CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
Towards a framework of biometrics exam authentication in e-learning environments
Event Name/Location
Vancouver, BC, Canada / 2007
Presentation Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings Title
Proceeding of the Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA) 2007
In the past fifteen years the use of Internet technologies has been substantially growing for delivery of educational content. E-learning environments have been incorporated in many universities for the delivery of e-learning courses. However, opponents of e-learning claim that a central disadvantage of such teaching medium is by growing academic misconduct in such environments. In particular, opponents of e-learning argue that the inability to authenticate exam takers is a major challenge of e-learning environments. As a result, some institutions proposed to take extreme measures including asking e-learning students to take exams in proctor centers or even abandon completely the offering of e-learning courses in their institutions. This paper attempts to address this important problem by proposing a framework that incorporates available fingerprint biometric authentication technologies in conjunction with e-learning environments to curb unethical conduct during e-learning exam taking. The proposed framework suggests practical solution that can incorporate a repeated fingerprint biometric user authentication during exam taking in e-learning courses. Doing so is hypothesized to curb exam cheating in e-learning environments.
First Page
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NSUWorks Citation
Ramim, Michelle M. and Levy, Yair, "Towards a framework of biometrics exam authentication in e-learning environments" (2007). CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures. 119.
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Conference website: http://www.irma-international.org/proceeding/managing-worldwide-operations-communications-information/31510/