NSU Theses and Dissertations | Nova Southeastern University
All theses, dissertations, capstones, and applied clinical projects from graduate students at Nova Southeastern University.


Theses/Dissertations from 2004

Dissertation: Determining the Effectiveness of College Students in Searching the Internet, Mohamed K. Mansour


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Influence of Physical and Anthropogenic Factors on the Distribution of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nests in Broward County, Florida. (1990-1999), Catherine A. Mattison

Dissertation: The Effects of Instant Messaging on Performance and Communication Apprehension in a Business Computer Application Class, Theresa McDonald


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Commercial Protocols for the Inland Culture of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone 1931) (Crustacea; Decapoda; Penaeidae) in Zero-Exchange, Freshwater Systems, David Z. McMahon

Dissertation: Effectiveness of Faculty Training About Academic Accommodations: Impact on perceptions and Intentions, Nancy Vandewiele Milligan

Dissertation: Implementation of Wireless LAN in a University Environment: The Western Michigan University Haworth College of Business Case Study, Patricia K. Morgenstern

Dissertation: Improving Information Systems Security Through Management Practices: A Non-technical Approach, Karen D. Nard


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Molecular Genetic Approaches to Species Identification and Delineation in Elasmobranchs, Janne T. Nielsen

Dissertation: The Effect of the High School Environment on Encouraging Girls to Major in Computer Science, Lisa M. Olivieri


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Identification of Drinking Water as a National and Regional Strategic Resource, Within a Coastal Zone Management Framework, in Broward County, Florida., John P. O'Sullivan

Dissertation: An Investigation of the Web Sites of the 100 Largest Nonprofit Organizations in the United States, E. Kent Palmer

Dissertation: Wireless Integrated Secure Data Options Model (WISDOM) for Converged Network Security, James F. Ransome

Dissertation: School-Based Support for Elementary School Teaching with Technology, Pamela Rawls

Dissertation: Cognitive Based Adaptive Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Robotic Vehicles, Adam A. Razavian

Dissertation: Development of an Instructional Design Model for Problem-Based Online Learning Environments in Continuing Medical Education, Karen A. Richards

Dissertation: Human-Agent Interaction and Web-based Systems: A Study of User Performance and Software Agent Learning, Mina Richards

Dissertation: Infusing Online Components into the Academic Coursework of High Schools in the State of New York using HSTOR-E, Kathleen Doty Roberts

Dissertation: A Model to Increase Persistence in Postsecondary Online Learning, Ellen R. Scalese

Dissertation: The EC Institute's Certification in Electronic Commerce: From Development to Implementation of a New Professional IT Credential, Patricia Sendall


Dissertation: Data Driven Calculations Histories to Minimize IEEE-755 Floating-point Computational Error, Lawrence E. Shafer


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Competition Among Juvenile Acropora on Shallow Reefs, Okinawa, Japan, Aya Shinohara


Dissertation: A Framework for the Identification of Electronic Commerce Visual Design Elements that Enable Trust within the Small Hotel Industry, R. Todd Stephens

Dissertation: Developing of a Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy and Online Training for a Community College, Edit Szanto

Dissertation: A Study of the Processes by Which Enterprise Architecture Decisions are Made, Utako Tanigawa


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparison of the Benthic Assemblages on Three Types of Artificial Reef Modules Deployed in August of 1991, Sara Matthews Thanner

Dissertation: A Case for Animation: A Study of the Use of Forensic Multimedia in the Courtroom, Eddie R. Wachter


Dissertation: Applying Security Risk Management to Internet Connectivity in K-12 Schools and School Districts, Carol C. Woody

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Studies on the Seasonal Occurrence And Activity of Higher Filamentous Marine Fungi Inhabiting A South Florida Mangrove Forest, Kelly Adams

Dissertation: Faculty Perceptions of Instructional Management Systems in Web-Based Teaching and Learning, Valerie A. Akuna

Dissertation: Integrating Multimedia Authoring into the Middle School Curriculum, Kevin M. Andreyo

Dissertation: User-Interface Design in Online Shopping Environments: The Development of a Product Interaction Model from Interactive Design Elements, Lisa Z. Bain

Dissertation: An Information Systems Project Delivery Methodology for Implementing Web-Based Program Management Systems, Ronald L. Booth

Dissertation: The Measurement of Environmental Factors during Function Point Calculations, Donna L. Caccioppo

Dissertation: Assessment of Web Application Technology, John W. Cane

Dissertation: Performance Modeling of Asynchronous Real-time Communication Within Bluetooth Networks, Steven V. Case


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Application of Molecular Techniques to Studies of the Reproductive Natural History and Conservation of Sharks: Case Studies Involving the Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo (Sphyrnidae) and Great White, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamnidae)., Demian D. Chapman

Dissertation: Using E-Book Readers to Assist ESL College Students in Developing Their Academic Language Skills, Raylene D. Cochran

Dissertation: Discovering Interesting Rules Using A Parallel, Multi-Criteria Knowledge Discovery System, Megan S. Conklin

Dissertation: The Model E-Classroom for Higher Education: A Case Study, Jean F. Coppola

Dissertation: Developing a Wider View of Educational Technology Through Ubiquitous Computing: A Qualitative Case Study, D. Bruce Curry

Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Hispanic Students' Achievement in Traditional In-class courses and Internet-based Courses, Maria del Pilar Toral


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparative Functional Morphology of Mouthparts and Associated Structures of Kalliapseudes Sp. A McSweeny, 1968, and Psammokalliapseudes granulosus Brum, 1973 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), with a Description of the Male of Psammokalliapseudes granulosus, David T. Drumm


Thesis: Growth and Survivorship of Meandrina meandrites and Montastrea cavernosa Transplants to an Artificial Reef Environment, and the Effectiveness of Plugging Core Holes in Transplant Donor Colonies, Elizabeth Glynn Fahy


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Spatial Variability of the Coral Reef Fish Assemblages Offshore Broward County, Florida, Fleur M. Ferro

Dissertation: The Design of an Online Oblate Program: Benedictine Spirituality for the Laity, Bonita L. Gacnik


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Physical and Biological Parameters on the Survival of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Beach Sand and Seawater in a Sub-Tropical Environment, Aaron Hartz


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Salinity Tolerance of Naked Amoebae from Freshwater, Marine, and Hypersaline Environments, Gwen Hauer

Dissertation: A Multiple Online Learning Platform Study of the Impact of Learning Style on Academic Performance, Judith A. Horvath

Thesis - NSU Access Only: Experiments in Algal Feeds for the Penaied Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), Sea Urchin (Lytechinus variegatus), and Marine Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis and B. rotundiformis), Richard L. Hubbard

Dissertation: An Investigation of the Relationships Between Workflow and The Implementation of Object-Oriented Methods, Stephen L. Huber


Thesis: Habitat Utilization by Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Biscayne Bay, Florida, Christine A. Hudak

Dissertation: Collaborative Learning and Wireless Local Area Networks, Gene Hundley

Dissertation: Inferential Disclosure Limitation in Multivariate Categorical Databases, Randy Lamar Justice

Dissertation: Caregiver well-being and occupational lifestyle enrichment : a comparative case study, Wendy Krupnick

Dissertation: Implications of 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 11-Computer Validations and COTS System Testing, Christina M. Laiacona

Dissertation: Securing Web Based Transaction Services, John J. Lombardi

Dissertation: The Adaptation and Implementation of ISTE Standards in the Integration of Technology-based Learning in the Classroom, Gloria J. MacCorkindale


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Histopathology of Cardiovascular Lesions in 17 Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) Stranded in the Florida Panhandle During 1997, 1998, and 2001, Milan Manasijevic


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study of Stranded Dolphins Along the Florida Coastline, Ali P. Miller


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Macrobenthic Spatial Patterns and Community Structure on the Broward County, Florida (USA) Reefs., Ryan P. Moyer

Dissertation: A Retention Issue-Predicting The at Risk Student in Community College Web-Based Classes, Herbert E. Muse Jr.

Dissertation: Data Conversion: An Investigation of Management Role in the Change Process, Mc-Chester O. Odoh

Dissertation: An Investigation of the Skill Sets Needed by Information Systems Managers to Cope Effectively with the Transition from Legacy Systems to Client/Server and Distributed Computing Environments, Ejike C. Okonkwo

Dissertation: Sensory modulation and affective disorders in children and adolescents with asperger syndrome, Elizabeth Pfeiffer


Dissertation: Finding Unexpected Events in Staring Continuous-Dwell Sensor Data Streams Via Adaptive Prediction, Peter G. Raeth


Dissertation: An Integrated, Secured, Open-Source Medical Prototype for Collaborative Patient Management on the Internet, Joseph Dabre Ramsey


Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of Design Techniques for the Construction of an Expert System for Aircraft Engine Diagnostics, Mitch Raton


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Feed Trials of Fatty Acid Composition, Feeding Frequency, and Ration Size on Litopenaeus vannamei Grown in Hard, Fresh Water, John L. Reguzzoni


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effect of Nutrient Enrichment and Elevated CO2 Partial Pressure on Growth Rate of the Zooxanthellate Coral Acropora cervicornis., Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar

Dissertation: A Model for Strategic Planning and Administering an Asynchronous Learning Network and SCORM within Higher Education Using the UML, Everett Ryam

Dissertation: Investigating the Role of Sexual Reproduction in Diploidy Age-Structured Evolutionary Populations, Jerry A. Smith


Dissertation: Biology and Ecologyof Epigean Crayfish That Inhabit Everglades Environments Procambarus alleni (Faxon) and Procambarus fallax (Hagen), Peggy G. Vanarman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Occurrence of Higher Filamentous Fungi and Yeasts in Two Coastal Subtropical Habitats, Catherine Vogel


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Seasonality of Mass Strandings: Implications for Cetacean Stranding Sites, Rebekah J. Walker

Dissertation: Web Services Based Agents for Supply Chain Collaborative Contract Initiation, Gary J. Wane


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Long Term Effects of Oil and Dispersed Oil on Mixed Seagrass and Coral Beds: The 18th Year of Studies Following Experimental Dosing, Greg Allen Ward

Dissertation: A Taxonomy of Media Usage in Multimedia (T-MUM), Meghan Williams


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Phylogenetic Relationships in the Gorgonian Family Plexauridae (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Holaxonia) Based on Two Mitochondrial Genes: Evidence for Multiple Lineages, Herman H. Wirshing

Dissertation: A Model for the Implementation of a Blog in a Manufacturing Environment, Chaelynne M. Wolak

Dissertation: Wireless LAN Technologies: A Model for Planning, Designing, and Implementing a WLAN Solution in a Global Manufacturing Enterprise, Ronald G. Wolak


Thesis: Age, Growth and the Annual Cycles of lipogenesis and Reproduction of Acanthurus bahianus in Southeastern Florida, Stacy M. Wolfe

Dissertation: A Model of Critical Success Factors for Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Packages in Higher Education, Ilya V. Yakovlev

Theses/Dissertations from 2002

Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Achievement of Students in a Distance Learning Second Language Class and in a Traditional Classroom Second Language Class, Beverly S. Alcott


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Nearshore Hardbottom Fishes of Broward County, Florida USA, Robert M. Baron

Dissertation: A Systems Analysis of a Networked Information Technology System at a Local Police Department: The Melbourne Police Department Case Study, M. Joanna Bass

Dissertation: The Effect of Computer-Based Accounting Practice Sets on The Achievement of Introductory College Accounting Students, Bryce A. Bernard

Dissertation: The Development of Reliable Metrics to Measure the Efficiency of Object-Oriented Dispatching using Ada 95 a High-Level Language implementing Hard-Deadline Real-time Programming, Eugene W. P. Bingue

Dissertation: Application of Artificial Neural Networks to the Tactical Asset Allocation Model, C. Augusto Casas

Dissertation: The Viability of a Satellite-based Internet Learning System for the Hospitality Industry: A Case Study, Galen R. Collins

Dissertation: Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI Test Automation, Alfredo Cruz

Dissertation: Visually Searching the World Wide Web for Content: A Study of Two Search Interfaces, Carol Cusano


Dissertation: The Geometric Mean as a Generator of Truth-Value in Heuristic Expert Systems: An Improvement over the Fuzzy Weighted Arithmetic Mean, Walter L. Dixon

Dissertation: Computer System Self-Defense Through Object Self/Non-Self Recognition, James T. Dollens

Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of DDs and Humans on Making Loan Decisions, Tammy I. Engelman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Beach Renourishment on Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nesting and Hatching Parameters, Jennifer M. Gibson Hartwig

Dissertation: An Investigation of Project Dependencies and Risks in Project Schedule Slippage and Effort Overrun in the Engineering Computing Organization, Farideh V. Gozleveli

Dissertation: Design and Implementation of a Prototype Toolset for Full Life-Cycle Management of Web-Based Application, Joseph G. Gulla

Dissertation: High Speed Routing Table Lookups for Current and Next Generation Internet Routing, Ernest Hampson III

Dissertation: A Study of the Use of Paper Book Metaphors in the Design of Electronic Books, Harold A. Henke

Dissertation: Audiologist as the entry level professional, Hish Husein