Sources of Coliphage to the Marine Environment, Isabel Puente


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Digestion and Vacuole Passage Time in the Tintinnid Favella panamenis Feeding on the Dinoflagellate Heterocapsa triquetra, Anthony Russo

Dissertation: An Investigation Into the Effects of Computerization on Academic Advising, Mark W. Smith

Dissertation: Computer Science Teacher Certification And Student Success on the Advanced Placement Computer Science Examinations, William Eugene Stevens


Dissertation: Dissertation Report IS 8995 Using Dialog CIP At Winona State University To Educate End-Users, Kathryn Sullivan

Dissertation: Marketing the Learning resources Center at South Florida Community College: A Business Approach, Luella Bosman Teuton


Dissertation: Curriculum-Oriented CAI Based On Instructional Technology To Be Used For Teaching Secondary School Students Introductory Library Skills, Theresa K. Toohil

Dissertation: An Integrated Needs Assessment And Training Plan Model For Employees of the Logistics Systems Group, Joyce E. Wood


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Analysis of the Color Change in Haplochromis Sp. Induced by 17-alpha Methyltestosterone, John Yudin

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

Dissertation: Planning, Producing, And Reporting A Computer Fair In a Local Community, Joanne G. Cortese

Dissertation: The Effect of Distress on the Quality of Computer Programming, William C. Cross

Dissertation: A Feasibility Study of An Automated Public Access Catalog For The Great Neck Library, Mary B. Dehn


Dissertation: Aspects of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll A Carbon-Specific Growth Rates, and the Distributions of Chlorophyll A and Primary Productivity in Relation to Water Column Structure in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Denis William Frazel

Dissertation: The Development and Implementation of a Benchmark Process for Distributed Relational Database Management Systems, Godon Fullerton

Dissertation: An Introduction of Office Automation and A Document Management System Within a Multiple Plant Manufacturing Organization, Jerry A. Katz

Dissertation: An Exploratory Qualitative Study for the Design and Implementation of an Educational mentoring Program For At-Risk Students, John Kistler


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Coastal Ocean Response to Strong Offshore Winds in the Gulfs of Tehuantepec and Papagayo, Hyong Sun Lee

Dissertation: Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in the High School Chemistry Lab, Carol Miglin

Dissertation: Creation Of A Model And A Partial Strategic Plan For The University of Texas-Pan American Library, David S. Mizener

Dissertation: Hypertext Computer-Assisted Instruction for Geriatric Physical Therapists, Michael Moran


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Pigments as Indicators of a Response to Environmentally Induced Modification of a Coral-Algal Symbiosis, Carol Jean Reese

Dissertation: Using Microcomputer Software To Remediate Critical Thinking Skills In Disadvantaged Students, Minder Rucker


Dissertation: A DSM-III-R Study Of Computer Addiction Among IOWA Computer Users, Randy Young

Theses/Dissertations from 1989

Dissertation: A Local Area Network Implemented At Everett High School, Linda Averill

Dissertation: The Development Of A Three Year Plan To Integrate Computers And Mathematics In the Undergraduate Liberal Arts Curriculum, Marilyn Knight Dotson


Dissertation: Library Automation In south Carolina Media Centers, Nellita P. DuBose

Dissertation: Teacher Awareness of State And Regional Computer-Related Resources, Joseph M. Formica

Dissertation: A Study To Determine The Feasibility Of Installing CD-ROM Technology In Ontario Government Libraries And Information Centers, Eva Gulbinowicz


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Optical Properties of Marine Phytoplankton: A Study in Multiparameter Flow Cytometry, Jerome Lynn Hall


Dissertation: A Microcomputer-Based CIA System Designed to Compliment Traditional Instruction in Navy Technical Training, John M. Kaiser


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Iodophor Compound on Skin Lesion Disease in Sea Turtles, Lyle J. Kochinsky

Dissertation: Implementing an Online Access Catalog In a High School Library Media Center, Patricia Bennett Labbe

Dissertation: The Organizational Implication of the Electronic Transfer of Information: Electronic Mail and Leadership, Richard D. Manning


Dissertation: Teacher Utilization of A Middle School Media Program: A Case Study, Earnestine T. McCloud

Dissertation: An Instrument for the Distribution and collection of Data Using Computer-Based Technology, Michael Thombs

Dissertation: Basic Skills Training Program For the Handicapped Using Adaptive Computer Software, Elizabeth Twohy

Dissertation: A dBase III Plus System For Processing And Maintaining Historical Records On Students' Evaluations Of Instructors And Courses, Douglas W. Warner

Dissertation: Voice Mail: A Way To Enhance Faculty Office Hours, Anthony R. Yebba

Dissertation: Guidelines for Strategic Planning in Community College Learning resource Centers: The Florida Community College Experience, Barbara M. Young

Theses/Dissertations from 1988


Dissertation: Resource Sharing: A Study of Florida's Shared-Used Library Collections, Susan Anderson

Dissertation: A Study of Perceptions and Use of A Small college consortium Library By Faculty and Students, Evelyn Kelsaw Bonner


Dissertation: The Utilization of Competitive Intelligence in Strategic Planning, SallyAnn Carr

Dissertation: Anatomy of A Software Maintenance Training Program, Larry G. David

Dissertation: Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Assist Faculty Advisors in Accurate Student Advising at The University Level, Walter F. Deal III

Dissertation: A study of the Decision styles of Individuals choosing alternatives when there Is Uncertainty, Thomas L. Johnson


Dissertation: Integrated Online Media Management Systems For Media Centers: A Model For Selection And Effective Use, Nancy R. Keating

Dissertation: A Model for Identifying Serial Collection Overlap in a Union List of Serials For Public Utility Libraries, Karen S. McConnell

Dissertation: A Feasibility Study of An Online System For the Ontario Police Commission Library, Mark Merryweather

Dissertation: The Development of A Microcomputer Financial Model for the Management of Variable Training Costs, David L. Norman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Geometrical Analysis of Shell Morphology in the Nodilittorina ziczac species-complex (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia), Peter D. Roopnarine

Theses/Dissertations from 1987

Dissertation: An Interactive Expert System Based Dialogue Manager( An Expert System's Quest For Knowledge), Phillip M. Adams


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparative Growth and Morphology in the Larvae of Eurypanopeus dissimilis (Benedict and Rathbun, 1891) and Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith, 1869) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Xanthidae), Karen Maria Blyler

Dissertation: Implementing and Evaluating A Bibliographic Retrieval System for Print and Non-Print Media Materials, James L. Buchholz

Dissertation: Turning an Expert Reference Librarians' Skill Into computer Software: A Practical Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Paul L. Catano


Dissertation: Organization For Collection Development in Medium-sized Academic Libraries, Carol W. Cubberley

Dissertation: Prolog in Computer-Based Learning: A General Purpose Interface for Overcoming Learning Blocks, George K. Fornshell


Dissertation: Strategic Planning For A Special Library, Donald A. Guerriero

Dissertation: A Feasibility Study of the Implementation of CD ROM Databases in Secondary School Library Media Centers, Nellie S. Kreis


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Policy Analysis of the Beach-Dune and Wetland Components of the Coastal Zone Protection-Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plans of Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties, Jan Kuszynski


Thesis: A Comparison of the Relative Sediment Transport of Quartz and Aragonite Sand for Use as Beach Renourishment Materials in South Florida, Brian Lewis Lipsitz